old man joe
2010-07-26 14:02:28 UTC
the idea that man came from monkeys and is not made in the image of God, which is contrary to Gen.
chapter 1 of Holy Scripture, just goes to show what lengths the Atheists have reached in trying to
bury their conscience.
the world around them doesn't teach them that fury animals have fur because their ancestor's had
fur. the world around them doesn't teach them that crocodiles don't mate with bird's, instead, they
eat them. but the Atheist sees himself as a descendant of the monkey. when is the last time an
Atheist had ticks for dinner and lived in trees ? yet, this is how they think though none of them
shows any traits of the monkey's they think they came from.
the Atheists need somewhere to bury their fear of Judgement Day. an anti-Christ religion based in
Darwin's ideas of the world he created is simply, that place.
marrying his own first cousin, Darwin found that place and passed it on to other's. what better way
to cover incest than to concoct a religion based on man being nothing more than a learned animal
without a conscience nor morals, just like the rest of the animal kingdom ?
this also is why God refers to Atheists as " unreasoning animals ... natural brute beasts. "
2 Pet. 2:12. these are made in the image of God but corrupted themselves so as to be " given up "
by God Ro. 1:18-32
its a pretty shameful thing that the all forgiving God gives up on people who've corrupted
themselves and are that far gone to be that repugnant to Him.
chapter 1 of Holy Scripture, just goes to show what lengths the Atheists have reached in trying to
bury their conscience.
the world around them doesn't teach them that fury animals have fur because their ancestor's had
fur. the world around them doesn't teach them that crocodiles don't mate with bird's, instead, they
eat them. but the Atheist sees himself as a descendant of the monkey. when is the last time an
Atheist had ticks for dinner and lived in trees ? yet, this is how they think though none of them
shows any traits of the monkey's they think they came from.
the Atheists need somewhere to bury their fear of Judgement Day. an anti-Christ religion based in
Darwin's ideas of the world he created is simply, that place.
marrying his own first cousin, Darwin found that place and passed it on to other's. what better way
to cover incest than to concoct a religion based on man being nothing more than a learned animal
without a conscience nor morals, just like the rest of the animal kingdom ?
this also is why God refers to Atheists as " unreasoning animals ... natural brute beasts. "
2 Pet. 2:12. these are made in the image of God but corrupted themselves so as to be " given up "
by God Ro. 1:18-32
its a pretty shameful thing that the all forgiving God gives up on people who've corrupted
themselves and are that far gone to be that repugnant to Him.