old man joe
2011-05-20 08:25:10 UTC
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. " Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in view here is the Second Death, the
Lake of Fire. Rev. 20:12
reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah and the overthrow of Egypt in Exodus, in that He required the life of them that
perished in these instances, after all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when
He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this where in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes. Ro.
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid. yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how life evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ? because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ, Eternal God, who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
the best shot the Atheists have is to say the Bible is nothing more than a story book of fables and
is not from God. since when is an Atheist a theologian ? an Atheist can't even pass a biology 101
test. if they could they wouldn't selling a scheme that life comes from non-living elements giving
itself life out of a cooled down sterile earth... and they call Creationist's stupid !
well Mr. Atheist, you are without excuse because God gave you a conscience and it's that voice
inside you that you are trying so hard to suppress as He says in Ro. 1:18-20.
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. " Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in view here is the Second Death, the
Lake of Fire. Rev. 20:12
reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah and the overthrow of Egypt in Exodus, in that He required the life of them that
perished in these instances, after all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when
He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this where in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes. Ro.
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid. yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how life evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ? because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ, Eternal God, who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
the best shot the Atheists have is to say the Bible is nothing more than a story book of fables and
is not from God. since when is an Atheist a theologian ? an Atheist can't even pass a biology 101
test. if they could they wouldn't selling a scheme that life comes from non-living elements giving
itself life out of a cooled down sterile earth... and they call Creationist's stupid !
well Mr. Atheist, you are without excuse because God gave you a conscience and it's that voice
inside you that you are trying so hard to suppress as He says in Ro. 1:18-20.