Huh... The Evolutionists haven't evolved intelligently...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-03-19 10:48:24 UTC
huh... monkey's don't reason... humans reason.

Evolution means you get smarter with time. that didn't happen with the
Evolutionists... they've reasoned they are hybrid monkeys... this idea is based on
their emotions and not on brain power because they're suffering from very low self
esteem and not from tick infestations.

what kind of person reasons that since man looks like a monkey, anatomically
speaking, therefore his parents were monkey's ? the Evolutionists base their
' facts ' on things they can not and will not prove... 2 plus 2 do not equal 4 in the
world of Evolutionists ' so let's pretend it does...' that's not intelligent
reasoning, that's emotional reasoning... hatred for the obvious order of things
( an emotion ) ' so let's build a fantasy world, ' ( not based in fact but rather,
cartoons ) where reason doesn't exist and we can show ourselves smart to gullible
people nonetheless.

huh... getting a grant to go out into the field and study God's creation ( which
they call ' nature ' ) sure beats having to work for a living !

Evolution is nothing more than a cartoon show of the blind leading the blind.
it doesn't take a scientist to discover that life doesn't come from elements never
alive. after more than a hundred years of looking into the possibility of Evolution
they are still at the starting point... not a pursuit of the smart.


" Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved..."

( Acts 16:31a NASB )
2009-03-19 11:35:02 UTC
"old man joe" <***@lone.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
Oh nooos not more senseless, mind numbingly repetitive ramblings about:

1. Elements not alive
2. Cartoons
3. Aircraft in junkyards
4. Black eyes
5. General twisting and dishonesty based loosely on science.
6. Jesus's dick
7. Jars of soil in the garage.

Time to do some chores yawn!
Thurisaz the Einherjer
2009-03-20 07:29:53 UTC
We are well aware that you don't know shit about science, "old moron joe".
No need to demonstrate it again and again.

("alt.athiesm" again... just how mindbogglingly stupid does one need to be
to not get a 7-letter-word right after repeated hints that one's spelling
is wrong?)
Romans 2:24 revised:
"For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you
cretinists, as it is written on aig."

My personal judgment of monotheism: http://www.carcosa.de/nojebus
Leto Atreides
2009-03-20 11:02:03 UTC
Yes, of course, it is better to trust in the Bible, a contradictory
book, with wrong historical data, with fantastic and impossible stories,
with facts that never occurred like Noe's ark, and without any proof of
anything that in that book is explained. Yes, it is very much smart!

Leto Atreides
Post by old man joe
huh... monkey's don't reason... humans reason.
Evolution means you get smarter with time. that didn't happen with the
Evolutionists... they've reasoned they are hybrid monkeys... this idea is based on
their emotions and not on brain power because they're suffering from very low self
esteem and not from tick infestations.
what kind of person reasons that since man looks like a monkey, anatomically
speaking, therefore his parents were monkey's ? the Evolutionists base their
' facts ' on things they can not and will not prove... 2 plus 2 do not equal 4 in the
world of Evolutionists ' so let's pretend it does...' that's not intelligent
reasoning, that's emotional reasoning... hatred for the obvious order of things
( an emotion ) ' so let's build a fantasy world, ' ( not based in fact but rather,
cartoons ) where reason doesn't exist and we can show ourselves smart to gullible
people nonetheless.
huh... getting a grant to go out into the field and study God's creation ( which
they call ' nature ' ) sure beats having to work for a living !
Evolution is nothing more than a cartoon show of the blind leading the blind.
it doesn't take a scientist to discover that life doesn't come from elements never
alive. after more than a hundred years of looking into the possibility of Evolution
they are still at the starting point... not a pursuit of the smart.
" Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved..."
( Acts 16:31a NASB )
St. Jackanapes MD/PhD
2009-03-21 19:49:29 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ old man joe one more showed his lack of
knowledge about Evolution and science in general...
Post by old man joe
huh... monkey's don't reason... humans reason.
Unless they call themselves old man joe.
Post by old man joe
Evolution means you get smarter with time. that didn't happen with the
Evolutionists... they've reasoned they are hybrid monkeys... this idea is based on
their emotions and not on brain power because they're suffering from very low self
esteem and not from tick infestations.
what kind of person reasons that since man looks like a monkey, anatomically
speaking, therefore his parents were monkey's ? the Evolutionists base their
' facts ' on things they can not and will not prove... 2 plus 2 do not equal 4 in the
world of Evolutionists ' so let's pretend it does...' that's not intelligent
reasoning, that's emotional reasoning... hatred for the obvious order of things
( an emotion ) ' so let's build a fantasy world, ' ( not based in fact but rather,
cartoons ) where reason doesn't exist and we can show ourselves smart to gullible
people nonetheless.
huh... getting a grant to go out into the field and study God's creation ( which
they call ' nature ' ) sure beats having to work for a living !
Evolution is nothing more than a cartoon show of the blind leading the blind.
it doesn't take a scientist to discover that life doesn't come from elements never
alive. after more than a hundred years of looking into the possibility of Evolution
they are still at the starting point... not a pursuit of the smart.
Wow. You haven't a clue how evolution works, do you? Evolution doesn't
have a fucking thing to do with getting smarter, you ignorant toad. Why
do you read so much into evolution that is not there? You are a laughing
stock in these groups not because you are for Jesus and against science
- you are laughed at, ridiculed, and generally considered an idiot for
something completely different. And that is because in all your bluster
it's so obvious that you have absolutely *NO* idea of how science, and
especially Evolution, work!

