old man joe
2010-04-11 10:04:54 UTC
When bringing all the animals aboard the ark, there could not have
been room for every single species on the entire earth.
the Ark was as large as the Queen Mary, you simply assume there was no room.been room for every single species on the entire earth.
Theologians solve this by saying that not every species was brought
aboard, just every "kind".
how is it that you speak for " most theologians " ? that's the same as saying you've read everyTheologians solve this by saying that not every species was brought
aboard, just every "kind".
theologians work there ever was who commented on this subject, added up those for and against, and
you've found 51 percent of them saying the mystery is solved.
and since when do most theologians speak for God ? that's the same as saying 51 percent of people
biased toward Adolf Hitler conclude he was doing the right thing so therefore Adolf Hitler was a
good man.
This means that only the basic "kinds" of animals, dogs, cats,
elephants, and so on, were brought aboard.
So, assuming evolution does not occur, there should only be one
species of cat, dog, elephant, and so on on the earth because all of
them are decended from the original 2 (or 7, in the case of the clean
animals)of each "kind".
it can not be " assumed " evolution did not occur... evolution positively did not occur because lifeelephants, and so on, were brought aboard.
So, assuming evolution does not occur, there should only be one
species of cat, dog, elephant, and so on on the earth because all of
them are decended from the original 2 (or 7, in the case of the clean
animals)of each "kind".
doesn't come from elements that are not alive. you don't get life out of absolute sterility from a
molten cinder the evolutionists describe the earth as being. neither is time alive. you don't get
non-living things to come to life over time. that's the same as saying just wait long enough and
every dead body in the grave will come back to life if given enough time, and the dirt under my feet
will come to life if given enough time.
evolution is implausible and untenable.
But if you simply look around a bit, you'll find all manner of cats,
big cats, small cats, cats with short hair, long hair, varying fur
patterns, varying ear sizes, varying ear shapes... How is it that we
ended up with (at least) 41 different species of cat when we only had
one to start with? I know one theory that has an answer!
well just look around a bit and there is one manner of human beings... but some are oriental, somebig cats, small cats, cats with short hair, long hair, varying fur
patterns, varying ear sizes, varying ear shapes... How is it that we
ended up with (at least) 41 different species of cat when we only had
one to start with? I know one theory that has an answer!
are negro, some are caucasian; some have reddish skin, some have blackish skin, some have whitish
skin, some have yellowish skin.
yet, all came from Adam through Noah as it is to this day.
furthermore, the Ark is much more than just a big boat. there is a spiritual meaning to it... the
Ark is a type or metaphorical picture of Jesus Christ. while the world and all whom God destroyed
with the Flood were not chosen by God to enter the Ark, 8 souls were, which is what the End of the
world will be like... those in Christ shall be saved from the destruction to come while those
outside will perish. ( Rev. 22;15 )
lastly, the Rainbow we see in the sky to this day is the sign of the Covenant God made after the
Flood that He would not again destroy the earth with water... that is, the Gospel, but next time
with fire, a synonym for Judgment.
God's destruction of sinner's by the Flood and the saving of Noah and his family and 2 and 7 of
animals in the Ark may sound ridiculous to the unrepentant sinner of today and that's one reason why
God included the telling of it in the Holy Scriptures... the telling of it separates the wheat from
the tares... " For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which
are saved it is the power of God. " 1 Cor. 1:18