old man joe
2009-11-09 00:30:41 UTC
Creationist are fond of LYING that their god created everything, but
when you ask them why he repeatedly destroyed everything, making him
far more of a destroyer than he ever could be a creator, they RUN
AWAY, as this thread will prove.
He repeatedly destroyed not " everything " but specific things... like unrepentantwhen you ask them why he repeatedly destroyed everything, making him
far more of a destroyer than he ever could be a creator, they RUN
AWAY, as this thread will prove.
sinner's. take a look around yourself... the earth and you are still here.
who's running away ?
The geologic column, which contrary to creationist lies, does indeed
records many things. It records an undeniable stretch of evolution
over a period of 4 billion years, and it also records five major (and
your kind runs away from answering by your science this one... which elements constitutehttp://home.entouch.net/dmd/geo.htm
records many things. It records an undeniable stretch of evolution
over a period of 4 billion years, and it also records five major (and
life. ? i'll help you since you can't answer this that one... none. so where did life
come from ?
none of your philosopher's will ever answer that one because they'd have to admit elements
not alive do not constitute life... the answer then is not in science. in God is life.
The five major events were of a global scale. The most well-known of
these is the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago which
was caused (or at the very least greased) by a meteor impact on the
Yucatan peninsula in Mexico.
error. its never been proven the earth is 65 million years old. another error... itsthese is the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago which
was caused (or at the very least greased) by a meteor impact on the
Yucatan peninsula in Mexico.
never been proven that a meteor crashed into the Yucatan peninsula... where do you get
your " facts " from oh Atheist ? the cartoon shows on Natgeo channel ?
But this wasn't the worst of them: a quarter billion years ago
something - perhaps another meteor impact - wiped out some 95% of all
life on Earth, including such icons as trilobites and dimetrodons.
its never been proven the earth is a quarter billion years old... but wait... you saidsomething - perhaps another meteor impact - wiped out some 95% of all
life on Earth, including such icons as trilobites and dimetrodons.
" perhaps. " thats exactly your scientific point of view... nothing but perhaps.
well for that matter, perhaps there is God. you dont want to admit that because you are
under Judgement and your best shot is to post your hatred of God.
Now if the young-Earth creationists are right and Earth is only some 6
- 10,000 years old, as some 40 - 50% of the USA adult population
believes, then these five major extinction events must have occurred
during the tenancy of humans on Earth, yet nowhere in the Bible is
there any mention of them. The Bible records catastrophe after
catastrophe, including the fictional global flood, the destruction of
Sdom and Gomorrah, etc, yet not a word about an event which destroyed
the dinosaurs, or an event which wiped out 95% of all living things.
oh. now you use the word " if. " your scientific " facts " are based on " perhaps "- 10,000 years old, as some 40 - 50% of the USA adult population
believes, then these five major extinction events must have occurred
during the tenancy of humans on Earth, yet nowhere in the Bible is
there any mention of them. The Bible records catastrophe after
catastrophe, including the fictional global flood, the destruction of
Sdom and Gomorrah, etc, yet not a word about an event which destroyed
the dinosaurs, or an event which wiped out 95% of all living things.
and " if "... very reasonable to Atheists. only " if " i can get myself to believe there
is no God by my " if's " and " perhaps " science and theology i won't be tormented by my
having to stand Judgement before Him since i call Him a liar.
as all can see, yet another Atheist professes his lack of knowledge of his science and by
the same lack of knowledge he professes theology.
BTW... the earth is just over 13,000 years old according to the Bible of which you show
you know nothing about.
Clearly the Bible lies and/or the creationists lie about the age of
the Earth.
the Earth.