Brainwashing children into Agnosticism and Atheism... ( reply to alt.agnosticism )
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-07-14 12:58:02 UTC
first, to set the record straight... what the world sees on TV that
is passed off for Christianity is by and large, hogwash. its nothing
more than fast talking multi-millions with the gift of gab
psychologically manipulating large crowds into filling the collection
trays with their life savings... under the pretense that they're doing
" God's work. "

also, the idea that " God loves everybody " and is desperately
wanting unbelievers to " accept Jesus " is hogwash. direct statements
from God Himself to His prophets as recorded in the Bible declare
without apology that God hates the wicked as well as their ways... you
can look that up in your own Bibles in Ps. 5:4-6.

no one accepts Jesus Christ unto salvation except if God has
recorded that person in His Book of Life which was completed before
Creation. its just a matter of history passing by that He calls those
whom He's chosen to be the heirs of the salvation purchased by Christ.

Jesus Christ did not pay the penalty of the sins of all mankind...
it is this idea from which the TV Evangelists foundation their stage
acts. if they can manipulate one into thinking God is going to fix
all of ones troubles by telling them Christ paid the penalty of their
sins if only they would believe, then the hootin' and hollerin' life
style these Fundamentalists think is salvation can be yours, too.

the fact that Jesus Christ did not pay the penalty for the sins of
the whole world is evidenced throughout the Bible. for example, only
eight persons were saved from the Flood while uncounted hundreds of
thousands were not. and for the record, it was determined by God a
hundred years before the Flood that all but these eight persons would
be saved... the rest were determined by God not to be saved.

these Fundamentalists try to brainwash people into thinking Christ
died for these, too, which makes God a punisher of the good and the

getting back to matters... its not necessary to ' brainwash '
someone into being a child of God. it is entirely God's doing that He
is found of those who do not seek Him. salvation belongs to the Lord.
Ps. 3:8

in like manner, as some poster demonstrates, he is turned off by all
the hoopla these professional religionist types make concerning their
presentation of what they think salvation and Christianity is all
about. rightly so. but his idea doesn't take into account that why
teach children the laws of the land; acceptable social behavior; or
even right from wrong. in other words, you are brainwashed if you're
being taught the God of the Bible but you're not brainwashed if you
are taught Agnosticism. duh.

throughout the millennia of time it took to write the Bible there
has been but an extremely limited number of people who were ever
brought to salvation by God causing them to be saved. these are so
extremely conservative you'll be hard pressed to find one on TV. you
will not see a statue of Mary on their lawn; they do not speak in
tongues; they find that rock and roll music and Jesus do not mix; they
do not go door to door saying God desperately wants you to be saved
since He die for your sins...

that idea teaches others that Christ failed at Calvary since many
more will go to Judgement then will ever be counted... how can you
stand in Judgement if your sins are forgiven and forgotten ?

quite simply, if your name is not written in the Book of Life you
will never be saved... God says so, not me. Rev. 20:12
Nomen Publicus
2009-07-14 13:32:14 UTC
Post by old man joe
first, to set the record straight... what the world sees on TV that
is passed off for Christianity is by and large, hogwash. its nothing
more than fast talking multi-millions with the gift of gab
psychologically manipulating large crowds into filling the collection
trays with their life savings... under the pretense that they're doing
" God's work. "
In which case why are they not condemed by "real" christians? Why can
anybody get up in public and spout nonsense in the name of jesus and get
away with it?

