Richard Dawkins... anti-Christ agent... answered by God in one passage of Holy Scripture, Pv.8:36...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2011-06-21 15:15:08 UTC
" But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death. "
Proverbs 8:36

contrary to the public life of Atheists, they know full well there is no possibility of the universe
creating itself. they are so poor in their explanation of a self-created world we live in that
their prophets don't even see the impossibilities they've incorporated into their rhetorically
created existence.

as soon as the Atheists can show us how life comes from elements that are not alive they'd then have
a case for self-creation of living things coming from non-living things. but they can't because
such is impossible... it amounts to saying living babies come from nonliving mothers.

yet, it's okay for Atheists to have faith in the words of their prophets but it's not okay for the
elect Christian to have faith in the Word of God, delivered to us through His personally selected
prophets and apostles.

the default position of elect Creationist's is of course that the Living God created all things
giving life to those things which are alive. the proof He gives of His doings are in Creation
itself, which man is a part of, and beyond this, God had put the awareness of Himself into every
person. we learn that because God has put the knowledge of His existence in everyone as in Romans
chapter one starting in verse 18, so that claiming not to know is a lie.

everyone therefore, without exception, has heard of God in the inner man. otherwise, God can not be
the Judge of man since as He says... " where there is no Law, neither is there violation. " Ro.4:15

we learn in chapter two, that He wrote His Laws on everyone's heart. there is no escaping this.
the Atheist will curse God and man all he wants but so doing doesn't change these facts of life.
he's only showing the world he hates God and loves death as Pv.8:36 indicates.
cursing God and man is one method used by Atheists to ' prove ' Evolution.

it's quite impossible to curse someone whom they say doesn't exist... they know God exists and
therefore they curse Him. they are simply dissatisfied with God for leaving them to a purposeless
life which they can not change.

the Atheist try's so desperately to prove there is no God to answer to by using God's Creation as a
tool against God. this too, is folly. all of the elements of the Periodic Table are set before the
Atheist but he refuses to show us which one or one's are alive so that he can once and for all prove
his case. but he won't because he can't... and he knows it. he'll just continue on in his
purposeless life cursing God and man to which he is appointed. 1 Pet.2:6-8.

the same elements are in a dead human as in a live human but the dead human is dead and the live
human is alive and neither is by reason of the nonliving elements which comprise them both. when
will the Atheist take up to show the world where on this earth life comes from ? never, because he
can't... life is not of this world just as the Living God is not of this world.
2011-06-21 15:23:00 UTC
And a Senile Old Troll is He
2011-06-21 15:23:40 UTC
Post by old man joe
" But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death. "
Proverbs 8:36
The Bible is a fraud filled with crappy little sound bites.
old man joe
2011-06-23 11:29:28 UTC
Post by Davej
Post by old man joe
" But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death. "
Proverbs 8:36
The Bible is a fraud filled with crappy little sound bites.
the above displays the usual ability the typical Atheist has when it comes to God's Word, the

Atheists find the Bible ridiculous just as the Bible says they will... " For the preaching of the
cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. "
1 Cor.1:18

Atheists are atheists because they are " strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope,
and without God in the world... " Eph.2:12. the term " without God " is rendered into English from
the original language of Holy Scripture, " atheos. "

this is where we get the word " atheist "... a person whom God has passed by without notice... left
to themselves and actually hated by God as He says in Ps.5:5...
" thou hatest all workers of iniquity. "

its a pretty terrible thing to be hated by God. as with all people ignorant of what the Bible
really says, the alleged Christian says... " God loves everybody. " they leave out the part that
this applies only to the elect of God... to those who will inherit the promises, but as for the
rest... they will " perish " because they are " atheos. "

nonetheless, it has been decided by God before He ever created the world that there would be those
He leaves to themselves, and this event shows up in Atheists of all times by the statements they
make as they try and hate God back.
2011-06-23 12:45:05 UTC
On Thu, 23 Jun 2011 07:29:28 -0400, old man joe
Post by old man joe
nonetheless, it has been decided by God before He ever created the world that there would be those
He leaves to themselves, and this event shows up in Atheists of all times by the statements they
make as they try and hate God back.
We don't hate what doesn't exist, oh silly one.
Kelsey Bjarnason
2011-06-27 01:54:36 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Davej
Post by old man joe
" But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that
hate me love death. " Proverbs 8:36
The Bible is a fraud filled with crappy little sound bites.
the above displays the usual ability the typical Atheist has when it
comes to God's Word, the Bible...
If, as you assert, the Bible is God's word, you would seem to have more
than a few difficulties to overcome. For example, you might ponder why,
if God Himself wrote (or caused to be written) the words, was it
necessary for mere mortals to *vote* upon which bits to include and which
to discard?

Then we have little issues such as God apparently suffering senile
dementia, as even his creation story contradicts itself within the first
couple of pages of the document - you'd think if he were actually extant
and sane, he'd manage to get at least that much right.

Or perhaps you're more an NT sort of fellow, in which case we have to
ponder the bits about "the same yesterday, today and tomorrow" and "I
tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest
letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from
the Law until everything is accomplished" - suggesting that the rules
haven't changed and they're still in effect. Odd, then, that so few
believers seem to pay much attention to them.

Nor should we make any note of the endless contradictions in the books,
nor of their contradiction to reality; after all, it's God's word, so
when it says two contradictory things, both must be true, and when it
claims the impossible or the simply flat-out wrong, this, too, must be

I'll admit, refusing to actually employ the brain you were born with
requires less energy and effort than does thinking, but if one is a
believer, one is then in the position of simultaneously believing God
granted one the gift of reason, then affronting God by refusing to use
the gift.

I pity the believers. Their only way out is to achieve such a total
state of abject ignorance about everything that they have a basis for
rejecting the very things their beliefs give and require of them. "I
didn't know, see, so you can't fault me."

One is forced to wonder, should they ever actually meet their God, just
how thrilled he'd be at such use of the gifts he supposedly bestowed.
Who knows? If he actually exists, maybe he actually _prefers_ mindless

2011-06-21 19:26:28 UTC
On Tue, 21 Jun 2011 11:15:08 -0400, old man joe
Post by old man joe
contrary to the public life of Atheists, they know full well there is no possibility of
of your ever making any sense.
Arguement? No, this is Abuse. Arguement is next door.
2011-06-25 20:14:37 UTC
Post by old man joe
" But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death. "
Proverbs 8:36
Thats him! Thats Dawkins, I recognise him!
Post by old man joe
contrary to the public life of Atheists, they know full well there is no possibility of the universe
creating itself.
Then God created himself then.
