Yet another black eye for the Evolutionists : Celestial Navigation...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-11-27 13:12:55 UTC
navigation by land and sea is as old as time. while traveling across land the ancient
people used topical features as well as the position of the sun at sun rise and sun set to
calculate their relative position between point a and point b.

when man put to sea in ancient times he used the star's to find his way from point a to
point b in featureless expansion's of the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea.

according to the Holy Scripture's, God set in the heavens the sun and the moon and the
star's of the night sky as " sign's. " ( Gen. 1:14-16 ) " sign's " is the same word
translated " miracle. "

according to the Atheist / Evolutionist's, all of these fixed points in the sky all got
there by the Big Bang which magically set in order a perfectly ordered universe evolving
man out of it from monkey's by which these hybrid monkey's crossed land masses and sea's
in their ships navigating by the star's.

the Evolutionists say there is no center of the universe, which makes their idea of a Big
Bang Big Baloney. " the Big Bang happened everywhere at once, " they say. we wonder
where they were standing to observe and record this fantastic conclusion. Job. 38:4

nonetheless, an idea of a universe coming into being out of material these high thinker's
can not explain the origin of... out of chaos by their own conclusions posted all over the
Internet, and from chaos into a perfectly ordered universe is just a way of saying the
science of Atheists need God to have created the universe for it to be in the order it is

( unregenerate man is a chaotic being who finds order only in the thing's created by
God... his body work's in perfect order but his unregenerate mind is chaotic since he is
" without God " by God's perfect design for his daily existence without God. Job 5:7 )

the Big Bang idea, formulated by an Atheist Catholic priest no less, created the vacuum of
space out of an explosion. pretty neat trick to create a permanent vacuum out of an

getting back to the matter at hand, the Mazzaroth, or constellations as it is known, have
not only stood in their place since the first day of God's placing them in the heavens,
but also they are witnesses to the gospel spoken to Abraham and Job by God telling them of
the coming Messiah by the teaching tool's of the star's in the night sky.

the reprobate's use these star's in their mystic art's but God uses the star's of His
creation as messenger's of the gospel to this day. the reprobates profane everything they
touch and use it as so instructed by Satan their god ( Jn. 8:43,44 ) while a careful study
of this doctrine will reveal to the serious student what people have known since Seth...
that the Mazzaroth, which the reprobates call the Zodiac, is the gospel in the star's
beforehand preached to the patriarchs of the coming Messiah. ( see Ro. 10:17,18 cp. Ps.
19:1-6 with Col. 1:6,23 and Job 38 )

the Atheist's are guilty of rejecting the gospel also by reason of perverting the
Mazzaroth into heathen sign's of the Zodiac.

the placement of all of the heavenly bodies by God are used as tool's of navigation for
man to this day... that these heavenly bodies just happened by chance to be in perfect
order out of chaos, from conclusions drawn by Atheists as to the origin of the universe,
is utter nonsense. these Atheists are the of same kind who claim my Thanksgiving turkey
evolved from a dinosaur and then back into a turkey.
2009-11-27 13:40:35 UTC
On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 08:12:55 -0500, old man joe <***@yahoo.com>

Wow, and I thought "IlBeBauck" was the dumbest theist ever to pass
through alt.atheism.
Erwin Moller
2009-11-27 14:30:58 UTC
Post by raven1
Wow, and I thought "IlBeBauck" was the dumbest theist ever to pass
through alt.atheism.
Some serious competition arrived indeed. ;-)

Possible they/he are/is the same person.
Happens a lot with these dishonest bastards.
At talk.origins we caugth a few in the past that were too stupid to do
it right. ;-)

Erwin Moller
"There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to
make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the
other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious
deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult."
-- C.A.R. Hoare
2009-11-27 16:51:42 UTC
On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 15:30:58 +0100, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin Moller
Post by raven1
Wow, and I thought "IlBeBauck" was the dumbest theist ever to pass
through alt.atheism.
Some serious competition arrived indeed. ;-)
Possible they/he are/is the same person.
Unlikely; the posting styles are completely different. Dimwit Dave
isn't bright enough to disguise himself that well.
Post by Erwin Moller
Happens a lot with these dishonest bastards.
At talk.origins we caugth a few in the past that were too stupid to do
it right. ;-)
Indeed; "All-Seeing-I" was recognizable as "[M]adman" almost
immediately, most recently.
Post by Erwin Moller
Erwin Moller
Tak A#344
2009-11-29 09:26:13 UTC
Post by raven1
Wow, and I thought "IlBeBauck" was the dumbest theist ever to pass
through alt.atheism.
There is no end to how stupid the theist trolls in alt.atheism can get.

If it can turn on a computer and punch some keys it posts its
horseshit here. this may be the only certainty.

Tak A#344
2009-11-27 16:52:06 UTC
"old man joe" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
<SNIP nonsense>

Don't you think it would have been easier for the creator of the whole
universe to have put one star in the north, lets say a blue one, then a
green one in the east, a red one in the west etc? After all it's only holes
in the covering over the earth. Then he could have put a couple of sets of
two above each other so we could judge longitude without having to wait a
couple of thousand years until a mere man invents an accurate clock?

2009-12-01 13:54:27 UTC
My friend joe has some interesting ideas, which we are happy to correct
from time to time.

""navigation by land and sea is as old as time. while traveling across
land the ancient people used topical features as well as the position of
the sun at sun rise and
sun set to calculate their relative position between point a and point

No, they could only know the direction north and south by certain stars
and the relative points between. So for example, knowing from previous
knowledge the relative to north direction from point a to b they had a
rough idea of which direction to go. They could not know distance by
stars alone, especially on the open sea. Relative distance north and
south could be estimated by where certain stars rose, but not until the
invention of very accurate clocks could east west distance be known with
any accuracy. This was good only for clear nights, only with the
invention of the compass could north and south be known anytime.

"when man put to sea in ancient times he used the star's to find his way
from po int a to point b in featureless expansion's of the Persian Gulf
and Mediterranean Sea. according to the Holy Scripture's, God set in the
heavens the sun and the moon
and the star's of the night sky as " sign's. " ( Gen. 1:14-16 ) "
sign's " is the sam e word translated " miracle. ""

No, on the sea most travel was by following the coast of those regions
or by direct north and south sailing using the north star as a

"according to the Atheist / Evolutionist's, all of these fixed points in
the sk y all got there by the Big Bang which magically set in order a
perfectly ordered universe
evolving man out of it from monkey's by which these hybrid monkey's
crossed land masses and sea's in their ships navigating by the star's."

But they are not fixed. In one person's life or even of several
generations they would appear fixed. But relative to observation on
earth all sky bodies are changing direction relative to each other. The
patterns in the night sky in OT times would be similar but different
then that we know now. The stars making up those patterns have been
measured moving relative to each other.
