Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist... 1 Jn. 2:22 Hail Mary, Co-Redeemer...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-11-07 11:51:39 UTC
" Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist,
the one who denies the Father and the Son. " 1 Jn. 2:22


if some one had reverence for God at all; if some one was concerned about his own
salvation at all, he would not be counting on any other than Jesus Christ to be his

such is not the case with all those looking to the Virgin Mary as Co-Redeemer. it is no
secret that Catholic's want Mary officially named " Co-Redeemer. "

here the apostle, speaking by the Holy Spirit... one of the eleven remaining apostles
given the commission to bring the gospel of salvation taught them by the Son of God
Himself, ( Mt. 28:19,20 ) who were sent to teach the world of lost sinner's that Jesus
Christ alone is the Life, the Truth and the only Way to the Father, naming as antichrist
anyone who would deny that Christ is the Messiah, which is to say, He is the Promised
Redeemer, and no one else.

however, the co-redeemer's insist on there being more than Jesus Christ as a necessary
person to factor into God's purpose of salvation. these hold Mary to be the Queen of
Heaven naming this mere creature as deity and without which a person can not be saved.

Irenaeus the Bishop of Lyon writes... " so also Mary, betrothed to a man but nevertheless
still a virgin, being obedient, was made the cause of salvation for herself and for the
whole human race. "

Mary " was made the cause of salvation for herself ? " this idea goes beyond saying Mary
is Co-Redeemer " for the whole human race " and declares she is the Way, the Truth and the
Life in and of ' herself. ' Deity has no sin... Mary has no sin... Mary is Deity.

believed to be " The Arc of the New Covenant " ( and Old ) by the more versed
co-redeemer's, these find the Bible actually teaching co-reconciliation in Mary...
this they gather from 2 Cor. 5:18,19..." God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ
and gave us the ministry of reconciliation... " the " us " includes Mary, Co-Redeemer,
" Mediatrix of all Graces and Advocate " in their own words.

Christ, then, is considered a failure to do all the will of God that He came into the
world to do. what He lacked is filled up in the creature, namely, Mary, Co-Redeemer.
such is the tradition of Satan's follower's as they twist the Holy Scriptures to make
deity out of a mere human.

these are pointed out by the Holy Spirit as " liar's " in 1 Jn. 2:22 and elsewhere. the
elect, thanks be to God, are not deceived into worshiping statues and counting on Mary to
Co-Redeem them.
2009-11-07 14:09:31 UTC
Though pretending not to read, it is good to see our friend joe musing
upon various things.

One supposes that this current post is in response to what follows
below. All of the things he quoates others as saying about Mary come
long after the time of it. Calvin, his great hero would have accepted
it for its theological implications.

"Mary the mother of God", is an english rendering of "Mary the God
bearer" from the greek ; the first as a less awkward form in english
phrasing . The latter was a title given in response to one of the many
heresies about the dual nature of Christ.

Those saying He was not both man and divine spoke of His human birth.
The universal church council to give support to the dual nature made the
point that Christ's mother Mary did indeed in her womb bear Christ as
also the divine as the second person of the Holy Trinity.

The below makes the point that all was provided for in the OT as to the
coming of Christ and His mother of the line of David "a virgin shall
bear"; a teaching in the OT that came to be.

Now our friend joe can see that all he goes on about is in response to
something about which he does not understand and forr all the red
herring effort irrelevant to the post to which he responds. He can now
join calvin in saying "amen" considering it. God bless joe.

The original again:

"Mary, the Mother of God,...being pre-ordained by the eternal prescient
counsel of God and imaged forth and proclaimed in diverse images and
discourses of the prophets through the Holy Spirit, sprang at the
pre-determined time from the root of David, according to the promises
that were made to him. 'For the Lord hath sworn, He saith in truth to
David, He will not turn from itof the fruit of Thy body will I set upon
Thy throne' (Ps. 132:11). And again, 'Once have I sworn by My holiness,
that I will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure forever, and His
throne as the sun before Me. It shall be established for ever as the
moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven' (Ps. 139:35-37). And Isaiah
says'And there shall come out a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a
branch shall grow out of his roots' (Isaiah 11:1)."

St. John of Damascus.
