old man joe
2011-09-04 14:18:16 UTC
" The seeds of life on Earth may have originated in outer space --- raining down aboard meteorites
billions of years ago. " so say " scientists. "
here we have just another example displaying a well know fact that one does not have to be smart,
nor logical, no respectable to be a " scientist." the only real requirement to be a " scientist "
of this category is that one must be given to fantasy regardless of how unintelligent " scientific "
statements one concocts may be.
we see also the usual " scientific " conclusion drawn from such fantasy... the magical words " may
have. " this conclusion can be found in all statements concocted by earth " scientists " as they go
against reasoning and try rather to concoct Creation out of non-living elements of the Periodic
Table. their world is, by their own admission, full or " may have... perhaps... could be... if, "
etc., etc.
huh ! it would never happen that one of these " scientists " who needs open heart surgery would
knowingly lay down on the cutting table if his surgeon " may have... perhaps... could be... "
finished med. school.
the " facts ' these " scientists " concoct cease to be " facts " and become philosophies when we
hear them speculating with " perhaps "... then they cease to be scientists and become philosophers
instead. facts are not based on " perhaps " ... speculation is based on " perhaps."
and these kinds of " scientists " all have the very same belief system...
1. there is no God.
2. the universe created itself.
3. life created itself from non-living elements regardless of where the elements came from.
4, man evolved out of the ape.
to the contrary... everyone knows there is God Almighty simply because He made Himself intrinsically
known to everyone rendering everyone " without excuse. " Ro.1:18-20 ( the scientist and their
disciples miss this part... that because God says so in the Bible is not by the Bible we know there
is God Almighty. how ever God does in fact make Himself known intrinsically to everyone is part of
man's make up, otherwise man has an excuse and God can not justifiably judge anyone. its also
obvious from man who has never even heard of a Bible that he worships what he thinks is God. the Law
of God is written on everyone's heart, Ro.2:15... the Bible is in everyone's inner person in other
words... which includes every Atheist )
the universe could not possibly have created itself. something can not and does not come from
nothing and from no where. " it was always there " as these " scientists " like to say does not
show where all the stuff of the universe came from.
life certainly can not and does not come from the non-living elements the earth is made of...
neither is there any living element of the earth in the human body nor any other thing which breeds
or grows out of the ground. life comes from The Living God. life is not of this world just as The
Living God is not of this world.
who fathered the ape ? evolution is the religion of the naive. man no more came from an ape
anymore than an ape came forth from non-living elements of the earth. to suppose man came from an
ape pre-supposes the ape came from something before it became an ape... so forth backwards through
time to the first living thing coming from elements that have no life in them to this day... one big
fat dead end story told us by philosopher's.
billions of years ago. " so say " scientists. "
here we have just another example displaying a well know fact that one does not have to be smart,
nor logical, no respectable to be a " scientist." the only real requirement to be a " scientist "
of this category is that one must be given to fantasy regardless of how unintelligent " scientific "
statements one concocts may be.
we see also the usual " scientific " conclusion drawn from such fantasy... the magical words " may
have. " this conclusion can be found in all statements concocted by earth " scientists " as they go
against reasoning and try rather to concoct Creation out of non-living elements of the Periodic
Table. their world is, by their own admission, full or " may have... perhaps... could be... if, "
etc., etc.
huh ! it would never happen that one of these " scientists " who needs open heart surgery would
knowingly lay down on the cutting table if his surgeon " may have... perhaps... could be... "
finished med. school.
the " facts ' these " scientists " concoct cease to be " facts " and become philosophies when we
hear them speculating with " perhaps "... then they cease to be scientists and become philosophers
instead. facts are not based on " perhaps " ... speculation is based on " perhaps."
and these kinds of " scientists " all have the very same belief system...
1. there is no God.
2. the universe created itself.
3. life created itself from non-living elements regardless of where the elements came from.
4, man evolved out of the ape.
to the contrary... everyone knows there is God Almighty simply because He made Himself intrinsically
known to everyone rendering everyone " without excuse. " Ro.1:18-20 ( the scientist and their
disciples miss this part... that because God says so in the Bible is not by the Bible we know there
is God Almighty. how ever God does in fact make Himself known intrinsically to everyone is part of
man's make up, otherwise man has an excuse and God can not justifiably judge anyone. its also
obvious from man who has never even heard of a Bible that he worships what he thinks is God. the Law
of God is written on everyone's heart, Ro.2:15... the Bible is in everyone's inner person in other
words... which includes every Atheist )
the universe could not possibly have created itself. something can not and does not come from
nothing and from no where. " it was always there " as these " scientists " like to say does not
show where all the stuff of the universe came from.
life certainly can not and does not come from the non-living elements the earth is made of...
neither is there any living element of the earth in the human body nor any other thing which breeds
or grows out of the ground. life comes from The Living God. life is not of this world just as The
Living God is not of this world.
who fathered the ape ? evolution is the religion of the naive. man no more came from an ape
anymore than an ape came forth from non-living elements of the earth. to suppose man came from an
ape pre-supposes the ape came from something before it became an ape... so forth backwards through
time to the first living thing coming from elements that have no life in them to this day... one big
fat dead end story told us by philosopher's.