The Bridegroom comes, Come out to meet him
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Allan Svensson
2009-08-03 12:05:54 UTC
The Bridegroom comes, Come out to meet him
Matt. 25:6.

From where shall we go out? We shall go out of the great
Babylon, the great whore. Rev. Chapter 17 and 18. This
command of the Lord in Rev. 18:4 is now highly topical.

Never before we have been so nearly Jesus' coming as we
are now, but how are God's people prepared? How is the
unity in the faith? Sorry, very bad! God's people are more
divided now than ever before. Instead of following what
the Bible teaches about the Assembly of God, they have
followed Satan's false assembly doctrine. They believe
that the Assembly of God is constituted of church systems
and many religious organizations.

Most Christians have not yet begun to prepare for Jesus'
coming. They can speak and write that Jesus shall come,
and about the signs of the time, yet they do not make any
preparation to meet Jesus. How can we make a preparation?
All God's people must in the first hand begin to study what
the Bible teaches about the Assembly of God. What we
need now before the restoration of the Assembly of God,
it is humility before God's word and a forgivable disposition
to each other.

The Assembly of God is no Pentecostal church. Please,
consider what this expression "the Assembly of God" in the
reality implies. The Assembly of God must be the same as
the Greek word "ekklesia", and the Body of Christ. 1 Cor.
12:12-31. Then it is easy to understand that this has nothing
to do with the Pentecostal Movement. Pentecostal churches
have existed about 100 years, but the Assembly of God has
ever existed since Jesus baptized his first disciples by the
Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gave them the new life in Christ
so that they became born anew. Then the Assembly of God
was born.

Allan Svensson

If you have any questions after reading of this article
Please, visit my Web Site

Evil spirits in the churches

The great Apostasy
Father Haskell
2009-08-03 20:08:13 UTC
  The Bridegroom comes, Come out to meet him
                           Matt. 25:6.
I thought the Corleone wedding was RSVP.
St. Jackanapes
2009-08-04 05:39:46 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, Father Haskell wrote...
Post by Father Haskell
  The Bridegroom comes, Come out to meet him
                           Matt. 25:6.
I thought the Corleone wedding was RSVP.
It is.
St. Jackanapes ~ Bearer of The One True Liver ~
Ordained Minister & Holy Saint of The Universal Life Church
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The ejaculate from Satan has the consistency
~ and smell of emesis." -- Andrew B Chung