Hey Evolutions... since when did monkeys get ' morality '... a strictly human trait ? ? ?
(too old to reply)
Redeemed Clay
2012-03-23 10:35:44 UTC
brainwashed they are... an Evolutionist has morality but the monkeys he thinks he came from do not.

no animal has or will ever have morality. with morality comes Laws to govern behavior and set
penalties for violation. when one monkey kills another there is no Law saying it did wrong and that
it must suffer the consequences for its behavior.

when a human kills a human its for some strictly human character flaw like revenge, or passion, or
greed or whatever... ( to what do we liken an Adolf Hitler... a monkey ? )

the monkey is way better off not having emotions as humans do. while there are good emotions there
are also plenty of bad ones bringing about all sorts of calamity down on the bearer.

so here we have humans coming from monkeys who were far better off remaining as monkeys... no
morality; no shame; no emotions; no penalty for breaking Laws since penalties are not figured into
governing monkey societies...

that's not in keeping with Evolution... there are no lawyers, no psychiatrists, no anti-depressants,
no abortions, no cops, no gallows and no penalties in the monkey world.

Evolution requires its disciples to suspend human rationale by demonstrating the lack of mental
prowess intrinsic to the human kind.
2012-03-23 15:20:41 UTC
Post by Redeemed Clay
brainwashed they are... an Evolutionist has morality but the monkeys he
thinks he came from do not.
no animal has or will ever have morality. with morality comes Laws to
govern behavior and set penalties for violation. when one monkey kills
another there is no Law saying it did wrong and that it must suffer the
consequences for its behavior.
I would be embarrassed to flaunt my ignorance on the Internet they way you
do. Before I make a statement of fact, I try to make sure that the
statement is accurate. I admire your ability to post obvious falsehoods
with feeling the slightest bit of shame. I'm sure your pastor is very
proud of you.
Keeper of Things Put There Only Just The Night Before
About eight o'clock