Allan Svensson
2009-05-09 18:30:13 UTC
Baptism by the Holy Spirit and the New Birth
Most Christians have not understood the truth of the baptism
by the Holy Spirit. They have understood it only partly, and
the little they have understood they have turned back to front.
They mean that we must be born again before we can be
baptized by the Holy Spirit. They do not understand that it is
when Jesus baptizes us by the Holy Spirit we get the new life
in Christ and we become born again. The Holy Spirit gives us
the new life in Christ and make the new birth. We are born
of the Spirit. John 3:3-8.
Those who have not understood the truth of the baptism by
the Holy Spirit, they neither have understood the connection
between the new birth and the baptism by the Holy Spirit.
When are people born again? When Jesus baptizes them by
the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives them the new life in Christ,
so that they become born again.
They have preached that the baptism with the Holy Spirit is
only for those who are born again. Yet, on the day of Pentecost
the apostle Peter promised people, which were not born again,
that they would get the Holy Spirit as a gift when they did
repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Consider,
that Peter promised the Holy Spirit to people who had not
been born again! And when they received the Holy Spirit,
what happened then? Well, then they got the new life in
Christ and became born again!
A preaching which creates doubt and uncertainty cannot be of
God. Many Christians do not understand that Jesus has baptized
them by the Holy Spirit, just because they have listened to a
wrong preaching about the baptism by the Holy Spirit. Many
have believed in Jesus and been saved for many years, and so
they wonder why Jesus has not baptized them by the Holy Spirit.
Why is only a little part of all Christians baptized by the Holy
Here we see that the truth of the baptism by the Holy Spirit is
entirely incompatible with the doctrine they have in the
Pentecostal churches and other free churches. They believe
that people can be members in the Assembly of God without
being baptized by the Holy Spirit. This is contrary to what the
Bible teaches. In the Assembly of God we are all baptized by
the same Spirit, not only those who are speaking with tongues.
1 Cor. 12:12-30. Those who do not are speaking with tongues,
they can have other gifts of grace.
They have preached that only those who are speaking with
tongues are baptized by the Holy Spirit, and that the gift to
speak with tongues is the only safe sign that a person is
baptized by the Holy Spirit. This is dangerously denying a
work of the Holy Spirit, and legalization of false speaking
with tongues.
In a Pentecostal church they are sitting in a meeting and make
decision for membership in their so-called Assembly of God.
And which are those who become selected as members. They
are people that Jesus has baptized by the Holy Spirit so that
they have been born again, and accordingly already belong to
the Assembly of God. Those become selected as members in
a Pentecostal church, in something they call "the Assembly
of God."
People become registered in something which is not any
Assembly of God. It is only called so. Teaching about the
Assembly of God is essential for new saved people, but
instead they become enticed in a false copy of the Assembly
of God. In that way Satan's false assembly doctrine does
function. It diverts attention from the Assembly of God.
What the Bible teaches about the Assembly of God, this they
apply to churches and denominations, which not at all are any
assemblies of God. Because of this, the members never hear
any sermon or any teaching about the Assembly of God.
Instead to take care about the Assembly of God, the preachers
take care of these false copies of the Assembly.
When people receive Jesus and be saved, and other Christians
experience revival and renewal, then the devil wants to ensnare
them and make them sleepy again. Where it is a false doctrine,
there are also the evil spirits working to keep people bound to
the false doctrine, and therewith hinder them to understand
God's word.
To be able to expose and combat the false assembly doctrine
of Satan, we must study what the Bible teaches about the
Assembly of God. The Bible does not mention a word about
any free churches or their assemblies. They are so unbiblical
as the infant baptism of the church. In the Bible the local
assemblies have no names. They are mentioned according to
the cities and places where they lived. There was no assembly
named Corinth and none named Rom or Ephesus.
In daily speaking and writing we use many words which do
not occur in the Bible. We use the words we need. A word or
a way of expressing does not need be wrong only because it
does not occur in the Bible. Yet, we must consider what the
words imply, and if they are suitable in the context in which
people usually use the words. It is important that we use a
correct way of expressing. We cannot use the word "church"
or "free church" when we mean the Assembly of God, then
it becomes wrong.
