If there is no God, why then do Atheists get so enraged when someone post's the gospel ?
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-12-13 10:26:15 UTC
we can never suppose for even a moment that out of the goodness of their hardened heart's
the Atheist's want to do the elect a favor and enlighten us to what ' facts' they offer to
prove to us there is no God. instead, the get enraged. such certainly bring's the
working's of Jn. 15:19 to bear on the believer.

why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?

their emotionally driven outburst's of anger display that indeed, God has made Himself
evident to them, just as He says in Ro. 1:18,19. but they also know, contrary to the
signals they send out, that they are abandoned by the Living God just as we read in Eph.
2:12 and Ro. 1:24... " wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of
their own hearts... "

they need to vent their frustration over this so they somehow think that converting the
elect to Atheism by their shouting's is the real answer to their life's questions... as if
any among the elect want also to be abandoned by God... an impossibility since salvation
is " freely bestowed " on His chosen ones, ( Eph. 1: 3-13 v.6 ) and is irrevocable.
Ro. 11:29

amazingly, one Atheist posts his assumption that God is no more than a
" mental construct " in the minds of His called ones. then he goes about posting his
exegesis on certain verses as though darkness has fellowship with light. he did not
choose to expound the Holy Scriptures concerning how it came to be that the Living God
elected to salvation four particular men while they were yet fetuses.

the ' faith ' in the Living God in Christ this Atheist claims only stupid people have,
since it's nothing more than a " mental construct, " also then applies to these 4
fetuses... how it can be that these four fetuses mentally constructed a God in their
pre-mature minds the Atheists don't care to expound.

this also raises the question of why is it that Atheist's try so desperately to prove from
the Word of God that there is no God. that's tantamount to standing in front of a mirror
and arguing that the reflection isn't me.

and what is a professing Atheist doing with a Bible anyway ? a Bible in the house should
be the last thing a professing Atheist would ever want near him.

so you see, Atheists are more that Satan's con men.
2009-12-13 19:21:40 UTC
Post by old man joe
why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?
I'd like to answer that with a question of my own. If a Muslim decided
he was going to visit one of your Christian NGs, insult Christians and
Christianity, and post verses from the Quran to justify his position,
would you think he was being more than a bit rude? That's no different
than what you're doing on alt.atheism. Act like a jerk, and you'll be
treated like one.
2009-12-13 20:36:37 UTC
Post by old man joe
we can never suppose for even a moment that out of the goodness of their hardened heart's
the Atheist's want to do the elect a favor and enlighten us to what ' facts' they offer to
prove to us there is no God.
Most atheists, the agnostic ones at least, reject both the claim that
any god exists and the claim that no gods exist as being unproven, and,
quite possibly, unprovable.

Theists usually conflate proselytizing anti-theists (no gods) with
agnostic and non-proselytizing non-theists(no known gods)
indiscriminately, which makes their arguments against either a bit
Post by old man joe
why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?
Both the anti-theists and the non-theists would be a good deal less
"enraged" if you theists would cease poking at them.

Non-theists, at least, do not tend to poke into your many religious NGs,
except in response to your own poking in our non-theist NGs, but our
even responding to being poked at seems to infuriate you theists to the
point of frenzy and fanaticism.

And our "rage" is no greater than yours when 7th day Adventists or
Mormons, or such like, rings your doorbell proselytizing.
2009-12-13 21:04:59 UTC
Post by Virgil
Post by old man joe
we can never suppose for even a moment that out of the goodness of their
hardened heart's
the Atheist's want to do the elect a favor and enlighten us to what ' facts'
they offer to
prove to us there is no God.
Most atheists, the agnostic ones at least, reject both the claim that
any god exists and the claim that no gods exist as being unproven, and,
quite possibly, unprovable.
Theists usually conflate proselytizing anti-theists (no gods) with
agnostic and non-proselytizing non-theists(no known gods)
indiscriminately, which makes their arguments against either a bit
Post by old man joe
why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?
Both the anti-theists and the non-theists would be a good deal less
"enraged" if you theists would cease poking at them.
Non-theists, at least, do not tend to poke into your many religious NGs,
except in response to your own poking in our non-theist NGs, but our
even responding to being poked at seems to infuriate you theists to the
point of frenzy and fanaticism.
And our "rage" is no greater than yours when 7th day Adventists or
Mormons, or such like, rings your doorbell proselytizing.
Atheism has no doubt gotton very militant over the last decade or so.
The hostility is astounding . Every atheist organization proselytizes
while defaming The Christian Faith . Since Gurus like Dawkins and
Hitchens came on the scene, their followers have been indoctrinated
into a new kind of hate ... a purposed agenda to rid the world of
Religion -- so their religion can reign... as if atheism offers the
worlds people hope and truth by living for today. Weve already seen
in the last century atheism played out to its fullest . As to your
question regarding The Gospel ... The Gospel message is one of offense
because it makes the Hearer come to terms with the dark side of his
personality and his pride to think he is really pretty good
overall..when nothing can be further from the truth. The Gospel
Message says 'you need a Saviour because of your sin nature' yet many
refuse that fact because it hits at the heart of ones willful
rebellion and proclivity to live his life anyway he pleases whether
right or wrong. The Gospel Message is an insult, an offense , a fly
in the ointment, a rude awakening, the Stone that makes Men
stumble...but to those who accept it and recieve it, it is the key to
reconciliation to God and promised eternal life spent with him which
will FAR surpass the fleeting pleasures of this short lived Life.
Therefore, it is ones PRIDE that does one in but SALVATION is the
FREE GIFT of having your many sins forgiven so you can be called a
child of the most high Creator suitable (but undeserving) of living
in Heaven with joy unspeakable. Its an easy choice...but one not
many make correctly.
2009-12-13 21:13:15 UTC
Quote the Raven1: "Seriously, I've been on Usenet for 13 years, and
you have to be the dumbest, most ignorant person I've run across in
that time
2009-12-13 22:52:49 UTC
In article
Post by i***@gmail.com
Post by Virgil
Post by old man joe
we can never suppose for even a moment that out of the goodness of their
hardened heart's
the Atheist's want to do the elect a favor and enlighten us to what ' facts'
they offer to
prove to us there is no God.
Most atheists, the agnostic ones at least, reject both the claim that
any god exists and the claim that no gods exist as being unproven, and,
quite possibly, unprovable.
Theists usually conflate proselytizing anti-theists (no gods) with
agnostic and non-proselytizing non-theists(no known gods)
indiscriminately, which makes their arguments against either a bit
Post by old man joe
why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?
Both the anti-theists and the non-theists would be a good deal less
"enraged" if you theists would cease poking at them.
Non-theists, at least, do not tend to poke into your many religious NGs,
except in response to your own poking in our non-theist NGs, but our
even responding to being poked at seems to infuriate you theists to the
point of frenzy and fanaticism.
And our "rage" is no greater than yours when 7th day Adventists or
Mormons, or such like, rings your doorbell proselytizing.
Atheism has no doubt gotton very militant over the last decade or so.
It is a good deal less militant than xtianity was when digesting the
Roman Empire.
Post by i***@gmail.com
The hostility is astounding.
It is hardly any more hostile to religions than xtianity has been
towards ANY competition, even within xtianity, when xtianity was in
power. The viciousness with which one faction has suppressed others in
xtian history is notorious. As are the religious wars.
Post by i***@gmail.com
Every atheist organization proselytizes
while defaming The Christian Faith .
No more defaming that one xtain sect defaming another.
Post by i***@gmail.com
Since Gurus like Dawkins and
Hitchens came on the scene, their followers have been indoctrinated
into a new kind of hate
Actually, the hate, of one sect against another and one religion against
another, was already there well before being openly non-theist was safe
enough for anyone to try.
Post by i***@gmail.com
. a purposed agenda to rid the world of
Not at all.
Just to rid the world of enforced religion and the right of religion to
impose itself on those who do not want it.
If we have a slogan is is "Freedom FROM religion".