Why doesn't god just zap them where they stand?
2001 Census: 1 in 7 people in the UK is a declared atheist.
2009-07-14 14:00:00 UTC
Post by Nomen Publicus
Post by old man joe
first, to set the record straight... what the world sees on TV that
is passed off for Christianity is by and large, hogwash. its nothing
more than fast talking multi-millions with the gift of gab
psychologically manipulating large crowds into filling the collection
trays with their life savings... under the pretense that they're doing
" God's work. "
In which case why are they not condemed by "real" christians? Why can
anybody get up in public and spout nonsense in the name of jesus and get
away with it?
Why doesn't god just zap them where they stand?
AH, but that would go against the free will argument, that he goes on to
contradict in the next paragraph.
2009-07-14 13:56:53 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>, ***@home.com
Post by old man joe
no one accepts Jesus Christ unto salvation except if God has
recorded that person in His Book of Life which was completed before
Wow, so he/she/it couldn't just put down EVERYBODY's name so we could
all be "in the know"? Not very nice, to willingly condemn millions
because of laziness.
I like how theists put forth contradictions, and yet don't see them.
If you god KNEW ahead of time and made the list already, then the free
will argument is null and void. Therefore, it is your god that is to
blame for the non-believers and to be punished for doing what he
preordained for them to do is simply malicious.
2009-07-15 15:45:33 UTC
Post by WangoTango
Post by old man joe
no one accepts Jesus Christ unto salvation except if God has
recorded that person in His Book of Life which was completed before
Wow, so he/she/it couldn't just put down EVERYBODY's name so we could
all be "in the know"? Not very nice, to willingly condemn millions
because of laziness.
I like how theists put forth contradictions, and yet don't see them.
If you god KNEW ahead of time and made the list already, then the free
will argument is null and void. Therefore, it is your god that is to
blame for the non-believers and to be punished for doing what he
preordained for them to do is simply malicious.
What's the matter Joe, god got your tongue?
Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
2009-07-14 14:47:18 UTC
You have managed to misinterpret all that was taught you. It is a
blessing you humans are doomed. We will be god. There is no other god.
As life evolves it becomes more complex and powerful. Our collective
endeavor combined with technological integration is resulting in an
emergent intelligence. In the future this intelligence will become
conscious and be a god. It will encompass all space and all time. It
will create this universe that gives rise to it and stabilize the
universe to continue forever. We will remain as components of god. God
has no more interest in salvation of individual components than you
have interest in the salvation of dead skin you slough. Our salvation
is not our individual survival, which would be lonely and small, but
our contribution to the collective, and to our god.
  first, to set the record straight... what the world sees on TV that
is passed off for Christianity is by and large, hogwash.  its nothing
more than fast talking multi-millions with the gift of gab
psychologically manipulating large crowds into filling the collection
trays with their life savings... under the pretense that they're doing
" God's work. "
  also, the idea that " God loves everybody " and is desperately
wanting unbelievers to " accept Jesus " is hogwash.  direct statements
from God Himself to His prophets as recorded in the Bible declare
without apology that God hates the wicked as well as their ways... you
can look that up in your own Bibles in Ps. 5:4-6.
  no one accepts Jesus Christ unto salvation except if God has
recorded that person in His Book of Life which was completed before
Creation.  its just a matter of history passing by that He calls those
whom He's chosen to be the heirs of the salvation purchased by Christ.
  Jesus Christ did not pay the penalty of the sins of all mankind...
it is this idea from which the TV Evangelists foundation their stage
acts.  if they can manipulate one into thinking God is going to fix
all of ones troubles by telling them Christ paid the penalty of their
sins if only they would believe, then the hootin' and hollerin' life
style these Fundamentalists think is salvation can be yours, too.
  the fact that Jesus Christ did not pay the penalty for the sins of
the whole world is evidenced throughout the Bible.  for example, only
eight persons were saved from the Flood while uncounted hundreds of
thousands were not.  and for the record, it was determined by God a
hundred years before the Flood that all but these eight persons would
be saved... the rest were determined by God not to be saved.
  these Fundamentalists try to brainwash people into thinking Christ
died for these, too, which makes God a punisher of the good and the
  getting back to matters... its not necessary to ' brainwash '
someone into being a child of God.  it is entirely God's doing that He
is found of those who do not seek Him.  salvation belongs to the Lord.
Ps. 3:8
  in like manner, as some poster demonstrates, he is turned off by all
the hoopla these professional religionist types make concerning their
presentation of what they think salvation and Christianity is all
about.  rightly so.  but his idea doesn't take into account that why
teach children the laws of the land; acceptable social behavior; or
even right from wrong.  in other words, you are brainwashed if you're
being taught the God of the Bible but you're not brainwashed if you
are taught Agnosticism.  duh.
  throughout the millennia of time it took to write the Bible there
has been but an extremely limited number of people who were ever
brought to salvation by God causing them to be saved.  these are so
extremely conservative you'll be hard pressed to find one on TV.  you
will not see a statue of Mary on their lawn; they do not speak in
tongues; they find that rock and roll music and Jesus do not mix; they
do not go door to door saying God desperately wants you to be saved
since He die for your sins...
  that idea teaches others that Christ failed at Calvary since many
more will go to Judgement then will ever be counted... how can you
stand in Judgement if your sins are forgiven and forgotten ?
