Yet another smack in the mouth for the Evolutionist's... the Miller - Urey experiment...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-11-21 10:04:25 UTC


according to this article. here we have an attempt to create life by probably well meaning
but inept scientist's hoping to find some way to show how life might come from things that
are not alive.

if they would have paused for a moment and concluded from their own ' science ' that
nothing of and no combination of the dead elements in the Periodic Table are not alive
they'd have understood that life is not in things not alive ( duh ) and can not be made
out of things not alive.

but boy's will be boy's and so they set up what from the outset was doomed to failure to
answer the question : " Where did life come from ? "

assumptions abound right from the start of their experiment. things that are not alive
were hoped to come alive by introducing a simulated lightning bolt in a closed system
resembling early earth condition's... ( lightning and electricity is not alive nor is the
air we breathe ) ... they supposed that " early earth " is different than earth ( and it's
elemental properties ) is today.

they failed to pause a moment and see that their pre-exisiting belief in chemical
Evolution already biased their thinking the outcome would be in line what all Atheists
want... a universe and living being's created through accident's in nature.

coupling this idea with the idea that the earth was a different kind of environment
billions of years ago... that it was some kind of chemical factory working haphazardly
churning out " all the right stuff " so that in eon's past absolute sterility produces
life from elements that are not alive.

billions of years times dead elements equal dead elements that are still not alive today.
somehow, only in their thinking, does time bring what is not alive to life.

in their thinking the earth of today is not the same as the earth was yesterday. remember
that ' yesterday, ' in their view, is counted in billions of years and not just over the
13000 years old it really is...

the only thing that these fellow's have shown is that man's effort's to find how life came
from elements that are not alive are futile. all that they could show is that no elements
when mixed together produce other chemicals and out of sterility no life is possible,
especially in the environment of their experiments.

at least they knew enough not to put something alive into their little test tubes since it
would have been fried by the induced lightning bolts in their simulated primitive
atmosphere and boiled to death in their simulated boiling ocean. all they produced was
exactly the folly of Evolution... boiling oceans and burning atmosphere's do not produce
life from elements that are not alive.

this is the Evolutionist's self-contradictory presuppositions : that non living elements
boiled and fried produce life. therefore, they set up their experiment in accordance with
the un-scientific idea of the Big Bang and Darwin's Evolution in view... two dead ends.

in review... ocean water is not alive; the atmosphere is not alive; lightning is not
alive; a vacuum is not alive; time is not alive... all of which means elements which are
not alive do not magically come to life.

furthermore, we know the earth is just over thirteen thousand years old by the only Book
which accurately and truthfully records the universe and man's beginning. and the same
Book tells truthfully where life came from, and that book is the Bible, the infallible
Word of God. life comes from the Living God.

the lifespan's of certain men are recorded there in the Bible and from Adam to Christ we
know the earth is but thirteen thousand and a few years old, we also know from the Bible
that life comes from the One who is Life, the Living God.
2009-11-21 19:16:47 UTC
Our dear friend joe keeps grinding away with the same millstone around
his neck. He fudges the question to his own liking.

Evolution means change over time, it says nothing about origins. It is
an explanation of why species long ago alive no longer are and why those
today did not exist then; and the tens of thousands of species in
between. This entire process happening over vast time depth. The
question of origins is not relevant to an explanation of why this should
be so.

This is the bottom line, our friend joe is not addressing the question
of evolution but rendering a strawman of his own making, a 60 year old
experiment long ago surplanted. If smacks are being given, it is in a
mirror and repeating falsehoods by ommission and inventing strawmen does
not remove that mirror..

May God bless and protect our friend joe.