So long as there are countries like Iran and North Korea in which any
set of religious practice is imposed upon others without their consent,
we object to it.

-- so their religion can reign... as if atheism offers the
Post by i***@gmail.com
worlds people hope and truth by living for today.
Non-theism seems to be gaining ground quite voluntarily and
2009-12-14 03:26:15 UTC
Post by Virgil
In article
Post by Virgil
Post by old man joe
we can never suppose for even a moment that out of the goodness of their
hardened heart's
the Atheist's want to do the elect a favor and enlighten us to what ' facts'
they offer to
prove to us there is no God.
Most atheists, the agnostic ones at least, reject both the claim that
any god exists and the claim that no gods exist as being unproven, and,
quite possibly, unprovable.
Theists usually conflate proselytizing anti-theists (no gods) with
agnostic and non-proselytizing non-theists(no known gods)
indiscriminately, which makes their arguments against either a bit
Post by old man joe
why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?
Both the anti-theists and the non-theists would be a good deal less
"enraged" if you theists would cease poking at them.
Non-theists, at least, do not tend to poke into your many religious NGs,
except in response to your own poking in our non-theist NGs, but our
even responding to being poked at seems to infuriate you theists to the
point of frenzy and fanaticism.
And our "rage" is no greater than yours when 7th day Adventists or
Mormons, or such like, rings your doorbell proselytizing.
Atheism has  no doubt gotton very militant over the last decade or so.
It is a good deal less militant than xtianity was when digesting the
Roman Empire.
The hostility is astounding.  
It is hardly any more hostile to religions than xtianity has been
towards ANY competition, even within xtianity, when xtianity was in
power. The viciousness with which one faction has suppressed others in
xtian history is notorious. As are the religious wars.
Every atheist organization proselytizes
while defaming The Christian Faith .
No more defaming that one xtain sect defaming another.
Since Gurus like Dawkins and
Hitchens came on the scene,  their followers have been indoctrinated
into a new kind of hate
Actually, the hate, of one sect against another and one religion against
another, was already there well before being openly non-theist was safe
enough for anyone to try.
. a purposed agenda to rid the world of
Not at all.
Just to rid the world of enforced religion and the right of religion to
impose itself on those who do not want it.
If we have a slogan is is "Freedom FROM religion".
So long as there are countries like Iran and North Korea in which any
set of religious practice is imposed upon others without their consent,
we object to it.
 -- so their religion can reign... as if atheism offers the
worlds people hope and truth by living for today.
Non-theism seems to be gaining ground quite voluntarily and
Norway's.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Just in the last century with atheisms Stalin, Musillini,and
Hitler....the bloodshed resulting from atheistic philosophy of these
Tyrants FAR FAR surpass any religious wars of yesteryear combined .
People have killed others in the NAME of God , but that wasnt OF God.
With atheism, Leaders have killed others in the name of direct
atheist philosophy , particularly survival of the fitest for 'a
better' race of people , thereby fulfilling the ideals of atheism.
So, please dont play the religious -wars card with me or anyone else
from now on . Atheism has only brought mass bloodshed, power and
control, a misuse of authority, an end to hope , self centered
living , the using of fellow human beings for temporary pleasure ,
and the furtherance of moral degradation to a nation thru relative
morals and values (if any) so maximized hedonism can be had.
Further, it promotes playing a charade game that everything was by
accidental natural causes for the expressed purpose of not having to
live according to ultimate moral accountability, and to turn a blind
eye to the massive evidence that one knows exists but is too prideful
to publicly admit so. NON-theism is a very tempting piece of
propoganda designed to make SELF ones god instead of the rightful
place of the Creator of the cosmos ... and Norway is only fooling
themselves .
Pope Rudraigh
2009-12-14 22:58:38 UTC
On Sun, 13 Dec 2009 19:26:15 -0800 (PST), "***@gmail.com"
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

