Those who are genuinely redeemed did nothing to become redeemed, as with the prophets God redeemed as fetuses, Ro.10:20; Ps.3:8...
(too old to reply)
2014-08-19 11:59:13 UTC
perhaps the most striking evidence given by God to us as found in Holy Scripture concerning the
redemption of God's elect is that nothing was nor is to be done in order to be given eternal life by
the Living God as we read in Acts 13:48 and Lam.3:26 for example.

if it were, then man is saved by works, not by the grace of God but by good works such as we hear
about being offered by the traditionalists saying... " Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you
will be saved. "

this of course means that the bulk of what passes itself off as Christianity today is worthless
since most everyone calling them self Christian will argue to the contrary. yet, we are assured by
the Word of God by word and example that no work of man could possibly merit the reward of

" Making a decision for Christ... Ask Jesus into your heart ... Surrender your will to Jesus " any
such denominational formulas are all designed from the idea that something must come from you into
to invoke God to redeem.

let's take for example the 4 prophets God redeemed while they were yet fetuses... these are Jacob,
David, Jeremiah and John the Baptist. the Word of God is crystal clear in the matter that these
four prophets were fetuses when God redeemed them. much unlike the many gospels of today which are
directed at the smart, these helpless fetuses did no good works... spoke no words inviting Jesus
into their hearts... were not baptized... partook of no Sacraments... told no sins to some priest
and certainly didn't call upon Mary for salvation... they were all fetuses not possessing even
self-awareness let alone the idea of ' making a decision for Christ ' or putting ones ' trust in
Christ ' ... trust is a good work, btw, Ps.37:3.

salvation belongs to the Lord, Ps.3:8... the Giver of life. that a person becomes redeemed is
solely the work of the Living God without human approval and human assistance in any way simply
because man is dead in sin even while a fetus, and man can not be saved by any good work of any
kind, Gal.2:16.

to be saved by good works would mean that a person would have to do daily, and momentarily, all of
the Laws of God, perfectly. to fail in word or deed of any one Commandment of God given us in Holy
Scripture condemns the individual as breaking the entire Law of God, Ja.2:10. the shed blood of
Jesus Christ is all that redeems and its not ours to take but of God to give, Jn. 1:12,13.

he would have to know the entire Word of God, the 66 Books of Holy Scripture by heart and be ever
mindful of it diligent not to violate any Commandment, of which there are hundreds. denominational
laws do not count anything towards God, Mt.15:9, simply because such is a show of feigned
righteousness. man can not be perfect before God at all times, Ecc.7:20, and, because it is a
human impossibility to be perfect before God is said by God to be a " curse " upon man to be
subject to God's law, Gal.3:10 since through the Law comes the knowledge of sin, Ro.3:20.

what then are the unredeemed to do ? God gives us the answer in the passages already offered in
the subject line of this post as well as in the context of John 6... note verse 37. man's will does
not even enter into the picture... after all, in what's called the " Lord Prayer " God says... " Thy
will be done "... not " mans will be done. " all of the glory for the doing belongs to God alone.
2014-08-19 15:11:58 UTC
In which case why bother speaking of it if people are robots?

Was john calvin among the elect or is he in hell?

Is harold camping among the elect?

Joe, curious minds want to know.
