2014-09-22 11:16:43 UTC
from : " Catholic Answer's " ...
" The faithful ( Protestants and everyone else are not in their view ) knew, through the witness
of Scripture and Tradition, that Jesus was Marys only child and that she remained a lifelong
virgin. "
wonderfully, the Bible says to the contrary... not only about the Lord's disdain for tradition
because traditions are nothing more than a fabrication on the part of those who would gain from it,
( Isa. 29:13,14; Mt. 15:1-9 ) but also that Mary bore no less than 6 other children. when such
information is gathered from the Holy Scriptures there is no call to get answer's from reprobate
philosopher's intending to concoct a female deity out of Mary.
such it is in Mt. 13:55,56 " Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and
his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things? "
the contention arises in the Bible word translated " brethren. " the Catholics say that " brethren"
here does not mean blood brother's... as coming from the same mother. to the contrary, the Bible
word God uses to illustrate that a blood brother is spoken of comes from the Greek word He used in
Mt. 13:55 and elsewhere. that word is " adelphos ... coming from the same womb " and it is the
exact same word used in Mt. 4:18 describing the relationship not only between flesh and blood kin,
but also the difference between God's use of the word translated ' brother ' and ' brethern. '
( God knew before He ever created the world that Mary would be held up higher than He and so He put
such language into His Word so that the elect would know the truth. )
there we read... " And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter,
and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. "
here we have two occasions of the same word adelphos being translated ' brethern ' and
' brother's. ' since on this occasion Peter and his brother Andrew were not yet called into
disciplship by Christ, and not called into apostleship 'til some time later still, it can not be
mistaken that the word rendered ' brother's ' does not mean disciples... otherwise, Peter is a
disciple of Andrew and not his blood brother.
desiring to raise Mary up to deity level such lies are intended. perverting the plain teaching of
Holy Scripture is a sign of rebellion against the very God these co-redeemer's pretend to worship.
these idolater's quote their own philosopher's explanation of the Bible rather than study it
themselves... slothfulness is another sign of reprobation. Pv. 6:9 and following.
Mary would not have married Joseph if not having children was their purpose... that's why men and
women marry... to have children... a family. Ps.127:3-5 is God's reward of children to an elect
couple. The idea that Mary did not have children comes from the homosexuals disguised as
' priest's ' from the time of the early Church until now ....homosexuality is connected with idol
worship according to Ro.1:18 and following as well as 1 Cor. 6:9,10 and elsewhere in Holy Scripture.
Anyone with a heart that knows God can do a word study on the word " till " in Mt.1:25 and discover
that Mary was kept by Joseph, her husband, a virgin " till " she delivered Jesus, after which her
virginity ended according to the meaning of the word God used in this passage thus reaffirming the
true meaning of Mt.13:55,56.
If the Word of God declares Mary had at least 6 other children besides Jesus and you refuse to
believe that Mary had at least 6 other children besides Jesus... you are calling God a liar. And
* that * is a serious matter. Those who are saved are those who agree with the Word of God.
And this is the test of salvation, whether or not you can hear the Word of God, Jn.10:27.
" The faithful ( Protestants and everyone else are not in their view ) knew, through the witness
of Scripture and Tradition, that Jesus was Marys only child and that she remained a lifelong
virgin. "
wonderfully, the Bible says to the contrary... not only about the Lord's disdain for tradition
because traditions are nothing more than a fabrication on the part of those who would gain from it,
( Isa. 29:13,14; Mt. 15:1-9 ) but also that Mary bore no less than 6 other children. when such
information is gathered from the Holy Scriptures there is no call to get answer's from reprobate
philosopher's intending to concoct a female deity out of Mary.
such it is in Mt. 13:55,56 " Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and
his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things? "
the contention arises in the Bible word translated " brethren. " the Catholics say that " brethren"
here does not mean blood brother's... as coming from the same mother. to the contrary, the Bible
word God uses to illustrate that a blood brother is spoken of comes from the Greek word He used in
Mt. 13:55 and elsewhere. that word is " adelphos ... coming from the same womb " and it is the
exact same word used in Mt. 4:18 describing the relationship not only between flesh and blood kin,
but also the difference between God's use of the word translated ' brother ' and ' brethern. '
( God knew before He ever created the world that Mary would be held up higher than He and so He put
such language into His Word so that the elect would know the truth. )
there we read... " And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter,
and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. "
here we have two occasions of the same word adelphos being translated ' brethern ' and
' brother's. ' since on this occasion Peter and his brother Andrew were not yet called into
disciplship by Christ, and not called into apostleship 'til some time later still, it can not be
mistaken that the word rendered ' brother's ' does not mean disciples... otherwise, Peter is a
disciple of Andrew and not his blood brother.
desiring to raise Mary up to deity level such lies are intended. perverting the plain teaching of
Holy Scripture is a sign of rebellion against the very God these co-redeemer's pretend to worship.
these idolater's quote their own philosopher's explanation of the Bible rather than study it
themselves... slothfulness is another sign of reprobation. Pv. 6:9 and following.
Mary would not have married Joseph if not having children was their purpose... that's why men and
women marry... to have children... a family. Ps.127:3-5 is God's reward of children to an elect
couple. The idea that Mary did not have children comes from the homosexuals disguised as
' priest's ' from the time of the early Church until now ....homosexuality is connected with idol
worship according to Ro.1:18 and following as well as 1 Cor. 6:9,10 and elsewhere in Holy Scripture.
Anyone with a heart that knows God can do a word study on the word " till " in Mt.1:25 and discover
that Mary was kept by Joseph, her husband, a virgin " till " she delivered Jesus, after which her
virginity ended according to the meaning of the word God used in this passage thus reaffirming the
true meaning of Mt.13:55,56.
If the Word of God declares Mary had at least 6 other children besides Jesus and you refuse to
believe that Mary had at least 6 other children besides Jesus... you are calling God a liar. And
* that * is a serious matter. Those who are saved are those who agree with the Word of God.
And this is the test of salvation, whether or not you can hear the Word of God, Jn.10:27.