old man joe
2009-09-15 11:21:54 UTC
unlike Creation, which is daily in front of everyone's eye's, the Big Bang idea is
concocted so as to avert the pain of conscience reminding the Atheist of Judgement Day.
and we all know God made Himself evident through Creation ( Ro. 1:18 and following )
whereas there is no God in the Big Bang idea.
this idea of a Big Bang hides the realization that the unsaved will all meet God to be
judged for their thoughts and actions contrary to the Law He set forth since the beginning
of time.
thanks be to God that the elect are not judged, ( Jn. 3:18 ) since we have all
transgressed His Law. Ro. 3:10-20
the Big Bang has flaws so far beyond a reasonable person's thinking so as to expose
itself as nothing more than imaginative dreaming. the ' stuff ' which makes up the entire
universe which Big Banged its way into what we see before us was " always there. "
really ? prove it. while on the side of Creation, it's there in front of the eye's of
all mankind, everyday.
the ' space ' which the Atheists show in their cartoons in which the stuff of the
universe was suspended was " always there, " too. they largely avoid explaining where
space came from let alone how space is a vacuum... huh... you can't demonstrate a vacuum
without a container in which to draw a vacuum.... we therefore live in a big bottle.
their imagination demonstrated by cartoon's show how perfectly ordered all the stuff of
the universe came to be in right places so as to form the earth... and life out of none
living elements. they'll never come remotely close to proving that one...
not only did all of these things just happen by themselves, as though science is a god
unto itself to worship, but the Atheists go on to say that life came from outer space. in
a universe of elements that are not alive the magic of dropping in from outer space
somehow, ( they can't prove it though Creation is before everyone's eye's everyday )
is the answer as to where just the right ' thing ' was the missing ingredient which
created life out of more elements that are not alive.
and they call Creationist's stupid !
please explain also, Mr. Atheist, how life began out of absolute sterility from elements
never alive as you see Creation in front of your eye's everyday.
here is the address of a site which some may find helpful...
concocted so as to avert the pain of conscience reminding the Atheist of Judgement Day.
and we all know God made Himself evident through Creation ( Ro. 1:18 and following )
whereas there is no God in the Big Bang idea.
this idea of a Big Bang hides the realization that the unsaved will all meet God to be
judged for their thoughts and actions contrary to the Law He set forth since the beginning
of time.
thanks be to God that the elect are not judged, ( Jn. 3:18 ) since we have all
transgressed His Law. Ro. 3:10-20
the Big Bang has flaws so far beyond a reasonable person's thinking so as to expose
itself as nothing more than imaginative dreaming. the ' stuff ' which makes up the entire
universe which Big Banged its way into what we see before us was " always there. "
really ? prove it. while on the side of Creation, it's there in front of the eye's of
all mankind, everyday.
the ' space ' which the Atheists show in their cartoons in which the stuff of the
universe was suspended was " always there, " too. they largely avoid explaining where
space came from let alone how space is a vacuum... huh... you can't demonstrate a vacuum
without a container in which to draw a vacuum.... we therefore live in a big bottle.
their imagination demonstrated by cartoon's show how perfectly ordered all the stuff of
the universe came to be in right places so as to form the earth... and life out of none
living elements. they'll never come remotely close to proving that one...
not only did all of these things just happen by themselves, as though science is a god
unto itself to worship, but the Atheists go on to say that life came from outer space. in
a universe of elements that are not alive the magic of dropping in from outer space
somehow, ( they can't prove it though Creation is before everyone's eye's everyday )
is the answer as to where just the right ' thing ' was the missing ingredient which
created life out of more elements that are not alive.
and they call Creationist's stupid !
please explain also, Mr. Atheist, how life began out of absolute sterility from elements
never alive as you see Creation in front of your eye's everyday.
here is the address of a site which some may find helpful...