Huh. the Atheist says there was no Flood though the bow of the Covenant is in the sky, how do they answer the Temple ?
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2010-01-15 09:41:17 UTC
they answer with the same unbelief they do as with the rainbow, which testifies to the
Covenant God declared is the sign that there will be no more global flood as in the days
of Noah. Gen. 9:8-17

beyond that, we have archaeologists searching for the Ark.

being that it was made of wood it likely disintegrated back to dust in millennium past
since the Flood occurred nearly seven thousand years ago. it could have been dismantled
for building materials, we are not told in the Bible.

what we are told in the Bible is that the Temple of Solomon is in Jerusalem and there's no
denying that the foundation of it is still there.

the point is, finding the Ark would not convince anyone that there is God Almighty anymore
than the Temple of Solomon convinces anyone that there is God Almighty.

the Atheists see the great pyramids and admit there were Pharaohs and a glorious Egypt in
history but seeing the Temple of Solomon erected for the Living God, the foundation of
which is still there, doesn't move them to acknowledge God's existence nor the glory due

why then does the Atheist so resist this demonstration of the Temple foundation still
being in existence and not acknowledging the Living God all the while the Temple is a
testimony to His existence and His involvement in the affairs of men ? simply because to
the unbeliever, these things are foolishness. 1 Cor. 2:14

that the things of God are foolishness is a testimony against them by their own words.
the Atheist, first of all, is an Atheist because he is passed by; ( Eph. 2:12 ) he is
without hope and " without God, " which is translated from the Greek word " atheos " and
from this we get our word " atheist. "

it is the fancy of the Atheist to think that he is the one who finds the things of God
ridiculous, rejecting God for the many reasons Atheists do find, however, the table is
turned for him... it is God who rejected him before he was ever born to do good or evil.
( Ro. 9:11-13 ) it is not that the Atheist will not believe, it is that he can not
believe, ( Jn. 10:26 ) he is dead to the things of the Living God. Eph. 2:13

so then, the Atheist will find the Covenant of the Flood ridiculous, the sign of which is
the rainbow... it had never rained on the earth until Noah's Flood. he will find the
Temple of Solomon equally ridiculous as a sign left behind by God testifying to His
existence and His involvement in the affairs of men.
Allan Matthews
2010-01-15 10:01:29 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>, ***@yahoo.com
Post by old man joe
they answer with the same unbelief they do as with the rainbow, which testifies to the
Covenant God declared is the sign that there will be no more global flood as in the days
of Noah. Gen. 9:8-17
No, the rainbow is a well-understood atmospheric phenomenon, not some
sort of sky pixie magic.
Post by old man joe
beyond that, we have archaeologists searching for the Ark.
No, you have religious wackos searching for the ark, not actual

Post by old man joe
what we are told in the Bible is that the Temple of Solomon is in
Jerusalem and there's no denying that the foundation of it is still
No trace of Solomon's Temple has ever been found. Perhaps you are
confusing it with Herod's Temple, except the foundation of that is gone
Post by old man joe
the point is, finding the Ark would not convince anyone that there is God Almighty anymore
than the Temple of Solomon convinces anyone that there is God Almighty.
By this line of argument seeing a Hindu temple should make us all
believe in Vishnu and Brahma.

[remaining silly ranting snipped to save bandwidth]

