2009-06-01 17:18:54 UTC
You're being trolled by a limp dick (literally) named John
Loiodice. He had his soggy anus burned to a crisp by Tom
Chatterton. Did you winder why someone would post to a kooks
newsgroup from an anonymous remailer and sign his name &
include his website's address?
LOL!!!!!!Loiodice. He had his soggy anus burned to a crisp by Tom
Chatterton. Did you winder why someone would post to a kooks
newsgroup from an anonymous remailer and sign his name &
include his website's address?
Mr. Loiodice had his, "soggy anus soaked??" Is that the extent of your wit and intelligence, Tom? That's why you atheists aren't at the upper class of society because you guys are just too S T U P I D.
Is that how they talk in the redneck bars up there in Marysville, Ohio?
Is that how they taught you how to talk at the Columbus College of Art and Design, Tom? You really need your money back. I'd ask for a refund promptly.
How long did it take you to make that latest graphic? 15-25 Hours?
What's the matter, Tom? You threatened to come after Mr. Loiodice in real life on several occasions. Are you too afraid?? Is your diabetes acting up again on your fat butt? Did you run out of medication???
Are you going to fly down to Florida and go after him in a wheelchair??
Hey-I know! Maybe your hepatitis will act up again and you can bleed on him to death, sort of like the Black Knight in Monty Python's Holy Grail Movie!!!!!!!!!
Your trashy and low classed atheist ass been spanked, Tom, over and over again.
You can try and deny it but the fact remains and you're going to be obsessing about it until the day you die.
Hey Tom-Nice Facebook page you got there.
The truth behind your anger and hatred towards Christians, ROBBIE, is rooted in your own insecurities.
For years, you bragged about how you were more tech saavy than Christians....but then we came along and spanked you hard.
Tom, Protestant Christians continue to do great and wonderful things in life and that's just really what pisses you off, doesn't it?
JK Rowling, author if the incredibly popular Harry Potter series, is a Protestant Christian. Look it up.
How's come you aren't as good an artist as she is, Tom?? You went to the Columbus College of Art and Design. Why aren't you a world renowned artist yet?
You've said before that Protestant Christians are stupid but....she's a successful, billionare artist and she's a lot younger than you. I'd say that makes you a crappy artist in comparison.
Protestant Christians will continue to make tremendous advancements in the arts, Tom. Most great artists in the western world have been Christian. Deal with it.
You do know that your hero, President Barack Obama is also a Protestant Christian, don't ya? I bet it really hurts.
Bye, Robbie....
"Yes, he's right. It's true that you are a spamming fuckwad, you stupid cunt!"
-Tom Chatterton, 5-30-2009, Marysville, Ohio Resident, atheist and utter moron.