Post by SergeiPost by Father Haskell
We know you didn't create the Earth. You're not intelligent at all.
He didn't put glorious Saturn a billion miles out, where no one
could see it, either.
-The universe was not created for your entertainment.
I thought the alleged gawd allegedly made the universe and
everything in it to inspire overflowing awe in the ignoran^H^H^H
Post by SergeiIf Saturn were much closer, it's gravity would grab us and we'd crash
into it.
Saturn is orbited by 62 moons and hundreds of rings, none of which
have "crashed into it" since at least Huygens discovered Titan, in
By your reasoning, Earth should also have been placed farther from
the Sun.
I still think my design for the solar system is WAY cooler than
the boring one we have now. Put Saturn at 93,000,000 miles from
the Sun, and make Earth one of its satellites. The view alone would
kick ass, plus, putting organic-rich Saturn within the temperate
Zone" would almost certainly trigger abiogenesis and produce a huge
quantity of raw material for billions of years of natural selection to
play with.