Post by i***@gmail.com
Just in the last century with atheisms Stalin, Musillini,and
Hitler....the bloodshed resulting from atheistic philosophy of these
Tyrants FAR FAR surpass any religious wars of yesteryear combined .
People have killed others in the NAME of God , but that wasnt OF God.
With atheism, Leaders have killed others in the name of direct
atheist philosophy , particularly survival of the fitest for 'a
better' race of people , thereby fulfilling the ideals of atheism.
So, please dont play the religious -wars card with me or anyone else
from now on . Atheism has only brought mass bloodshed, power and
control, a misuse of authority, an end to hope , self centered
living , the using of fellow human beings for temporary pleasure ,
and the furtherance of moral degradation to a nation thru relative
morals and values (if any) so maximized hedonism can be had.
Further, it promotes playing a charade game that everything was by
accidental natural causes for the expressed purpose of not having to
live according to ultimate moral accountability, and to turn a blind
eye to the massive evidence that one knows exists but is too prideful
to publicly admit so. NON-theism is a very tempting piece of
propoganda designed to make SELF ones god instead of the rightful
place of the Creator of the cosmos ... and Norway is only fooling
themselves .
Where do you get your information from?

"As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I
have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice."
- Adolf Hitler

"I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the
Almighty Creator."
- Adolf Hitler

"Who says I am not under the special protection of God?"
- Adolf Hitler

"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."
- Adolf Hitler

Stalin? Conceded. He was an Atheist.

Mussolini? Conceded. He was an Atheist.

However, in reading about the things they did, I don't think that it's
clear that they did what they did BECAUSE of their atheism. Rather, I
think that their atheism allowed them to do things a religious person
would not have done. This is different from xtians who do despicable
things precisely BECAUSE they are xtians.

You make some pretty outlandish claims and don't back them up.
"Tyrants FAR FAR surpass any religious wars of yesteryear combined ."
Really? REALLY? Which Tyrants? How many did they kill? In your brain,
does tyrant = Atheist? Kind of a stretch. How many people were killed
in the Crusades? Last I checked, the Crusades were not Atheist
endeavors. When was the last time you heard of an Atheist killing a

Your post is shit piled on top of more shit.

Pope Rudraigh
"Holy Trinity my triple-cheeked ass!"
Erwin Moller
2009-12-15 11:14:34 UTC
Post by Pope Rudraigh
Mussolini? Conceded. He was an Atheist.
In his earlier days he was openly an atheist, but later in his life he
converted to baptism to fool the religious Italian people and gain more
(It was clear to people that knew him better he was, and stayed, an

I am not a proponent of the death penalty, but in his case I make an
exception: I am glad they shot that bastard, atheist or theist.

Erwin Moller
"There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to
make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the
other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious
deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult."
-- C.A.R. Hoare
Father Haskell
2009-12-16 02:27:17 UTC
On Dec 15, 6:14 am, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin Moller
Post by Pope Rudraigh
Mussolini? Conceded. He was an Atheist.
In his earlier days he was openly an atheist, but later in his life he
converted to baptism to fool the religious Italian people and gain more
(It was clear to people that knew him better he was, and stayed, an
I am not a proponent of the death penalty, but in his case I make an
exception: I am glad they shot that bastard, atheist or theist.
So was Mussolini.
St. Jackanapes
2009-12-19 06:08:39 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Father Haskell said...
Post by Father Haskell
On Dec 15, 6:14 am, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin Moller
Post by Pope Rudraigh
Mussolini? Conceded. He was an Atheist.
In his earlier days he was openly an atheist, but later in his life he
converted to baptism to fool the religious Italian people and gain more
(It was clear to people that knew him better he was, and stayed, an
I am not a proponent of the death penalty, but in his case I make an
exception: I am glad they shot that bastard, atheist or theist.
So was Mussolini.
Hanging from piano wire above a gas station does make one uncomfortable.
Especially when your mistress is upside down next to you with her dress
down over her head - her undies on display for all.
St. Jackanapes
Father Haskell
2009-12-19 21:49:54 UTC
Post by St. Jackanapes
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Father Haskell said...
Post by Father Haskell
On Dec 15, 6:14 am, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin Moller
Post by Pope Rudraigh
Mussolini? Conceded. He was an Atheist.
In his earlier days he was openly an atheist, but later in his life he
converted to baptism to fool the religious Italian people and gain more
(It was clear to people that knew him better he was, and stayed, an
I am not a proponent of the death penalty, but in his case I make an
exception: I am glad they shot that bastard, atheist or theist.
So was Mussolini.
Hanging from piano wire above a gas station does make one uncomfortable.
Especially when your mistress is upside down next to you with her dress
down over her head - her undies on display for all.
Not to mention Benito's.

