here is a link to the timing of Judgement Day as the truly elect eagerly await the return of Christ... May 21, 2011
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-10-03 12:14:45 UTC

to conclude that the timing of Judgement Day is not to be known by the sons of God is the
same as saying those who perished in the Flood were not alerted to their End by Noah, a
preacher of righteousness.

its the same as saying the people of Nineveh were not told beforehand by Jonah that...
" Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown." Jon. 3:4.

it's the same as saying the Israelites did not know they would be delivered from the
Egyptians or carried away into Babylon.

from an objective point of view the proclaiming of the Day of Judgement is no different
than proclaiming anything else found in the Bible. this is where making predictions and
proclaiming what is found in the Bible two entirely different things. Martin Luther found
that the Bible teaches salvation is by faith alone and was a hunted man from that time on
by the haters of Christ. there likewise follows many objections to the timing of the End.

yet, we should not overlook that the End comes when we die... both physically at the end
of our allotted days as well as when we've died to the world by the salvation which is of
Christ as He causes His elect ones to be born from above. so, as far as the End coming,
it has already come for His elect ones as far as their dying to the things of this world
is concerned... this is a basic tenant of all the truly elect.

we all know that the Bible teaches Judgement Day and the End of the World. not peculiar
that the only scoffers are those outside of salvation as the Israelites opposing Moses
showed themselves to be, while at the same time, the only ones filled with joy to see
their deliverance coming in their lifetime were the truly elect of those days.

likewise, we are told the scoffers of these days find this kind of talk utterly repulsive
and hurl names at those who look for the Promise of Christ's Second Coming as we find them
singled out as " mocker's following after their own lusts... " in the chapter of 2 Peter 3

while these " unprincipled men " want the world to know they as pastor's and apostles,
these are the first to be deceived by their own thirst for pride and recognition, and
being such, their kind follow them. so be it. this is another sign we are at the End as
they fulfill the accusations God has pointed at them... these are practiced in calling God
a liar.

on the other hand, in the same chapter, we are told we are " looking for and hastening the
coming of the day of God... " that we " look for these things. " ... we can not look with
eyes closed.
2009-10-03 13:36:22 UTC
And a Senile Old Troll is he
An Unknown Liberal
2009-10-06 00:44:13 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, old man joe said...
Hey! That link is no good!!
An Unknown Liberal
Join the crowd and pray for me: http://www.adoptaliberal.net/
Cory Albrecht
2009-10-25 23:46:52 UTC
Post by An Unknown Liberal
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, old man joe said...
Hey! That link is no good!!
Regardless of whether the link worked, that would still be the case. :-)
2009-10-06 15:13:58 UTC
Post by old man joe
to conclude that the timing of Judgement Day is not to be known by the sons of God is the
same as saying those who perished in the Flood were not alerted to their End by Noah, a
preacher of righteousness.
What's it like to constantly live in fear?
2009-10-06 15:59:47 UTC
Post by VoiceOfReason
Post by old man joe
to conclude that the timing of Judgement Day is not to be known by the sons of God is the
same as saying those who perished in the Flood were not alerted to their End by Noah, a
preacher of righteousness.
What's it like to constantly live in fear?
That is an excellent question. Christians who really believe live in
fear that they might do something that will send them to hell. They
constantly push those nagging doubts from the forefront of their mind
but the doubt is always there. I know, I was one. That is just an added
benefit when you realize that god doesn't exist.
An Unknown Liberal
2009-10-07 01:05:30 UTC
Ralph said...
Post by Ralph
Post by VoiceOfReason
Post by old man joe
to conclude that the timing of Judgement Day is not to be known by the sons of God is the
same as saying those who perished in the Flood were not alerted to their End by Noah, a
preacher of righteousness.
What's it like to constantly live in fear?
That is an excellent question. Christians who really believe live in
fear that they might do something that will send them to hell. They
constantly push those nagging doubts from the forefront of their mind
but the doubt is always there. I know, I was one. That is just an added
benefit when you realize that god doesn't exist.
So, you're saying that cowering Christians spend 24/7/365 in holy terror
wondering when Jesus is going to toss a wayward bus or lightning bolt
their way for some biblical transgression that they may have overlooked?

How nice for them.

Now maybe I understand why they spend so much energy and money trying to
warn the rest of us that don't have their disease.
An Unknown Liberal
Join the crowd and pray for me: http://www.adoptaliberal.net/

*Read'N'Learn: http://www.jesusneverexisted.com/
Father Haskell
2009-11-03 21:03:42 UTC
Post by Ralph
Post by VoiceOfReason
Post by old man joe
to conclude that the timing of Judgement Day is not to be known by the sons of God is the
same as saying those who perished in the Flood were not alerted to their End by Noah, a
preacher of righteousness.
What's it like to constantly live in fear?
That is an excellent question. Christians who really believe live in
fear that they might do something that will send them to hell. They
constantly push those nagging doubts from the forefront of their mind
but the doubt is always there. I know, I was one. That is just an added
benefit when you realize that god doesn't exist.
I wonder every time I hear a born-again xian's "testimony."
They all seem to have undergone some *very* traumatic
personal experience prior to conversion.