Hey Joe - why don't you take your large empty cranium down to a library.
What's a library? It's a place with a lot of books that you can take
home and read - for free! I'm pretty sure that you've never darkened the
door of a library in your life, so you'll need to sign up for a library

After you've done that ask the kindly librarian for a good beginner's
book on Evolution. Take this book home and study it well. Once you know
something about the subject that you are ceaselessly attacking despite
not having a clue how it works, you should come back into these groups
and try having an intelligent debate. Right now you are so obliviously
uneducated on the subject that no one can take you seriously. That's why
the only responses that you receive are laughing at you, instead of
debating your ideas - right now you *have no* ideas.

One of your most comical mistakes is when you connect Evolution with
cosmology. Somehow in that vast empty space above your shoulders you
think that Evolution explains the Big Bang. LMAO!! Get thyself to a
Post by old man joe
" Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved..."
If I have to believe in what is so obviously is a myth & a lie, a myth
and a lie that has caused millions upon millions of innocents to die at
the hands of its fanatical believers, well I don't want saved. Thank you
anyway, but no thanks.
St. Jackanapes
- http://www.voy.com/20630/
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- http://www.jackanapes.ws/2pdcat.html
- "I form the light, and create darkness.
- I make peace, and create EVIL.
- I the LORD do all these things." ? Isaiah 45.7.
2009-03-22 00:30:13 UTC
Post by old man joe
huh... monkey's don't reason... humans reason.
Evolution means you get smarter with time.
Another fucking liar for christ.
Reverend Dave
2009-03-24 05:29:06 UTC
Post by old man joe
huh... monkey's don't reason... humans reason.
Studies indicate that Rhesus Monkeys reason. Chimpanzees are known to
make and use tools. Chimpanzees and gorillas have learned sign language
and have a vocabulary of as much as 400 symbols which is about the level
of a three or four year old human.
Post by old man joe
Evolution means you get smarter with time.
No it doesn't, at least not in your case.
Post by old man joe
what kind of person reasons that since man looks like a monkey, anatomically
speaking, therefore his parents were monkey's ?
A creationist would reason this. Nobody who has even the slightest
understanding of evolution would make such a statement.
Post by old man joe
the Evolutionists
base their ' facts ' on things they can not and will not prove... 2
plus 2 do not equal 4 in the world of Evolutionists ' so let's pretend
it does...' that's not intelligent reasoning, that's emotional
reasoning... hatred for the obvious order of things ( an emotion ) '
so let's build a fantasy world, ' ( not based in fact but rather,
cartoons ) where reason doesn't exist and we can show ourselves smart
to gullible people nonetheless.
Except that there's verifiable evidence in shared retroviral DNA
sequencing in apes and humans. So far you're two for two in getting shit
dead wrong.


"Yet nothing provides more convincing evidence for the “theory” of
evolution than the viruses contained within our DNA. Until recently, the
earliest available information about the history and the course of human
diseases, like smallpox and typhus, came from mummies no more than four
thousand years old. Evolution cannot be measured in a time span that
short. Endogenous retroviruses provide a trail of molecular bread crumbs
leading millions of years into the past.

Darwin’s theory makes sense, though, only if humans share most of those
viral fragments with relatives like chimpanzees and monkeys. And we do,
in thousands of places throughout our genome. If that were a coincidence,
humans and chimpanzees would have had to endure an incalculable number of
identical viral infections in the course of millions of years, and then,
somehow, those infections would have had to end up in exactly the same
place within each genome. The rungs of the ladder of human DNA consist of
three billion pairs of nucleotides spread across forty-six chromosomes.
The sequences of those nucleotides determine how each person differs from
another, and from all other living things. The only way that humans, in
thousands of seemingly random locations, could possess the exact
retroviral DNA found in another species is by inheriting it from a common

huh... sucks to be you!
Post by old man joe
huh... getting a grant to go out into the field and study God's creation ( which
they call ' nature ' ) sure beats having to work for a living !
Evolution is nothing more than a cartoon show of the blind leading the blind.
it doesn't take a scientist to discover that life doesn't come from
elements never alive. after more than a hundred years of looking into
the possibility of Evolution they are still at the starting point...
not a pursuit of the smart.
The problem with you Joe is that you want an answer when none is yet
available. For you, believing that Gawd took a handlful of dirt, molded
it and blew into it and presto chango, man is created, requires a lot of
gullibility on your part.