Father Haskell
2009-12-15 02:57:25 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Post by Virgil
In article
Post by Virgil
Post by old man joe
we can never suppose for even a moment that out of the goodness of their
hardened heart's
the Atheist's want to do the elect a favor and enlighten us to what '
they offer to
prove to us there is no God.
Most atheists, the agnostic ones at least, reject both the claim that
any god exists and the claim that no gods exist as being unproven, and,
quite possibly, unprovable.
Theists usually conflate proselytizing anti-theists (no gods) with
agnostic and non-proselytizing non-theists(no known gods)
indiscriminately, which makes their arguments against either a bit
Post by old man joe
why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?
Both the anti-theists and the non-theists would be a good deal less
"enraged" if you theists would cease poking at them.
Non-theists, at least, do not tend to poke into your many religious NGs,
except in response to your own poking in our non-theist NGs, but our
even responding to being poked at seems to infuriate you theists to the
point of frenzy and fanaticism.
And our "rage" is no greater than yours when 7th day Adventists or
Mormons, or such like, rings your doorbell proselytizing.
Atheism has  no doubt gotton very militant over the last decade or so.
It is a good deal less militant than xtianity was when digesting the
Roman Empire.
The hostility is astounding.  
It is hardly any more hostile to religions than xtianity has been
towards ANY competition, even within xtianity, when xtianity was in
power. The viciousness with which one faction has suppressed others in
xtian history is notorious. As are the religious wars.
Every atheist organization proselytizes
while defaming The Christian Faith .
No more defaming that one xtain sect defaming another.
Since Gurus like Dawkins and
Hitchens came on the scene,  their followers have been indoctrinated
into a new kind of hate
Actually, the hate, of one sect against another and one religion against
another, was already there well before being openly non-theist was safe
enough for anyone to try.
. a purposed agenda to rid the world of
Not at all.
Just to rid the world of enforced religion and the right of religion to
impose itself on those who do not want it.
If we have a slogan is is "Freedom FROM religion".
So long as there are countries like Iran and North Korea in which any
set of religious practice is imposed upon others without their consent,
we object to it.
 -- so their religion can reign... as if atheism offers the
worlds people hope and truth by living for today.
Non-theism seems to be gaining ground quite voluntarily and
Norway's.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Just in the last century with atheisms Stalin, Musillini,and
Hitler....the bloodshed resulting from atheistic philosophy of these
Tyrants FAR FAR surpass any religious wars of yesteryear combined .
People have killed others in the NAME of God , but that wasnt OF God.
With atheism,  Leaders have killed others in the name of direct
atheist philosophy  , particularly survival of the fitest for 'a
better' race of people ,  thereby fulfilling the ideals of atheism.
So why would not believing in god(s) make anyone
want to kill people?
Free Lunch
2009-12-13 22:57:56 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Post by Virgil
Post by old man joe
we can never suppose for even a moment that out of the goodness of their
hardened heart's
the Atheist's want to do the elect a favor and enlighten us to what ' facts'
they offer to
prove to us there is no God.
Most atheists, the agnostic ones at least, reject both the claim that
any god exists and the claim that no gods exist as being unproven, and,
quite possibly, unprovable.
Theists usually conflate proselytizing anti-theists (no gods) with
agnostic and non-proselytizing non-theists(no known gods)
indiscriminately, which makes their arguments against either a bit
Post by old man joe
why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?
Both the anti-theists and the non-theists would be a good deal less
"enraged" if you theists would cease poking at them.
Non-theists, at least, do not tend to poke into your many religious NGs,
except in response to your own poking in our non-theist NGs, but our
even responding to being poked at seems to infuriate you theists to the
point of frenzy and fanaticism.
And our "rage" is no greater than yours when 7th day Adventists or
Mormons, or such like, rings your doorbell proselytizing.
Atheism has no doubt gotton very militant over the last decade or so.
Not particularly, certainly not like religionists like you.
Post by i***@gmail.com
The hostility is astounding . Every atheist organization proselytizes
while defaming The Christian Faith .
The faith is not the problem. The supposed followers who spend their
lives lying to others are.
Post by i***@gmail.com
Since Gurus like Dawkins and
Hitchens came on the scene, their followers have been indoctrinated
into a new kind of hate ... a purposed agenda to rid the world of
Religion -- so their religion can reign... as if atheism offers the
worlds people hope and truth by living for today.
It's lies like this that persuade people that there are a lot of
so-called Christians who are completely untrustworthy and immoral.
Post by i***@gmail.com
Weve already seen
in the last century atheism played out to its fullest .
Not so.
Post by i***@gmail.com
As to your
question regarding The Gospel ... The Gospel message is one of offense
because it makes the Hearer come to terms with the dark side of his
personality and his pride to think he is really pretty good
overall..when nothing can be further from the truth.
I like what Jesus is said to have taught. You've made it clear that you
do not.
Post by i***@gmail.com
The Gospel
Message says 'you need a Saviour because of your sin nature' yet many
refuse that fact because it hits at the heart of ones willful
rebellion and proclivity to live his life anyway he pleases whether
right or wrong. The Gospel Message is an insult, an offense , a fly
in the ointment, a rude awakening, the Stone that makes Men
stumble...but to those who accept it and recieve it, it is the key to
reconciliation to God and promised eternal life spent with him which
will FAR surpass the fleeting pleasures of this short lived Life.
Therefore, it is ones PRIDE that does one in but SALVATION is the
FREE GIFT of having your many sins forgiven so you can be called a
child of the most high Creator suitable (but undeserving) of living
in Heaven with joy unspeakable. Its an easy choice...but one not
many make correctly.
You celebrate your ignorance, dishonesty and foolishness. You mock the
god you claim to worship with your behavior. You are in no position to
lecture anyone on how to behave.
2009-12-14 03:31:13 UTC
Post by Free Lunch
Post by Virgil
Post by old man joe
we can never suppose for even a moment that out of the goodness of their
hardened heart's
the Atheist's want to do the elect a favor and enlighten us to what ' facts'
they offer to
prove to us there is no God.
Most atheists, the agnostic ones at least, reject both the claim that
any god exists and the claim that no gods exist as being unproven, and,
quite possibly, unprovable.
Theists usually conflate proselytizing anti-theists (no gods) with
agnostic and non-proselytizing non-theists(no known gods)
indiscriminately, which makes their arguments against either a bit
Post by old man joe
why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?
Both the anti-theists and the non-theists would be a good deal less
"enraged" if you theists would cease poking at them.
Non-theists, at least, do not tend to poke into your many religious NGs,
except in response to your own poking in our non-theist NGs, but our
even responding to being poked at seems to infuriate you theists to the
point of frenzy and fanaticism.
And our "rage" is no greater than yours when 7th day Adventists or
Mormons, or such like, rings your doorbell proselytizing.
Atheism has  no doubt gotton very militant over the last decade or so.
Not particularly, certainly not like religionists like you.
The hostility is astounding .  Every atheist organization proselytizes
while defaming The Christian Faith .
The faith is not the problem. The supposed followers who spend their
lives lying to others are.
Since Gurus like Dawkins and
Hitchens came on the scene,  their followers have been indoctrinated
into a new kind of hate ... a purposed agenda to rid the world of
Religion -- so their religion can reign... as if atheism offers the
worlds people hope and truth by living for today.
It's lies like this that persuade people that there are a lot of
so-called Christians who are completely untrustworthy and immoral.
Weve already seen
in the last century atheism played out to its fullest .
Not so.
 As to your
question regarding The Gospel ... The Gospel message is one of offense
because it makes the Hearer come to terms with the dark side of his
personality  and his pride to think he is really pretty good
overall..when nothing can be further from the truth.
I like what Jesus is said to have taught. You've made it clear that you
do not.
The Gospel