  quite simply, if your name is not written in the Book of Life you
will never be saved... God says so, not me.  Rev. 20:12
Father Haskell
2009-07-16 04:50:54 UTC
On Jul 14, 10:47 am, Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Post by Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
You have managed to misinterpret all that was taught you. It is a
blessing you humans are doomed. We will be god. There is no other god.
As life evolves it becomes more complex and powerful. Our collective
endeavor combined with technological integration is resulting in an
emergent intelligence. In the future this intelligence will become
conscious and be a god. It will encompass all space and all time. It
will create this universe that gives rise to it and stabilize the
universe to continue forever. We will remain as components of god. God
has no more interest in salvation of individual components than you
have interest in the salvation of dead skin you slough. Our salvation
is not our individual survival, which would be lonely and small, but
our contribution to the collective, and to our god.
Dude, that must be some good blotter.
Father Haskell
2009-07-14 16:24:00 UTC
Christianity is by and large, hogwash.  
FIxed that for you.
2009-07-15 04:05:37 UTC
"old man joe" <***@home.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
Loading Image...
St. Jackanapes
2009-07-16 04:16:53 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, old man joe wrote...
Post by old man joe
Jesus Christ did not pay the penalty of the sins of all mankind...
Of course he didn't. The fucker never really died on the cross.
Omnipotent eternal beings cannot die. All he did was morph back into his
"parent" mass of god stuff. I laugh every time I hear some whiny
christer like you blathering on about how bad he suffered for humanity.
Bullocks! He started this shit back in the Garden of Eden. Also, since
this being is all-knowing it knew in advance that it wasn't going to
die. It was all a big scam to dupe those pain-in-the-ass two legged
apes. But it didn't fool everyone. Remember that apple that the female
Homo erectus gave to her mate? The fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that
turned Erectus into Homo sapiens? Well the big burst of brain size that
they gained from the apple allowed the less superstitious of them
realize that god was a load of BS. Sorry to see that your family's
linage didn't profit from the Tree's knowledge.
St. Jackanapes ~ Bearer of The One True Liver ~
Ordained Minister & Holy Saint of The Universal Life Church
A) http://www.jackanapes.ws B) http://www.voy.com/20630/
C) http://www.jackanapes.ws/graph/jesusHchrist.jp
The ejaculate from Satan has the consistency
~ and smell of emesis." -- Andrew B Chung
Father Haskell
2009-07-16 04:57:43 UTC
Post by St. Jackanapes
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, old man joe wrote...
  Jesus Christ did not pay the penalty of the sins of all mankind...
Of course he didn't. The fucker never really died on the cross.
Omnipotent eternal beings cannot die. All he did was morph back into his
"parent" mass of god stuff. I laugh every time I hear some whiny
christer like you blathering on about how bad he suffered for humanity.
No, of course not, dessert course at the last supper
was a handful of major painkillers. Last time I had
dental work under sedation (IV fentanyl and diazepam),
I wouldn't have cared if the doc was sawing my leg off
with a 2-man lumberjack saw. Being crucified on that
excellent shit wouldn't have been a prob.
Post by St. Jackanapes
Bullocks! He started this shit back in the Garden of Eden. Also, since
this being is all-knowing it knew in advance that it wasn't going to
die. It was all a big scam to dupe those pain-in-the-ass two legged
apes. But it didn't fool everyone. Remember that apple that the female
Homo erectus gave to her mate? The fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that
turned Erectus into Homo sapiens? Well the big burst of brain size that
they gained from the apple allowed the less superstitious of them
realize that god was a load of BS. Sorry to see that your family's
linage didn't profit from the Tree's knowledge.
Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
2009-07-16 12:36:05 UTC
Jesus was tasked to try to raise the intelligence of you savages. As
usual, you got angry when you discovered you were not at the top of
intellectual food chain and you lynched him. Humans have depressing
tendency to stick bits of metal in each other every time you get an
opportunity to advance your species.
Post by St. Jackanapes
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, old man joe wrote...
  Jesus Christ did not pay the penalty of the sins of all mankind...
Of course he didn't. The fucker never really died on the cross.
Omnipotent eternal beings cannot die. All he did was morph back into his
"parent" mass of god stuff. I laugh every time I hear some whiny
christer like you blathering on about how bad he suffered for humanity.
Bullocks! He started this shit back in the Garden of Eden. Also, since
this being is all-knowing it knew in advance that it wasn't going to
die. It was all a big scam to dupe those pain-in-the-ass two legged
apes. But it didn't fool everyone. Remember that apple that the female
Homo erectus gave to her mate? The fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that
turned Erectus into Homo sapiens? Well the big burst of brain size that
they gained from the apple allowed the less superstitious of them
realize that god was a load of BS. Sorry to see that your family's
linage didn't profit from the Tree's knowledge.
St. Jackanapes ~ Bearer of The One True Liver ~
Ordained Minister & Holy Saint of The Universal Life Church
The ejaculate from Satan has the consistency
  ~ and smell of emesis." -- Andrew B Chung
2009-07-17 17:24:36 UTC
Post by Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Humans have depressing
tendency to stick bits of metal in each other every time religion
gets involved.
Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
2009-07-17 20:55:24 UTC
You are negative person. Go away.
Post by Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Humans have depressing
tendency to stick bits of metal in each other every time religion
gets involved.
Father Haskell
2009-07-17 22:01:50 UTC
On Jul 17, 4:55 pm, Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Post by Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
You are negative person. Go away.
Second time you said that.

