old man joe
2010-01-31 13:01:21 UTC
" That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and
strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world "
Eph. 2:12 KJV
" without God " in this passage is " atheos, " from which we get our word " atheist. "
as we read the posts made by Atheists we find an intense hatred for God and man expressed in their
point of view with cursing's and shouting's. they challenge the Word of God, the Bible, from
every conceivable angle as though they are capable in expounding the Scriptures... a thing not even
the Pharisees were capable of with a lifetime of devotion to the written Word. they get their
information from Atheist TV shows such as History Channel and Hollywood movies such as the da Vinci
Code and they automatically think themselves capable to expound the Holy Scriptures...
God says otherwise... Ps 50:16 " But to the wicked God says, "What right have you to tell of My
statutes and to take My covenant in your mouth? "
an Atheist is God's property as the elect are His property. ( Ez. 18:4 ) He has made one vessel for
honor and the other for dishonor. ( Ro. 9:21; 2 Tim. 2:20; Pv. 3:35 ) curse and revile as they
do, this is the life they are assigned to live by God. He has made them for dishonor.
they are treated by Him as " stranger's and aliens " and they have " no hope " since they are
" without God " by His design. it is then not surprising at all to find them posting blasphemous
opinions about God and their fellow man... it's all part of an outward display of the inward
appointment of what it is to be " without God... " " you are of your father the devil " Christ says
" and you want to do the desires of your father... " Jn. 8:44
and this they do well.
what value then is an Atheist in this world ? these are given as a sign to God's elect... " in no
way alarmed by your opponents--which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you,
and that too, from God. " Php 1:28
the Life given to His elect ones contrasts against the darkness of those who are given as a sign of
destruction. while His elect praise Him the Atheist's curse Him... the mouth speaks out of that
which fills the heart. Lk. 6:45
His elect ones are reminded that they came into this world as Atheist's, also. ( Ps. 58:3 ) it is
only by the grace of God that they are elect unto salvation. it is only by the new birth of Jn. 3:3
given to His elect ones that they are made different than those who are perishing. being ever
thankful to God for His grace in Spirit and in Truth is the mark of salvation.
strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world "
Eph. 2:12 KJV
" without God " in this passage is " atheos, " from which we get our word " atheist. "
as we read the posts made by Atheists we find an intense hatred for God and man expressed in their
point of view with cursing's and shouting's. they challenge the Word of God, the Bible, from
every conceivable angle as though they are capable in expounding the Scriptures... a thing not even
the Pharisees were capable of with a lifetime of devotion to the written Word. they get their
information from Atheist TV shows such as History Channel and Hollywood movies such as the da Vinci
Code and they automatically think themselves capable to expound the Holy Scriptures...
God says otherwise... Ps 50:16 " But to the wicked God says, "What right have you to tell of My
statutes and to take My covenant in your mouth? "
an Atheist is God's property as the elect are His property. ( Ez. 18:4 ) He has made one vessel for
honor and the other for dishonor. ( Ro. 9:21; 2 Tim. 2:20; Pv. 3:35 ) curse and revile as they
do, this is the life they are assigned to live by God. He has made them for dishonor.
they are treated by Him as " stranger's and aliens " and they have " no hope " since they are
" without God " by His design. it is then not surprising at all to find them posting blasphemous
opinions about God and their fellow man... it's all part of an outward display of the inward
appointment of what it is to be " without God... " " you are of your father the devil " Christ says
" and you want to do the desires of your father... " Jn. 8:44
and this they do well.
what value then is an Atheist in this world ? these are given as a sign to God's elect... " in no
way alarmed by your opponents--which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you,
and that too, from God. " Php 1:28
the Life given to His elect ones contrasts against the darkness of those who are given as a sign of
destruction. while His elect praise Him the Atheist's curse Him... the mouth speaks out of that
which fills the heart. Lk. 6:45
His elect ones are reminded that they came into this world as Atheist's, also. ( Ps. 58:3 ) it is
only by the grace of God that they are elect unto salvation. it is only by the new birth of Jn. 3:3
given to His elect ones that they are made different than those who are perishing. being ever
thankful to God for His grace in Spirit and in Truth is the mark of salvation.