"And the moral of the story?
Don't leave things in the fridge."
2010-01-15 13:40:42 UTC
Post by old man joe
the Atheists see the great pyramids and admit there were Pharaohs and a glorious Egypt in
history but seeing the Temple of Solomon erected for the Living God, the foundation of
which is still there, doesn't move them to acknowledge God's existence nor the glory due
Do you acknowledge that the pyramids attest to Osiris's existence? Why
or why not?
2010-01-15 16:27:15 UTC
Post by old man joe
they answer with the same unbelief they do as with the rainbow, which testifies to the
Covenant God declared is the sign that there will be no more global flood as in the days
of Noah. Gen. 9:8-17
beyond that, we have archaeologists searching for the Ark.
being that it was made of wood it likely disintegrated back to dust in millennium past
since the Flood occurred nearly seven thousand years ago. it could have been dismantled
for building materials, we are not told in the Bible.
what we are told in the Bible is that the Temple of Solomon is in Jerusalem and there's no
denying that the foundation of it is still there.
the point is, finding the Ark would not convince anyone that there is God Almighty anymore
than the Temple of Solomon convinces anyone that there is God Almighty.
the Atheists see the great pyramids and admit there were Pharaohs and a glorious Egypt in
history but seeing the Temple of Solomon erected for the Living God, the foundation of
which is still there, doesn't move them to acknowledge God's existence nor the glory due
why then does the Atheist so resist this demonstration of the Temple foundation still
being in existence and not acknowledging the Living God all the while the Temple is a
testimony to His existence and His involvement in the affairs of men ? simply because to
the unbeliever, these things are foolishness. 1 Cor. 2:14
that the things of God are foolishness is a testimony against them by their own words.
the Atheist, first of all, is an Atheist because he is passed by; ( Eph. 2:12 ) he is
without hope and " without God, " which is translated from the Greek word " atheos " and
from this we get our word " atheist. "
it is the fancy of the Atheist to think that he is the one who finds the things of God
ridiculous, rejecting God for the many reasons Atheists do find, however, the table is
turned for him... it is God who rejected him before he was ever born to do good or evil.
( Ro. 9:11-13 ) it is not that the Atheist will not believe, it is that he can not
believe, ( Jn. 10:26 ) he is dead to the things of the Living God. Eph. 2:13
so then, the Atheist will find the Covenant of the Flood ridiculous, the sign of which is
the rainbow... it had never rained on the earth until Noah's Flood. he will find the
Temple of Solomon equally ridiculous as a sign left behind by God testifying to His
existence and His involvement in the affairs of men.
Yep, atheists are free of behavior typical of a Bertyl ray spore infection.

