Father Haskell
2009-04-09 20:52:19 UTC
It seems to me I heard somewhere that Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote in
of buffalos were driven over cliffs by the Indians; buffalos were one
of their main sources of food. Perhaps you're thinking of the
lemmings, who according to legend dash blindly off cliffs into the
sea--but that's probably not really true either..
You're probably thinking of those old Disney naturearticle
This reminds me of the smarter buffalos, which know not to follow the
"overwhelming majority" who are following the "leading" ones over the
edge of a cliff to their deaths.
Yes, the smarter buffalos are in the minority.
The "smarter" buffalos exist only in your imagination. Entire herds"overwhelming majority" who are following the "leading" ones over the
edge of a cliff to their deaths.
Yes, the smarter buffalos are in the minority.
of buffalos were driven over cliffs by the Indians; buffalos were one
of their main sources of food. Perhaps you're thinking of the
lemmings, who according to legend dash blindly off cliffs into the
sea--but that's probably not really true either..
films, where Uncle Walt had his film crew toss
bushel baskets full of lemmings off cliffs to their
certain horrifying deaths in shark-filled waters.
My personal favorite Disney flick from that
era was "Ol' Jesus." I'm still moved by the
finale, wherein Travis' mom orders him
to "Shoot jesus, SHOOT him, Travis,
he's got rabies!"