Allan Svensson
If you have any questions after reading of this article
Please, visit my Web Site
The Promise of the Spirit that Jesus "forgot"
The Whole Assembly of God is Baptized with the Holy Spirit
The New Birth
We are Born into the Assembly of God
Most Christians have not understood the truth of the baptism
by the Holy Spirit. They have understood it only partly, and
the little they have understood they have turned back to front.
They mean that we must be born again before we can be
baptized by the Holy Spirit. They do not understand that it is
when Jesus baptizes us by the Holy Spirit we get the new life
in Christ and we become born again. The Holy Spirit gives us
the new life in Christ and make the new birth. We are born
of the Spirit. John 3:3-8.
Those who have not understood the truth of the baptism by
the Holy Spirit, they neither have understood the connection
between the new birth and the baptism by the Holy Spirit.
When are people born again? When Jesus baptizes them by
the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives them the new life in Christ,
so that they become born again.
They have preached that the baptism with the Holy Spirit is
only for those who are born again. Yet, on the day of Pentecost
the apostle Peter promised people, which were not born again,
that they would get the Holy Spirit as a gift when they did
repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Consider,
that Peter promised the Holy Spirit to people who had not
been born again! And when they received the Holy Spirit,
what happened then? Well, then they got the new life in
Christ and became born again!
A preaching which creates doubt and uncertainty cannot be of
God. Many Christians do not understand that Jesus has baptized
them by the Holy Spirit, just because they have listened to a
wrong preaching about the baptism by the Holy Spirit. Many
have believed in Jesus and been saved for many years, and so
they wonder why Jesus has not baptized them by the Holy Spirit.
Why is only a little part of all Christians baptized by the Holy
Here we see that the truth of the baptism by the Holy Spirit is
entirely incompatible with the doctrine they have in the
Pentecostal churches and other free churches. They believe
that people can be members in the Assembly of God without
being baptized by the Holy Spirit. This is contrary to what the
Bible teaches. In the Assembly of God we are all baptized by
the same Spirit, not only those who are speaking with tongues.
1 Cor. 12:12-30. Those who do not are speaking with tongues,
they can have other gifts of grace.
They have preached that only those who are speaking with
tongues are baptized by the Holy Spirit, and that the gift to
speak with tongues is the only safe sign that a person is
baptized by the Holy Spirit. This is dangerously denying a
work of the Holy Spirit, and legalization of false speaking
with tongues.
In a Pentecostal church they are sitting in a meeting and make
decision for membership in their so-called Assembly of God.
And which are those who become selected as members. They
are people that Jesus has baptized by the Holy Spirit so that
they have been born again, and accordingly already belong to
the Assembly of God. Those become selected as members in
a Pentecostal church, in something they call "the Assembly
of God."
People become registered in something which is not any
Assembly of God. It is only called so. Teaching about the
Assembly of God is essential for new saved people, but
instead they become enticed in a false copy of the Assembly
of God. In that way Satan's false assembly doctrine does
function. It diverts attention from the Assembly of God.
What the Bible teaches about the Assembly of God, this they
apply to churches and denominations, which not at all are any
assemblies of God. Because of this, the members never hear
any sermon or any teaching about the Assembly of God.
Instead to take care about the Assembly of God, the preachers
take care of these false copies of the Assembly.
When people receive Jesus and be saved, and other Christians
experience revival and renewal, then the devil wants to ensnare
them and make them sleepy again. Where it is a false doctrine,
there are also the evil spirits working to keep people bound to
the false doctrine, and therewith hinder them to understand
God's word.
To be able to expose and combat the false assembly doctrine
of Satan, we must study what the Bible teaches about the
Assembly of God. The Bible does not mention a word about
any free churches or their assemblies. They are so unbiblical
as the infant baptism of the church. In the Bible the local
assemblies have no names. They are mentioned according to
the cities and places where they lived. There was no assembly
named Corinth and none named Rom or Ephesus.
In daily speaking and writing we use many words which do
not occur in the Bible. We use the words we need. A word or
a way of expressing does not need be wrong only because it
does not occur in the Bible. Yet, we must consider what the
words imply, and if they are suitable in the context in which
people usually use the words. It is important that we use a
correct way of expressing. We cannot use the word "church"
or "free church" when we mean the Assembly of God, then
it becomes wrong.
Allan Svensson
If you have any questions after reading of this article
Please, visit my Web Site
The Promise of the Spirit that Jesus "forgot"
The Whole Assembly of God is Baptized with the Holy Spirit
The New Birth
We are Born into the Assembly of God