old man joe
2011-06-19 11:57:55 UTC
Evolution is by no means a science simply because evolution of living things is not possible without
a beginning. the rational evidence the Evolutionists continually avoid is showing us how nonliving
elements came to life all by themselves. any combination of nothing alive results in a pile of
nothing alive. Evolutionists avoid this most basic principle because they know that the elements
are not alive and can not produce life.
this is why we hear them say ' life came from outer space. ' they need to save face so they resort
to ends more impossible than the first by appealing to their sense of grandeur.
Evolutionists have painted themselves into a corner by telling us that ' early earth ' was hardly
more than a burning cinder. this means that not only did life come from elements that are not alive
to this day now that their earth has cooled down plenty, but also that living things came out of
absolute sterility. two impossibilities brought forth the first living thing all by itself.
this begs to add another of their key ingredients into the mix... time. let nonliving elements
alone long enough and they will produce life. if that be the case, then every dead body in a grave
must come back to life a few billion years from now... after all, nonliving elements which comprise
the whole of a human body must come to life all by itself if enough time is put in the mix. all of
the dead elements are present in the dead body yet the dead body is dead... why ? simply because
life is not of this world.
so far, we have nothing alive plus absolute sterility plus time, which, btw, is not alive either,
producing life. it must be magic because facts mean everything in science. the fantastic lack of
facts in Evolution move the Evolutionists to the next rung down the ladder of their kind of science.
having painted themselves into a corner it's only natural to for the Evolutionists to curse anyone
and everyone disagreeing with them. this is a sure sign of ignorance. saving face is all important
to the Evolutionist. this not only shows us that they are ignorant to their own subject matter but
by so doing, speak to the glory of God.
God is the only Being in the universe possessing life... that's why He calls Himself The Living God.
having created all things, except sin of course, He put of His life into the elements which by no
other means nor explanations could possibly be alive, bring forth every living thing there is. its
as simple as that.
the reason the Evolutionist types can not understand this is because they are not supposed to
understand this by design. not all shall be saved according to the Bible, the Word of Truth the
Evolutionists studiously avoid. they have concocted a purposeless life for themselves so its only
natural for them to create a purposeless beginning of the world. this perfectly agrees with Holy
Scripture. Eph.2:12 for example.
interestingly enough, we are taught in Holy Scripture that it is God Himself who has made Himself
known to everyone. we read this in Romans chapter one beginning in verse 18. no human is
responcible to preach there is the Living God since God took up doing just that Himself, thereby
causing everyone to have to answer to Him alone. furthermore, in chapter two we learn that the Law
of God is written on every ones heart. Evolution, then, is nothing more than an escape from
a beginning. the rational evidence the Evolutionists continually avoid is showing us how nonliving
elements came to life all by themselves. any combination of nothing alive results in a pile of
nothing alive. Evolutionists avoid this most basic principle because they know that the elements
are not alive and can not produce life.
this is why we hear them say ' life came from outer space. ' they need to save face so they resort
to ends more impossible than the first by appealing to their sense of grandeur.
Evolutionists have painted themselves into a corner by telling us that ' early earth ' was hardly
more than a burning cinder. this means that not only did life come from elements that are not alive
to this day now that their earth has cooled down plenty, but also that living things came out of
absolute sterility. two impossibilities brought forth the first living thing all by itself.
this begs to add another of their key ingredients into the mix... time. let nonliving elements
alone long enough and they will produce life. if that be the case, then every dead body in a grave
must come back to life a few billion years from now... after all, nonliving elements which comprise
the whole of a human body must come to life all by itself if enough time is put in the mix. all of
the dead elements are present in the dead body yet the dead body is dead... why ? simply because
life is not of this world.
so far, we have nothing alive plus absolute sterility plus time, which, btw, is not alive either,
producing life. it must be magic because facts mean everything in science. the fantastic lack of
facts in Evolution move the Evolutionists to the next rung down the ladder of their kind of science.
having painted themselves into a corner it's only natural to for the Evolutionists to curse anyone
and everyone disagreeing with them. this is a sure sign of ignorance. saving face is all important
to the Evolutionist. this not only shows us that they are ignorant to their own subject matter but
by so doing, speak to the glory of God.
God is the only Being in the universe possessing life... that's why He calls Himself The Living God.
having created all things, except sin of course, He put of His life into the elements which by no
other means nor explanations could possibly be alive, bring forth every living thing there is. its
as simple as that.
the reason the Evolutionist types can not understand this is because they are not supposed to
understand this by design. not all shall be saved according to the Bible, the Word of Truth the
Evolutionists studiously avoid. they have concocted a purposeless life for themselves so its only
natural for them to create a purposeless beginning of the world. this perfectly agrees with Holy
Scripture. Eph.2:12 for example.
interestingly enough, we are taught in Holy Scripture that it is God Himself who has made Himself
known to everyone. we read this in Romans chapter one beginning in verse 18. no human is
responcible to preach there is the Living God since God took up doing just that Himself, thereby
causing everyone to have to answer to Him alone. furthermore, in chapter two we learn that the Law
of God is written on every ones heart. Evolution, then, is nothing more than an escape from