What is it that they did that was so terrible?
2009-11-03 21:24:36 UTC
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Ralph
Post by VoiceOfReason
Post by old man joe
to conclude that the timing of Judgement Day is not to be known by the sons of God is the
same as saying those who perished in the Flood were not alerted to their End by Noah, a
preacher of righteousness.
What's it like to constantly live in fear?
That is an excellent question. Christians who really believe live in
fear that they might do something that will send them to hell. They
constantly push those nagging doubts from the forefront of their mind
but the doubt is always there. I know, I was one. That is just an added
benefit when you realize that god doesn't exist.
I wonder every time I hear a born-again xian's "testimony."
They all seem to have undergone some *very* traumatic
personal experience prior to conversion.
What is it that they did that was so terrible?
You need to ask "I'll Be Back" for the answer to that one. Dave is more
concerned with our sex lives than he is his own. Of course, his own is
Father Haskell
2009-11-03 21:39:10 UTC
Post by Ralph
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Ralph
Post by VoiceOfReason
Post by old man joe
to conclude that the timing of Judgement Day is not to be known by the sons of God is the
same as saying those who perished in the Flood were not alerted to their End by Noah, a
preacher of righteousness.
What's it like to constantly live in fear?
That is an excellent question. Christians who really believe live in
fear that they might do something that will send them to hell. They
constantly push those nagging doubts from the forefront of their mind
but the doubt is always there. I know, I was one. That is just an added
benefit when you realize that god doesn't exist.
I wonder every time I hear a born-again xian's "testimony."
They all seem to have undergone some *very* traumatic
personal experience prior to conversion.
What is it that they did that was so terrible?
You need to ask "I'll Be Back" for the answer to that one. Dave is more
concerned with our sex lives than he is his own. Of course, his own is
I'd suspect a goat or some other farm livery rather than
none in cases such as this.
2009-11-04 00:08:09 UTC
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Ralph
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Ralph
Post by VoiceOfReason
Post by old man joe
to conclude that the timing of Judgement Day is not to be known by the sons of God is the
same as saying those who perished in the Flood were not alerted to their End by Noah, a
preacher of righteousness.
What's it like to constantly live in fear?
That is an excellent question. Christians who really believe live in
fear that they might do something that will send them to hell. They
constantly push those nagging doubts from the forefront of their mind
but the doubt is always there. I know, I was one. That is just an added
benefit when you realize that god doesn't exist.
I wonder every time I hear a born-again xian's "testimony."
They all seem to have undergone some *very* traumatic
personal experience prior to conversion.
What is it that they did that was so terrible?
You need to ask "I'll Be Back" for the answer to that one. Dave is more
concerned with our sex lives than he is his own. Of course, his own is
I'd suspect a goat or some other farm livery rather than
none in cases such as this.
Of course, that's it!! Oh well, to each his own:-))
Father Haskell
2009-11-04 21:59:48 UTC
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Ralph
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Ralph
Post by VoiceOfReason
Post by old man joe
to conclude that the timing of Judgement Day is not to be known by the sons of God is the
same as saying those who perished in the Flood were not alerted to their End by Noah, a
preacher of righteousness.
What's it like to constantly live in fear?
That is an excellent question. Christians who really believe live in
fear that they might do something that will send them to hell. They
constantly push those nagging doubts from the forefront of their mind
but the doubt is always there. I know, I was one. That is just an added
benefit when you realize that god doesn't exist.
I wonder every time I hear a born-again xian's "testimony."
They all seem to have undergone some *very* traumatic
personal experience prior to conversion.
What is it that they did that was so terrible?
You need to ask "I'll Be Back" for the answer to that one. Dave is more
concerned with our sex lives than he is his own. Of course, his own is
I'd suspect a goat or some other farm livery rather than
none in cases such as this.
Of course, that's it!! Oh well, to each his own:-))-
I'm sure it gets worse than goats.

Cory Albrecht
2009-10-25 23:44:56 UTC
Post by old man joe
to conclude that the timing of Judgement Day is not to be known by the sons of God is the
same as saying those who perished in the Flood were not alerted to their End by Noah, a
preacher of righteousness.
its the same as saying the people of Nineveh were not told beforehand by Jonah that...
" Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown." Jon. 3:4.
it's the same as saying the Israelites did not know they would be delivered from the
Egyptians or carried away into Babylon.
So, Joe, I guess you're saying that the Bible lies?

“And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments
of men.” (Matthew 15:9).

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven,
but My Father only” (Matthew 24:36).

“Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour
you do not expect” (Matthew 24:44)

Tell me, Joe - why do you contradict Jesus?
Post by old man joe
from an objective point of view the proclaiming of the Day of Judgement is no different
than proclaiming anything else found in the Bible. this is where making predictions and
proclaiming what is found in the Bible two entirely different things. Martin Luther found
that the Bible teaches salvation is by faith alone and was a hunted man from that time on
by the haters of Christ. there likewise follows many objections to the timing of the End.
yet, we should not overlook that the End comes when we die... both physically at the end
of our allotted days as well as when we've died to the world by the salvation which is of
Christ as He causes His elect ones to be born from above. so, as far as the End coming,
it has already come for His elect ones as far as their dying to the things of this world
is concerned... this is a basic tenant of all the truly elect.
we all know that the Bible teaches Judgement Day and the End of the World. not peculiar
that the only scoffers are those outside of salvation as the Israelites opposing Moses
showed themselves to be, while at the same time, the only ones filled with joy to see
their deliverance coming in their lifetime were the truly elect of those days.
likewise, we are told the scoffers of these days find this kind of talk utterly repulsive
and hurl names at those who look for the Promise of Christ's Second Coming as we find them
singled out as " mocker's following after their own lusts... " in the chapter of 2 Peter 3
while these " unprincipled men " want the world to know they as pastor's and apostles,
these are the first to be deceived by their own thirst for pride and recognition, and
being such, their kind follow them. so be it. this is another sign we are at the End as
they fulfill the accusations God has pointed at them... these are practiced in calling God
a liar.
on the other hand, in the same chapter, we are told we are " looking for and hastening the
coming of the day of God... " that we " look for these things. " ... we can not look with
eyes closed.