Message says 'you need a Saviour because of your sin nature'  yet many
refuse that fact because it hits at the heart of ones willful
rebellion and proclivity to live his life anyway he pleases whether
right or wrong.  The Gospel Message is an insult, an offense , a fly
in the ointment, a rude awakening, the Stone that makes Men
stumble...but to those who accept it and recieve it, it is the key to
reconciliation to God and promised eternal life spent with him which
will FAR surpass the fleeting pleasures of this short lived Life.
Therefore, it is ones PRIDE that does one in  but SALVATION is the
FREE GIFT of having your many sins forgiven so you can be called a
child of the most high Creator suitable (but undeserving) of  living
in Heaven  with joy unspeakable.   Its an easy choice...but one not
many make correctly.
You celebrate your ignorance, dishonesty and foolishness. You mock the
god you claim to worship with your behavior. You are in no position to
lecture anyone on how to behave.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
The above is the outpouring of accidental natural causes and so
should not / cannot be taken as accurate dispensed information ; for
it is unwise to treat such assertions as absolutely correct when they
were arrived at by pure accident according to your own atheist
faith . In other words, your own faith in atheism thereby
invalidates what you claim.
Free Lunch
2009-12-14 23:53:16 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Post by Free Lunch
Post by Virgil
Post by old man joe
we can never suppose for even a moment that out of the goodness of their
hardened heart's
the Atheist's want to do the elect a favor and enlighten us to what ' facts'
they offer to
prove to us there is no God.
Most atheists, the agnostic ones at least, reject both the claim that
any god exists and the claim that no gods exist as being unproven, and,
quite possibly, unprovable.
Theists usually conflate proselytizing anti-theists (no gods) with
agnostic and non-proselytizing non-theists(no known gods)
indiscriminately, which makes their arguments against either a bit
Post by old man joe
why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?
Both the anti-theists and the non-theists would be a good deal less
"enraged" if you theists would cease poking at them.
Non-theists, at least, do not tend to poke into your many religious NGs,
except in response to your own poking in our non-theist NGs, but our
even responding to being poked at seems to infuriate you theists to the
point of frenzy and fanaticism.
And our "rage" is no greater than yours when 7th day Adventists or
Mormons, or such like, rings your doorbell proselytizing.
Atheism has  no doubt gotton very militant over the last decade or so.
Not particularly, certainly not like religionists like you.
The hostility is astounding .  Every atheist organization proselytizes
while defaming The Christian Faith .
The faith is not the problem. The supposed followers who spend their
lives lying to others are.
Since Gurus like Dawkins and
Hitchens came on the scene,  their followers have been indoctrinated
into a new kind of hate ... a purposed agenda to rid the world of
Religion -- so their religion can reign... as if atheism offers the
worlds people hope and truth by living for today.
It's lies like this that persuade people that there are a lot of
so-called Christians who are completely untrustworthy and immoral.
Weve already seen
in the last century atheism played out to its fullest .
Not so.
 As to your
question regarding The Gospel ... The Gospel message is one of offense
because it makes the Hearer come to terms with the dark side of his
personality  and his pride to think he is really pretty good
overall..when nothing can be further from the truth.
I like what Jesus is said to have taught. You've made it clear that you
do not.
The Gospel
Message says 'you need a Saviour because of your sin nature'  yet many
refuse that fact because it hits at the heart of ones willful
rebellion and proclivity to live his life anyway he pleases whether
right or wrong.  The Gospel Message is an insult, an offense , a fly
in the ointment, a rude awakening, the Stone that makes Men
stumble...but to those who accept it and recieve it, it is the key to
reconciliation to God and promised eternal life spent with him which
will FAR surpass the fleeting pleasures of this short lived Life.
Therefore, it is ones PRIDE that does one in  but SALVATION is the
FREE GIFT of having your many sins forgiven so you can be called a
child of the most high Creator suitable (but undeserving) of  living
in Heaven  with joy unspeakable.   Its an easy choice...but one not
many make correctly.
You celebrate your ignorance, dishonesty and foolishness. You mock the
god you claim to worship with your behavior. You are in no position to
lecture anyone on how to behave.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
The above is the outpouring of accidental natural causes and so
should not / cannot be taken as accurate dispensed information ; for
it is unwise to treat such assertions as absolutely correct when they
were arrived at by pure accident according to your own atheist
faith . In other words, your own faith in atheism thereby
invalidates what you claim.
Your lies are your own. You don't get to blame God for your foolishness
or claim that He told you to remain ignorant.
2009-12-14 03:34:37 UTC
Post by Free Lunch
Post by Virgil
Post by old man joe
we can never suppose for even a moment that out of the goodness of their
hardened heart's
the Atheist's want to do the elect a favor and enlighten us to what ' facts'
they offer to
prove to us there is no God.
Most atheists, the agnostic ones at least, reject both the claim that
any god exists and the claim that no gods exist as being unproven, and,
quite possibly, unprovable.
Theists usually conflate proselytizing anti-theists (no gods) with
agnostic and non-proselytizing non-theists(no known gods)
indiscriminately, which makes their arguments against either a bit
Post by old man joe
why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?
Both the anti-theists and the non-theists would be a good deal less
"enraged" if you theists would cease poking at them.
Non-theists, at least, do not tend to poke into your many religious NGs,
except in response to your own poking in our non-theist NGs, but our
even responding to being poked at seems to infuriate you theists to the
point of frenzy and fanaticism.
And our "rage" is no greater than yours when 7th day Adventists or
Mormons, or such like, rings your doorbell proselytizing.
Atheism has  no doubt gotton very militant over the last decade or so.
Not particularly, certainly not like religionists like you.
The hostility is astounding .  Every atheist organization proselytizes
while defaming The Christian Faith .
The faith is not the problem. The supposed followers who spend their
lives lying to others are.
Since Gurus like Dawkins and
Hitchens came on the scene,  their followers have been indoctrinated
into a new kind of hate ... a purposed agenda to rid the world of
Religion -- so their religion can reign... as if atheism offers the
worlds people hope and truth by living for today.
It's lies like this that persuade people that there are a lot of
so-called Christians who are completely untrustworthy and immoral.
Weve already seen
in the last century atheism played out to its fullest .
Not so.
 As to your
question regarding The Gospel ... The Gospel message is one of offense
because it makes the Hearer come to terms with the dark side of his
personality  and his pride to think he is really pretty good
overall..when nothing can be further from the truth.
I like what Jesus is said to have taught. You've made it clear that you
do not.
The Gospel
Message says 'you need a Saviour because of your sin nature'  yet many
refuse that fact because it hits at the heart of ones willful
rebellion and proclivity to live his life anyway he pleases whether
right or wrong.  The Gospel Message is an insult, an offense , a fly
in the ointment, a rude awakening, the Stone that makes Men
stumble...but to those who accept it and recieve it, it is the key to
reconciliation to God and promised eternal life spent with him which
will FAR surpass the fleeting pleasures of this short lived Life.
Therefore, it is ones PRIDE that does one in  but SALVATION is the
FREE GIFT of having your many sins forgiven so you can be called a
child of the most high Creator suitable (but undeserving) of  living
in Heaven  with joy unspeakable.   Its an easy choice...but one not
many make correctly.
You celebrate your ignorance, dishonesty and foolishness. You mock the
god you claim to worship with your behavior. You are in no position to
lecture anyone on how to behave.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
The above is the outpouring of accidental natural causes and so
should not / cannot be taken as accurate dispensed information ; for
it is unwise to treat such assertions as absolutely correct when they
were arrived at by pure accident according to your own atheist
faith . In other words, your own faith in atheism thereby
invalidates what you claim.
2009-12-14 20:20:21 UTC
On Dec 13, 7:34 pm, "***@gmail.com" <***@gmail.com> wrote:
nothing worth quoting

