old man joe
2009-11-07 11:41:54 UTC
it doesn't take a scientist to look up into a clear night sky and conclude it's there by
chance, no, it takes an Atheist; someone who could otherwise be an intelligent person
but when it comes to what God did they're reasoning faculties cease.
all the elements that don't produce life are out there yet these Atheist's say the
" building block's of life came to earth on a comet. "... what building block's ? they
won't say. and they won't say simply because they show themselves as avoiding the only
answer there is... which God made known to everyone... " since the creation of the world
His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen,
being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. " Ro. 1:20
the wonder of Creation is one of the ways by which God makes Himself known...
" that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. "
Ro. 1:19
the " they " of Romans 1:20 are " men who suppress the truth. "
the passage goes on to say that these who suppress the truth do so
" in unrighteousness, " which means they are reprobate, non elect; Atheists...
left alone in this world without God by God's choice ( Jn. 17:9 ) ...those whom God sees
fit to " harden. " Ro. 9:18
left up to themselves by God Himself it's natural for these to think ' natural, ' which
is to say, they might as well show themselves as Atheists since these are passed by
( Eph. 2:12 ) for that saving grace which God delights in gifting those miserable sinner's
He's chosen in and of Himself to be the objects of His mercy. Ro. 9:18.
amazingly enough, an Evolutionist / Atheist ( the two are inseparable ) would never,
repeat, never agree to go to a surgeon for a cardiac bypass who has the same understanding
of surgery the Evolutionist has of Creation.
chance, no, it takes an Atheist; someone who could otherwise be an intelligent person
but when it comes to what God did they're reasoning faculties cease.
all the elements that don't produce life are out there yet these Atheist's say the
" building block's of life came to earth on a comet. "... what building block's ? they
won't say. and they won't say simply because they show themselves as avoiding the only
answer there is... which God made known to everyone... " since the creation of the world
His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen,
being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. " Ro. 1:20
the wonder of Creation is one of the ways by which God makes Himself known...
" that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. "
Ro. 1:19
the " they " of Romans 1:20 are " men who suppress the truth. "
the passage goes on to say that these who suppress the truth do so
" in unrighteousness, " which means they are reprobate, non elect; Atheists...
left alone in this world without God by God's choice ( Jn. 17:9 ) ...those whom God sees
fit to " harden. " Ro. 9:18
left up to themselves by God Himself it's natural for these to think ' natural, ' which
is to say, they might as well show themselves as Atheists since these are passed by
( Eph. 2:12 ) for that saving grace which God delights in gifting those miserable sinner's
He's chosen in and of Himself to be the objects of His mercy. Ro. 9:18.
amazingly enough, an Evolutionist / Atheist ( the two are inseparable ) would never,
repeat, never agree to go to a surgeon for a cardiac bypass who has the same understanding
of surgery the Evolutionist has of Creation.