old man joe
2009-09-14 00:34:24 UTC
the Atheists prove again and again the truth of God's Word... " a natural man
( a dishonorable term in the Greek ) does not receive the things of the Spirit of God,
for they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually
discerned. " 1 Cor. 2:14
such is the case with some fellow who finds fault with the account of the temptation in
the Garden of Eden. it is too much for the natural man to give any respect for his
Creator so the best display of his antagonistic soul is to poke fun at the things God put
in the His Bible.
huh. a snake in the New Testament represents Satan. a talking snake shouldn't be so
difficult for an Atheist to understand since these Atheists represent Satan according to
the words of Jesus when He says of God haters... " you are of your father the devil and
you want to do the desires of your father." Jn. 8:44.
Atheists are talking snakes... it can't be all that hard after all to understand the
account of Satan indwelling and talking through a snake in the Garden of Eden. Satan
entered into Judas Iscariot, possessed him and spoke using his mouth betraying Christ.
demons possess people and animals as the New Testament declares... watch out you God
haters, God might allow a demon to possess you, too. bad enough you represent them.
( a dishonorable term in the Greek ) does not receive the things of the Spirit of God,
for they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually
discerned. " 1 Cor. 2:14
such is the case with some fellow who finds fault with the account of the temptation in
the Garden of Eden. it is too much for the natural man to give any respect for his
Creator so the best display of his antagonistic soul is to poke fun at the things God put
in the His Bible.
huh. a snake in the New Testament represents Satan. a talking snake shouldn't be so
difficult for an Atheist to understand since these Atheists represent Satan according to
the words of Jesus when He says of God haters... " you are of your father the devil and
you want to do the desires of your father." Jn. 8:44.
Atheists are talking snakes... it can't be all that hard after all to understand the
account of Satan indwelling and talking through a snake in the Garden of Eden. Satan
entered into Judas Iscariot, possessed him and spoke using his mouth betraying Christ.
demons possess people and animals as the New Testament declares... watch out you God
haters, God might allow a demon to possess you, too. bad enough you represent them.