The above poster is the result of years of Xtian brainwashing and
total lack of rational thought

Quote the Raven1: "Seriously, I've been on Usenet for 13 years, and
you have to be the dumbest, most ignorant person I've run across in
that time"
St. Jackanapes
2009-12-19 06:05:48 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Ken said...
Post by Ken
nothing worth quoting
The above poster is the result of years of Xtian brainwashing and
total lack of rational thought
Quote the Raven1: "Seriously, I've been on Usenet for 13 years, and
you have to be the dumbest, most ignorant person I've run across in
that time"
Then maybe it's about time everyone wised the fuck up and quit feeding
his ego by replying.
St. Jackanapes
Father Haskell
2009-12-14 04:53:24 UTC
  Weve already seen
in the last century atheism played out to its fullest .  
We saw xianity played out to its fullest in the dark ages.
2009-12-14 21:57:56 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Post by Virgil
Post by old man joe
we can never suppose for even a moment that out of the goodness of their
hardened heart's
the Atheist's want to do the elect a favor and enlighten us to what ' facts'
they offer to
prove to us there is no God.
Most atheists, the agnostic ones at least, reject both the claim that
any god exists and the claim that no gods exist as being unproven, and,
quite possibly, unprovable.
Theists usually conflate proselytizing anti-theists (no gods) with
agnostic and non-proselytizing non-theists(no known gods)
indiscriminately, which makes their arguments against either a bit
Post by old man joe
why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?
Both the anti-theists and the non-theists would be a good deal less
"enraged" if you theists would cease poking at them.
Non-theists, at least, do not tend to poke into your many religious NGs,
except in response to your own poking in our non-theist NGs, but our
even responding to being poked at seems to infuriate you theists to the
point of frenzy and fanaticism.
And our "rage" is no greater than yours when 7th day Adventists or
Mormons, or such like, rings your doorbell proselytizing.
Atheism has no doubt gotton very militant over the last decade or so.
The hostility is astounding . Every atheist organization proselytizes
while defaming The Christian Faith .
How many atheist organizations do you know?