Science on the other hand, requires a certain degree of understanding for
it to make sense. You have demonstrated time and time again that you
either lack this understanding or have buried it for fear of retribution
from you imaginary deity.

By the way, it's entirely possible that an understanding of the mechanism
that allowed life to form from "elements never alive" may be closer at
hand than you think.

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is
those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert
that this or that problem will never be solved by science. - Charles
Father Haskell
2009-03-31 19:04:50 UTC
Post by Reverend Dave
  huh... monkey's don't reason... humans reason.
Studies indicate that Rhesus Monkeys reason. Chimpanzees are known to
make and use tools. Chimpanzees and gorillas have learned sign language
and have a vocabulary of as much as 400 symbols which is about the level
of a three or four year old human.
Squirrels have better memory recall than most xians.
2009-03-31 19:45:04 UTC
In article <31858c55-5f4b-4e7c-91e1-
***@l19g2000vba.googlegroups.com>, ***@yahoo.com
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Reverend Dave
  huh... monkey's don't reason... humans reason.
Studies indicate that Rhesus Monkeys reason. Chimpanzees are known to
make and use tools. Chimpanzees and gorillas have learned sign language
and have a vocabulary of as much as 400 symbols which is about the level
of a three or four year old human.
Squirrels have better memory recall than most xians.
And bigger nuts.
Father Haskell
2009-04-01 18:36:45 UTC
Post by WangoTango
In article <31858c55-5f4b-4e7c-91e1-
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Reverend Dave
  huh... monkey's don't reason... humans reason.
Studies indicate that Rhesus Monkeys reason. Chimpanzees are known to
make and use tools. Chimpanzees and gorillas have learned sign language
and have a vocabulary of as much as 400 symbols which is about the level
of a three or four year old human.
Squirrels have better memory recall than most xians.
And bigger nuts.
You ever seen a painting of jesus with testicles?
2009-04-02 14:58:33 UTC
In article <a4b4ba50-9500-4dff-825b-4d266489e8d5
@l19g2000vba.googlegroups.com>, ***@yahoo.com says...
Post by Father Haskell
Post by WangoTango
In article <31858c55-5f4b-4e7c-91e1-
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Reverend Dave
  huh... monkey's don't reason... humans reason.
Studies indicate that Rhesus Monkeys reason. Chimpanzees are known to
make and use tools. Chimpanzees and gorillas have learned sign language
and have a vocabulary of as much as 400 symbols which is about the level
of a three or four year old human.
Squirrels have better memory recall than most xians.
And bigger nuts.
You ever seen a painting of jesus with testicles?
And he did get nailed by a couple guys........
Father Haskell
2009-04-02 20:03:35 UTC
Post by WangoTango
In article <a4b4ba50-9500-4dff-825b-4d266489e8d5
@l19g2000vba.googlegroups.com>, ***@yahoo.com says...
Post by Father Haskell
Post by WangoTango
In article <31858c55-5f4b-4e7c-91e1-
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Reverend Dave
  huh... monkey's don't reason... humans reason.
Studies indicate that Rhesus Monkeys reason. Chimpanzees are known to
make and use tools. Chimpanzees and gorillas have learned sign language
and have a vocabulary of as much as 400 symbols which is about the level
of a three or four year old human.
Squirrels have better memory recall than most xians.
And bigger nuts.
You ever seen a painting of jesus with testicles?
And he did get nailed by a couple guys........- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Me, I would have used 3/4" lags and a Milwaukee (tm)
Magnum screw gun.

Reverend Dave
2009-04-02 04:05:09 UTC
Post by Father Haskell
  huh... monkey's don't reason... humans reason.
Studies indicate that Rhesus Monkeys reason. Chimpanzees are known to
make and use tools. Chimpanzees and gorillas have learned sign
language and have a vocabulary of as much as 400 symbols which is
about the level of a three or four year old human.
Squirrels have better memory recall than most xians.
I doubt that that is the reason OMJ posts the same mindless tripe over and
over again.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is
those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert
that this or that problem will never be solved by science. - Charles Darwin