Cursing Harold Camping for allegorical interpretations also curses Apostle Paul for using the same method Gal. 4:24
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-10-31 12:32:14 UTC
and since the Living God is the Author of His Word the Bible, the same is to curse God

Camping is condemned by some as a false prophet for his conclusion that Judgement Day and
the Rapture will fall on May 21, 2011. along with this condemnation he's accused of using
an allegorical method to interpret the Scriptures which he uses to interpret the spiritual
meaning behind the words and parables throughout the Bible.

the God of the Bible obviously instructs the Apostle Paul that this is an acceptable
method to understand His Word as He examples in Gal. 4:24 where He says...
" This is allegorically speaking, for these women are two covenants... " allegories in
the Bible are almost the same as parables... the student must dig deep into God's Word to
find the spiritual meaning which is otherwise not immediately apparent.

Peter's explanation of the end of the world is exampled by God's use of the Flood as an
explanation of that event as a similarity of the events of the final End of this world.
this is an allegory. an allegory is representative or emblematic of something else; it is
figurative of Bible truth not said directly in the allegory. it is a type... one figure
representing another as in Ro. 5:14.

Christ Himself explained that the ' sign ' of Jonah, being in the belly of the fish three
days, is exactly where and exactly how we can understand that God placed one event in His
Word to illustrate another... Christ gave this event as a sign that He would be in the
belly of the earth for three days.

again, the doctrine of the propitiation of Christ is allegorically illustrated in Jacob's
approach to his brother Esau in Gen. 33. in 1 Cor. 10:1-6 God explains by an allegory the
Israelites passing through the sea... the Bible is replete with allegories, types, signs,
parables and examples of one event explaining another.

these things hide spiritual truth from the tares, on purpose. ( Lk. 8:10 ) and just as
the co-redeemer's give themselves the boast of saying they chose Christ, which is
completely foreign to Holy Scripture ( Jn. 1:12,13 ) so too, they find fault with anyone
speaking of salvation by grace alone. they define grace as man doing something good
towards God so as to invoke Him to save... if one does not invoke, one is not saved.

using the co-redeemer's method of Bible interpretation they do not understand that
salvation is un-conditional... how then will they understand anything else in the Bible
since they are in the flesh ?

the Bible is a spiritual Book. itself explains how to interpret it. without the Spirit
of God indwelling the tares, the co-redeemer's will always find fault with the elect's
interpretation of God's Word. character attacks follow as they try to demonstrate
their superior abilities; after all, it is by their superior abilities they chose to save
themselves though Christ says to the contrary. Mt. 19:16-26

Camping is concluding from the Bible by means of God ordained methods of interpretation
that the elect will know the time of the End, that it is soon, and the elect are overjoyed
while the tares find fault. these are the " scoffer's " who say.. " Where is the promise
of His coming ? "
2009-10-31 14:03:56 UTC
"Camping is condemned by some as a false prophet for his conclusion that
Judgeme nt Day and the Rapture will fall on May 21, 2011."

His first prediction was sometime in the '90's. I haven't followed how
other dates might have come and gone since as nothing happened.
Adventist and watchtower folk share this dubious experience with him.

Are we not to flee those who predict and are found to be wrong?

The "allegorical" understanding is not found with himfirst or alone
as it is a normal part of bible commentary from the early times. What
is unusual is his obsession with numbers he plucks from scripture by
methods of his own invention and in like manner putting them as pieces
in a "code" he seems to think he has discovered. From such he gets his
predictions, already found to be faulty methodology and having failed
the test best ignored one thinks.

From this practice he has invented other screwy bits of doctrine about
abandoning churches in the present time and other such very dubious
notions. If we follow the direction to flee him for being a failed
prophet, these bits would seem to show the foundation of sand upon which
he pronounces his notions.

All in all, he is dubious as scripture judges him and not of my opinion.