Since Gurus like Dawkins and
Post by i***@gmail.com
Hitchens came on the scene, their followers have been indoctrinated
into a new kind of hate ... a purposed agenda to rid the world of
Religion -- so their religion can reign... as if atheism offers the
worlds people hope and truth by living for today.
Atheism isn't a religion bonehead.

Weve already seen
Post by i***@gmail.com
in the last century atheism played out to its fullest . As to your
question regarding The Gospel ... The Gospel message is one of offense
because it makes the Hearer come to terms with the dark side of his
personality and his pride to think he is really pretty good
overall..when nothing can be further from the truth.
This is the shame of Christianity, always tearing down the individual,
never admitting that most of us do the best we can under the circumstances.

The Gospel
Post by i***@gmail.com
Message says 'you need a Saviour because of your sin nature' yet many
refuse that fact because it hits at the heart of ones willful
rebellion and proclivity to live his life anyway he pleases whether
right or wrong.
Of course the prisons are full of Christians and have very few atheists
but Dave doesn't worry about facts.
Post by i***@gmail.com
The Gospel Message is an insult, an offense , a fly
in the ointment, a rude awakening, the Stone that makes Men
stumble...but to those who accept it and recieve it, it is the key to
reconciliation to God and promised eternal life spent with him which
will FAR surpass the fleeting pleasures of this short lived Life.
Better to die free in this lifetime than be a slave to gain glory in the
next lifetime.
Post by i***@gmail.com
Therefore, it is ones PRIDE that does one in but SALVATION is the
FREE GIFT of having your many sins forgiven so you can be called a
child of the most high Creator suitable (but undeserving) of living
in Heaven with joy unspeakable. Its an easy choice...but one not
many make correctly.
It boggles the mind to think that Dave is a Christian and is a
representative of Christianity.
2009-12-19 21:34:17 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Post by Virgil
Post by old man joe
we can never suppose for even a moment that out of the goodness of their
hardened heart's
the Atheist's want to do the elect a favor and enlighten us to what ' facts'
they offer to
prove to us there is no God.
Most atheists, the agnostic ones at least, reject both the claim that
any god exists and the claim that no gods exist as being unproven, and,
quite possibly, unprovable.
Theists usually conflate proselytizing anti-theists (no gods) with
agnostic and non-proselytizing non-theists(no known gods)
indiscriminately, which makes their arguments against either a bit
Post by old man joe
why do they get so enraged if they as so sure there is no God ?
Both the anti-theists and the non-theists would be a good deal less
"enraged" if you theists would cease poking at them.
Non-theists, at least, do not tend to poke into your many religious NGs,
except in response to your own poking in our non-theist NGs, but our
even responding to being poked at seems to infuriate you theists to the
point of frenzy and fanaticism.
And our "rage" is no greater than yours when 7th day Adventists or
Mormons, or such like, rings your doorbell proselytizing.
Atheism has no doubt gotton very militant over the last decade or so.
The hostility is astounding . Every atheist organization proselytizes
while defaming The Christian Faith . Since Gurus like Dawkins and
Hitchens came on the scene, their followers have been indoctrinated
into a new kind of hate ... a purposed agenda to rid the world of
Religion -- so their religion can reign... as if atheism offers the
worlds people hope and truth by living for today. Weve already seen
in the last century atheism played out to its fullest . As to your
question regarding The Gospel ... The Gospel message is one of offense
because it makes the Hearer come to terms with the dark side of his
personality and his pride to think he is really pretty good
overall..when nothing can be further from the truth. The Gospel
Message says 'you need a Saviour because of your sin nature' yet many
refuse that fact because it hits at the heart of ones willful
rebellion and proclivity to live his life anyway he pleases whether
right or wrong. The Gospel Message is an insult, an offense , a fly
in the ointment, a rude awakening, the Stone that makes Men
stumble...but to those who accept it and recieve it, it is the key to
reconciliation to God and promised eternal life spent with him which
will FAR surpass the fleeting pleasures of this short lived Life.
Therefore, it is ones PRIDE that does one in but SALVATION is the
FREE GIFT of having your many sins forgiven so you can be called a
child of the most high Creator suitable (but undeserving) of living
in Heaven with joy unspeakable. Its an easy choice...but one not
many make correctly.
If you and your other creationist buddies will be there, I'll be happy
to go elsewhere.
Thurisaz, Germanic barbarian
2009-12-14 04:03:56 UTC
One of the telltale signs of willfull braindeath (aka morontheism): Asking
such an obviously idiotic question.

Let's use that same "logic" on another topic, shall we?

"If Jews are NOT parasites and the greatest danger for the aryan master
race(TM), why then did the world unite against nazi Germany?"


Now lean back and watch how all morontheists RUN from this comparison...
because they KNOW it shatters their moronic "argument". Instantly.
"To his friend a man a friend shall prove, and gifts with gifts requite;
But men shall mocking with mockery answer, and fraud with falsehood meet."
(The Poetic Edda)
Must have been written with fundies in mind...

My personal judgment of monotheism:
Erwin Moller
2009-12-14 11:25:54 UTC
Nothing else to add.

Erwin Moller
"There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to
make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the
other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious
deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult."
-- C.A.R. Hoare
2009-12-15 12:54:04 UTC
On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 12:25:54 +0100, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin Moller
Nothing else to add.
Erwin Moller
He is a religious delusional idiot unable to think?
2009-12-15 21:26:29 UTC
Post by default
On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 12:25:54 +0100, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin Moller
Nothing else to add.
Erwin Moller
He is a religious delusional idiot unable to think?
You're excellent yourself at hiding from challenges to your words too.

