old man joe
2009-08-02 11:56:47 UTC
when someone speaks of ' Allah ' they mean that the God does not subsist as He
reveals Himself in Holy Scripture, namely, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
from the first line of the Holy Scriptures handed down by Him to the prophet Moses,
and later to the prophets and apostles of the Better Covenant ( and through them
alone to us ) the Name ' God ' renders the plural Name ' Elohiym '. Gen. 1:1 should
" In the beginning Gods, They created the heavens and the earth. "
if the One True God did not subsist as Father, Son and Holy Spirit no such Name in
plural form would appear in Gen. 1:1. reading on a little further, God says " Let Us
( plural ) make man in Our ( plural ) image. ( singular ) at the cutting edge of
proper conduct before God is: are we willing to acknowledge the truth... lest we make
ourselves false witnesses.
in the passage of Deu. 6:4 the Middle Easterners and others find the their proof
text that there is but one God who does not reveal Himself as subsisting as Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. they are quite wrong to conclude this and thereby mark
themselves as blasphemers...
" Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one. "
Deu. 6:4
the word ' one ' in this verse is a plural-singular noun... called in grammar a
' uni-plural noun. ' this verse reads : " Hear, O Israel ( a uni-plural noun) The
LORD ( singular ) is our God, ( plural ) the LORD ( singular ) is one. ( a uni-plural
noun )
while the word ' Israel ' in this verse addresses a nation and not a single person
but a plurality, so too we are to understand the word
' one ' in this verse... a plurality... like the word ' tribe, country, team, clan,
army ' and so on.
there is no such revelation by the Living God that angelic beings had any part in
the creation of man, as some would like to think. personal pronouns refer to proper
nouns... and in this verse of Gen. 1:26 these personal pronouns refer to God... one
God of one likeness and not three Gods of 3 likenesses. this is the way God handed
His Word to Moses, and His OT prophets. to counter God's Word is tantamount to
calling God a liar.
in the New Testament we find the word ' God ' as a singular proper noun, ' Theos, '
as in Jn. 1:1. the Living God ( singular ) has long since handed His Name down to
the prophets of the Old Covenant as one God who is completely other than anything He
has created and is never to be compared to anything in creation as the First
Commandment declares.
the Messiah Himself points to the fact that the Holy Scriptures of the Old Covenant
are sufficient for man to know that there is one God who subsists as Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. Jn. 5:39
furthermore, the Father says " I, " the Son says " I " and the Holy Spirit says
" I. " rational Beings are self aware. when the Living God speaks of things to
come, it happens. God defines Himself in His Word as " knowing the end from the
beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done... Is. 46:9-11.
declaring things yet to come far separates the Living God from the false gods to
which the reprobate cling.
the Son of God, Jesus Christ, speaks of things to come and to say He is not the
Living God is blasphemy... which marks the speaker as dead in sin and passed by for
salvation. Jn. 8:24
Jesus Christ is named The Everlasting Father in Is. 9:6. this verse refers to the
Son and He alone and can be none other than Jesus Christ. to say otherwise calls God
a liar... and that is a serious matter since those who are saved are those who
believe the Word of God.
the Living God, the Messiah, declares that the Spirit of Truth will tell the elect
of things to come Jn. 16:13. the Holy Spirit filled David as we read in Ps. 51:11.
David knew of the Presence of this Divine Being and spoke thus of Him way back in
those days as do the apostles in the New Testament. it is not as though the
revelation of Himself to man as recorded in Holy Scripture was done in secret. the
authentic Word of God has been around for thousands of years.
as the Holy Spirit declares through the Apostle Paul... " even if we or an angel
from Heaven preach a gospel to you beside what we preached to you, let him be
accursed. " Ga. 1:8
Ex 22:20 " He who sacrifices to any god, other than to the LORD alone, shall be
utterly destroyed. "
reveals Himself in Holy Scripture, namely, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
from the first line of the Holy Scriptures handed down by Him to the prophet Moses,
and later to the prophets and apostles of the Better Covenant ( and through them
alone to us ) the Name ' God ' renders the plural Name ' Elohiym '. Gen. 1:1 should
" In the beginning Gods, They created the heavens and the earth. "
if the One True God did not subsist as Father, Son and Holy Spirit no such Name in
plural form would appear in Gen. 1:1. reading on a little further, God says " Let Us
( plural ) make man in Our ( plural ) image. ( singular ) at the cutting edge of
proper conduct before God is: are we willing to acknowledge the truth... lest we make
ourselves false witnesses.
in the passage of Deu. 6:4 the Middle Easterners and others find the their proof
text that there is but one God who does not reveal Himself as subsisting as Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. they are quite wrong to conclude this and thereby mark
themselves as blasphemers...
" Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one. "
Deu. 6:4
the word ' one ' in this verse is a plural-singular noun... called in grammar a
' uni-plural noun. ' this verse reads : " Hear, O Israel ( a uni-plural noun) The
LORD ( singular ) is our God, ( plural ) the LORD ( singular ) is one. ( a uni-plural
noun )
while the word ' Israel ' in this verse addresses a nation and not a single person
but a plurality, so too we are to understand the word
' one ' in this verse... a plurality... like the word ' tribe, country, team, clan,
army ' and so on.
there is no such revelation by the Living God that angelic beings had any part in
the creation of man, as some would like to think. personal pronouns refer to proper
nouns... and in this verse of Gen. 1:26 these personal pronouns refer to God... one
God of one likeness and not three Gods of 3 likenesses. this is the way God handed
His Word to Moses, and His OT prophets. to counter God's Word is tantamount to
calling God a liar.
in the New Testament we find the word ' God ' as a singular proper noun, ' Theos, '
as in Jn. 1:1. the Living God ( singular ) has long since handed His Name down to
the prophets of the Old Covenant as one God who is completely other than anything He
has created and is never to be compared to anything in creation as the First
Commandment declares.
the Messiah Himself points to the fact that the Holy Scriptures of the Old Covenant
are sufficient for man to know that there is one God who subsists as Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. Jn. 5:39
furthermore, the Father says " I, " the Son says " I " and the Holy Spirit says
" I. " rational Beings are self aware. when the Living God speaks of things to
come, it happens. God defines Himself in His Word as " knowing the end from the
beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done... Is. 46:9-11.
declaring things yet to come far separates the Living God from the false gods to
which the reprobate cling.
the Son of God, Jesus Christ, speaks of things to come and to say He is not the
Living God is blasphemy... which marks the speaker as dead in sin and passed by for
salvation. Jn. 8:24
Jesus Christ is named The Everlasting Father in Is. 9:6. this verse refers to the
Son and He alone and can be none other than Jesus Christ. to say otherwise calls God
a liar... and that is a serious matter since those who are saved are those who
believe the Word of God.
the Living God, the Messiah, declares that the Spirit of Truth will tell the elect
of things to come Jn. 16:13. the Holy Spirit filled David as we read in Ps. 51:11.
David knew of the Presence of this Divine Being and spoke thus of Him way back in
those days as do the apostles in the New Testament. it is not as though the
revelation of Himself to man as recorded in Holy Scripture was done in secret. the
authentic Word of God has been around for thousands of years.
as the Holy Spirit declares through the Apostle Paul... " even if we or an angel
from Heaven preach a gospel to you beside what we preached to you, let him be
accursed. " Ga. 1:8
Ex 22:20 " He who sacrifices to any god, other than to the LORD alone, shall be
utterly destroyed. "