Bob Young
2010-01-16 06:04:02 UTC
Post by old man joe
they answer with the same unbelief they do as with the rainbow, which testifies to the
Covenant God declared is the sign that there will be no more global flood as in the days
of Noah. Gen. 9:8-17
beyond that, we have archaeologists searching for the Ark.
being that it was made of wood it likely disintegrated back to dust in millennium past
since the Flood occurred nearly seven thousand years ago. it could have been dismantled
for building materials, we are not told in the Bible.
what we are told in the Bible is that the Temple of Solomon is in Jerusalem and there's no
denying that the foundation of it is still there.
the point is, finding the Ark would not convince anyone that there is God Almighty anymore
than the Temple of Solomon convinces anyone that there is God Almighty.
the Atheists see the great pyramids and admit there were Pharaohs and a glorious Egypt in
history but seeing the Temple of Solomon erected for the Living God, the foundation of
which is still there, doesn't move them to acknowledge God's existence nor the glory due
why then does the Atheist so resist this demonstration of the Temple foundation still
being in existence and not acknowledging the Living God all the while the Temple is a
testimony to His existence and His involvement in the affairs of men ? simply because to
the unbeliever, these things are foolishness. 1 Cor. 2:14
that the things of God are foolishness is a testimony against them by their own words.
the Atheist, first of all, is an Atheist because he is passed by; ( Eph. 2:12 ) he is
without hope and " without God, " which is translated from the Greek word " atheos " and
from this we get our word " atheist. "
it is the fancy of the Atheist to think that he is the one who finds the things of God
ridiculous, rejecting God for the many reasons Atheists do find, however, the table is
turned for him... it is God who rejected him before he was ever born to do good or evil.
( Ro. 9:11-13 ) it is not that the Atheist will not believe, it is that he can not
believe, ( Jn. 10:26 ) he is dead to the things of the Living God. Eph. 2:13
so then, the Atheist will find the Covenant of the Flood ridiculous, the sign of which is
the rainbow... it had never rained on the earth until Noah's Flood. he will find the
Temple of Solomon equally ridiculous as a sign left behind by God testifying to His
existence and His involvement in the affairs of men.
Bob Young
2010-01-16 06:09:01 UTC
Post by old man joe
they answer with the same unbelief they do as with the rainbow, which testifies to the
Covenant God declared is the sign that there will be no more global flood as in the days
of Noah. Gen. 9:8-17
beyond that, we have archaeologists searching for the Ark.
They will be busy for quite some time joe !
Post by old man joe
being that it was made of wood it likely disintegrated back to dust in millennium past
since the Flood occurred nearly seven thousand years ago. it could have been dismantled
for building materials, we are not told in the Bible.
Before quoting from the bible, determine when it first made it's appearance
in basic English.
Post by old man joe
what we are told in the Bible is that the Temple of Solomon is in Jerusalem and there's no
denying that the foundation of it is still there.
The bible tells a lot of nonsense since a goodly part of it is simply fables
and mythology as ant sane ready will soon discover
Post by old man joe
the point is, finding the Ark would not convince anyone that there is God Almighty anymore
than the Temple of Solomon convinces anyone that there is God Almighty.
the Atheists see the great pyramids and admit there were Pharaohs and a glorious Egypt in
history but seeing the Temple of Solomon erected for the Living God, the foundation of
which is still there, doesn't move them to acknowledge God's existence nor the glory due
why then does the Atheist so resist this demonstration of the Temple foundation still
being in existence and not acknowledging the Living God all the while the Temple is a
testimony to His existence and His involvement in the affairs of men ? simply because to
the unbeliever, these things are foolishness. 1 Cor. 2:14
that the things of God are foolishness is a testimony against them by their own words.
the Atheist, first of all, is an Atheist because he is passed by; ( Eph. 2:12 ) he is
without hope and " without God, " which is translated from the Greek word " atheos " and
from this we get our word " atheist. "
An atheist is such because he as the power of reason, he uses logic instead
of mythology and does not believe everything he hears simply because he
wants to believe it.
Post by old man joe
it is the fancy of the Atheist to think that he is the one who finds the things of God
ridiculous, rejecting God for the many reasons Atheists do find, however, the table is
turned for him... it is God who rejected him before he was ever born to do good or evil.
( Ro. 9:11-13 ) it is not that the Atheist will not believe, it is that he can not
believe, ( Jn. 10:26 ) he is dead to the things of the Living God. Eph. 2:13
Here's more about atheism joe, Emmett's final line was written for fellas
like you:

"Atheism is the world of reality, it is reason, it is freedom. Atheism is
human concern, and intellectual honesty to a degree that the religious mind
cannot begin to understand. And yet it is more than this. Atheism is not an
old religion, it is not a new and coming religion, in fact it is not, and
never has been, a religion at all. The definition of Atheism is magnificent
in its simplicity: Atheism is merely the bed-rock of sanity in a world of
[Atheism: An Affirmative View, by Emmett F. Fields]
Post by old man joe
so then, the Atheist will find the Covenant of the Flood ridiculous, the sign of which is
the rainbow... it had never rained on the earth until Noah's Flood. he will find the
Temple of Solomon equally ridiculous as a sign left behind by God testifying to His
existence and His involvement in the affairs of men.
Humanist, atheist, realist, sentimentalist Brit.

Man creates his gods in his own image,
then spends the rest of his life
manipulating them to his heart's content

R E L I G I O N ­ it is all in the mind,
an escape from life¹s realities and hardships,
sixty percent ritual, forty percent fantasy

Oh how I wish there were a loving god. A god that would take care of man¹s
ills and fulfill his desires and dreams. But I have the common sense and
intelligence to know that this is simply the way man desires things to be.
Leaving the doors wide open for opportunists to cash in.
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