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2009-12-16 05:10:53 UTC
Post by duke
Post by default
On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 12:25:54 +0100, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin Moller
Nothing else to add.
Erwin Moller
He is a religious delusional idiot unable to think?
You're excellent yourself at hiding from challenges to your words too.
Great praise from a master at that art.
2009-12-16 15:48:20 UTC
Post by Virgil
Post by duke
Post by default
On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 12:25:54 +0100, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin Moller
Nothing else to add.
Erwin Moller
He is a religious delusional idiot unable to think?
You're excellent yourself at hiding from challenges to your words too.
Great praise from a master at that art.
Because he's a senile old troll and a senile old troll is he..
not to mention being an attention seeking senile old troll (Oops I
just did)
old man joe
2009-12-15 22:36:54 UTC
Post by default
On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 12:25:54 +0100, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin Moller
Nothing else to add.
Erwin Moller
He is a religious delusional idiot unable to think?

old man joe does in fact answer a post every now and again. he even suggests to some to
ping him if clarification is needed. he posts to many other groups besides these.

the point that omj is making when he does post, which is often, is for interested parties
to search out the Scriptures to see if these things be so... or go search the world of
Evolution and see if those things be so.

however, some people are so vile that a conversation can not be had.

other's, like the catholic groups he posts to, are so deep into heresy and so Scripturally
ignorant that all one can do is feed them Bible facts if perhaps God will grant them

as far as atheist groups are concerned, these are incapable in the Scriptures since
atheists are " without God, " turned away by God to understand the basic tenants of
anything in the Bible... " For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are
perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. " 1 Cor. 1:18

lastly, why would someone like yourself, who calls omj a " religious delusional idiot "
ever expect to get a reply ? i'd be sinning to cast pearls to swine and give what is holy
to dogs. Mt. 7:6
Erwin Moller
2009-12-16 10:04:39 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by default
On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 12:25:54 +0100, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin Moller
Nothing else to add.
Erwin Moller
He is a religious delusional idiot unable to think?
Heee wow! Old man Joe responding. :-)

Hi Joe,

I have a few questions for you.
I hope you, or Old man Joe, can find some time to answer them.
Post by old man joe
old man joe does in fact answer a post every now and again. he even suggests to some to
ping him if clarification is needed. he posts to many other groups besides these.
Why do you talk about yourself in the third person?
Wouldn't the first person make more sense?
Or are you somebody else?
I am all confused now.
It would be nice and honest to let us all know who we are dealing with:
Old man Joe or somebody else.

I checked your headers, and the original posting and this one seem to
come from the same place, so it seems you are the one and the same
computer, using Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American).
Post by old man joe
the point that omj is making when he does post, which is often, is for interested parties
to search out the Scriptures to see if these things be so... or go search the world of
Evolution and see if those things be so.
But don't you consider that spam?
Old man Joe is posting a LOT to MANY newsgroups at once.

Posting en masse without dealing with all responses is typically spam.
It is a one-way traffic.
And that makes it very uninteresting for the receivers of the meassages.

This is usenet, discussiongroups. We DISCUSS.
Just posting a few holy scriptures, then piss on science, and run away

Can you agree to that?

I hope you would just post ONE of your ideas, and discuss/defend them.
Give it some depth.
Test your ideas.
This is all so superflicial....

Can you agree to that?
Post by old man joe
however, some people are so vile that a conversation can not be had.
Simple: ignore them.
Any idiot can post here.

But using usenet as a place to post your ideas in a unidirectional
manner isn't the solution.
Rules are simple: Ignore stupid responses and namecalling, and pay
attention to more sincere responses.

In defense of the namecallers I would like to say that they probably
started out more friendly, but grew tired of creationists running away.
We see that happening all the time here.
So please have a little understanding for that.
Post by old man joe
other's, like the catholic groups he posts to, are so deep into heresy and so Scripturally
ignorant that all one can do is feed them Bible facts if perhaps God will grant them
My dear Old Man Joe: You are posting to:
alt.athiesm <-- Is that for real?

Now think about that.
Do you seriously expect all the users of these groups to agree with you?
To simply swallow what you present them?
For example: Do you seriously expect people in alt.atheism to start
believing in god(s) because you post some pieces of scripture?


If you want to save souls or something like that, you must really reach
out more.
You must start with understanding WHY people think what they think.

Do you understand and agree to what I am saying/asking?
Post by old man joe
as far as atheist groups are concerned, these are incapable in the Scriptures since
atheists are " without God, " turned away by God to understand the basic tenants of
anything in the Bible... " For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are
perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. " 1 Cor. 1:18
No, atheists are not 'turned away by god'.
How can you turn away from something that you is not there in your mind?

Atheist have a very different approach. It would help you a lot to
understand them better. They are not idiots, you know.
Post by old man joe
lastly, why would someone like yourself, who calls omj a " religious delusional idiot "
ever expect to get a reply ? i'd be sinning to cast pearls to swine and give what is holy
to dogs. Mt. 7:6
I guess that one is for 'default', since I cannot remember calling you
that (but possibly I did. I hate newsgroup spamming.).

So let's get to the core of this all: What is you/old man joe has to say?
And also important: To which audience?
Theists of the wrong conviction?

This is important.
I for example can be considered an atheist, and I don't care too much
for theist fighting each other over the interpretation of a piece of
scripture from a book I don't take seriously.

On the other hand: Religious guy from conviction X might not be too
interested in a discussion between you and me about the existance of god.

So you might want to shorten that crossposting list a little.

Do you agree Old Man Joe? Do I make sense (for an atheist that is)?

Erwin Moller
"There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to
make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the
other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious
deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult."
-- C.A.R. Hoare