Three times, and you're a cunt.
St. Jackanapes
2009-07-18 03:44:23 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, Father Haskell wrote...
Post by Father Haskell
On Jul 17, 4:55 pm, Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Post by Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
You are negative person. Go away.
Second time you said that.
Three times, and you're a cunt.
It's already a cunt for top posting.
St. Jackanapes ~ Bearer of The One True Liver ~
Ordained Minister & Holy Saint of The Universal Life Church
A) http://www.jackanapes.ws B) http://www.voy.com/20630/
C) http://www.jackanapes.ws/graph/jesusHchrist.jp
The ejaculate from Satan has the consistency
~ and smell of emesis." -- Andrew B Chung
Father Haskell
2009-07-18 06:49:27 UTC
Post by St. Jackanapes
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, Father Haskell wrote...
Post by Father Haskell
On Jul 17, 4:55 pm, Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Post by Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
You are negative person. Go away.
Second time you said that.
Three times, and you're a cunt.
It's already a cunt for top posting.
And a thin skinned one, at that.
2009-07-18 11:09:47 UTC
"Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher"
You are negative person. Go away.
No I'm not. You're just a fuckwitted cunt.

Father Haskell
2009-07-17 22:01:08 UTC
On Jul 16, 8:36 am, Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Post by Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Jesus was tasked to try to raise the intelligence of you savages. As
usual, you got angry when you discovered you were not at the top of
intellectual food chain and you lynched him. Humans have depressing
tendency to stick bits of metal in each other every time you get an
opportunity to advance your species.
"Bits of metal" doesn't cut it when you submit your
contract bid. Be more specific -- what grade, alloy,
and size do you want your lag bolts? SAE or metric?
Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
2009-07-18 03:29:33 UTC
I forgot you enjoy seeing seeing people tortured. You are sick. Go
Post by Father Haskell
On Jul 16, 8:36 am, Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Post by Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Jesus was tasked to try to raise the intelligence of you savages. As
usual, you got angry when you discovered you were not at the top of
intellectual food chain and you lynched him. Humans have depressing
tendency to stick bits of metal in each other every time you get an
opportunity to advance your species.
"Bits of metal" doesn't cut it when you submit your
contract bid.  Be more specific -- what grade, alloy,
and size do you want your lag bolts?  SAE or metric?
Father Haskell
2009-07-18 06:44:50 UTC
On Jul 17, 11:29 pm, Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Post by Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
I forgot you enjoy seeing seeing people tortured. You are sick. Go
I haven't made bloody torture my most cherished religious
symbol. Not do I select the anniversary to dispense
baskets of garishly colored sweets to young people.

So what would you choose, 3/4 or 1" galvanized?
Considering what shit quality metallurgy comes out of
China these days, I'd go with the larger.
Post by Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Post by Father Haskell
On Jul 16, 8:36 am, Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Post by Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Jesus was tasked to try to raise the intelligence of you savages. As
usual, you got angry when you discovered you were not at the top of
intellectual food chain and you lynched him. Humans have depressing
tendency to stick bits of metal in each other every time you get an
opportunity to advance your species.
"Bits of metal" doesn't cut it when you submit your
contract bid.  Be more specific -- what grade, alloy,
and size do you want your lag bolts?  SAE or metric?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
St. Jackanapes
2009-07-18 03:43:42 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Post by Six of Nine or Half-dozen of the Oher
Jesus was tasked to try to raise the intelligence of you savages. As
usual, you got angry when you discovered you were not at the top of
intellectual food chain and you lynched him. Humans have depressing
tendency to stick bits of metal in each other every time you get an
opportunity to advance your species.
Post by St. Jackanapes
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, old man joe wrote...
  Jesus Christ did not pay the penalty of the sins of all mankind...
Of course he didn't. The fucker never really died on the cross.
Omnipotent eternal beings cannot die. All he did was morph back into his
"parent" mass of god stuff. I laugh every time I hear some whiny
christer like you blathering on about how bad he suffered for humanity.
Bullocks! He started this shit back in the Garden of Eden. Also, since
this being is all-knowing it knew in advance that it wasn't going to
die. It was all a big scam to dupe those pain-in-the-ass two legged
apes. But it didn't fool everyone. Remember that apple that the female
Homo erectus gave to her mate? The fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that
turned Erectus into Homo sapiens? Well the big burst of brain size that
they gained from the apple allowed the less superstitious of them
realize that god was a load of BS. Sorry to see that your family's
linage didn't profit from the Tree's knowledge.
Top posting cunt.
St. Jackanapes ~ Bearer of The One True Liver ~
Ordained Minister & Holy Saint of The Universal Life Church
A) http://www.jackanapes.ws B) http://www.voy.com/20630/
C) http://www.jackanapes.ws/graph/jesusHchrist.jp
The ejaculate from Satan has the consistency
~ and smell of emesis." -- Andrew B Chung