old man joe
2011-03-11 11:21:32 UTC
navigation by land and sea is as old as time. while traveling across land the ancient people used
topical features as well as the position of the sun at sun rise and sun set to calculate their
relative position between point a and point b.
when man put to sea in ancient times he used the star's to find his way from point a to point b in
featureless expansion's of the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea.
according to the Holy Scripture's, God set in the heavens the sun and the moon and the star's of
the night sky as " sign's. " ( Gen. 1:14-16 ) " sign's " is the same word translated " miracle. "
according to the Atheist / Evolutionist's, all of these fixed points in the sky all got there by
the Big Bang which magically set in order a perfectly ordered universe evolving man out of it from
monkey's by which these hybrid monkey's crossed land masses and sea's in their ships navigating by
the star's.
the Evolutionists say there is no center of the universe, which makes their idea of a Big Bang Big
Baloney. " the Big Bang happened everywhere at once, " they say. we wonder where they were
standing to observe and record this fantastic conclusion. Job. 38:4
nonetheless, an idea of a universe coming into being out of material these high thinker's can not
explain the origin of... out of chaos by their own conclusions posted all over the Internet, and
from chaos into a perfectly ordered universe is just a way of saying the science of Atheists need
God to have created the universe for it to be in the order it is in.
( unregenerate man is a chaotic being who finds order only in the thing's created by God... his body
work's in perfect order but his unregenerate mind is chaotic since he is
" without God " by God's perfect design for his daily existence without God. Job 5:7 )
the Big Bang idea, formulated by an Atheist Catholic priest no less, created the vacuum of space out
of an explosion. pretty neat trick to create a permanent vacuum out of an explosion.
getting back to the matter at hand, the Mazzaroth, or constellations as it is known, have not only
stood in their place since the first day of God's placing them in the heavens, but also they are
witnesses to the gospel spoken to Abraham and Job by God telling them of the coming Messiah by the
teaching tool's of the star's in the night sky.
the reprobate's use these star's in their mystic art's but God uses the star's of His creation as
messenger's of the gospel to this day. the reprobates profane everything they touch and use it as
so instructed by Satan their god ( Jn. 8:43,44 ) while a careful study of this doctrine will reveal
to the serious student what people have known since Seth... that the Mazzaroth, which the reprobates
call the Zodiac, is the gospel in the star's beforehand preached to the patriarchs of the coming
Messiah. ( see Ro. 10:17,18 cp. Ps. 19:1-6 with Col. 1:6,23 and Job 38 )
the Atheist's are guilty of rejecting the gospel also by reason of perverting the Mazzaroth into
heathen sign's of the Zodiac.
the placement of all of the heavenly bodies by God are used as tool's of navigation for man to this
day... that these heavenly bodies just happened by chance to be in perfect order out of chaos, from
conclusions drawn by Atheists as to the origin of the universe, is utter nonsense. these Atheists
are the of same kind who claim my Thanksgiving turkey evolved from a dinosaur and then back into a
topical features as well as the position of the sun at sun rise and sun set to calculate their
relative position between point a and point b.
when man put to sea in ancient times he used the star's to find his way from point a to point b in
featureless expansion's of the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea.
according to the Holy Scripture's, God set in the heavens the sun and the moon and the star's of
the night sky as " sign's. " ( Gen. 1:14-16 ) " sign's " is the same word translated " miracle. "
according to the Atheist / Evolutionist's, all of these fixed points in the sky all got there by
the Big Bang which magically set in order a perfectly ordered universe evolving man out of it from
monkey's by which these hybrid monkey's crossed land masses and sea's in their ships navigating by
the star's.
the Evolutionists say there is no center of the universe, which makes their idea of a Big Bang Big
Baloney. " the Big Bang happened everywhere at once, " they say. we wonder where they were
standing to observe and record this fantastic conclusion. Job. 38:4
nonetheless, an idea of a universe coming into being out of material these high thinker's can not
explain the origin of... out of chaos by their own conclusions posted all over the Internet, and
from chaos into a perfectly ordered universe is just a way of saying the science of Atheists need
God to have created the universe for it to be in the order it is in.
( unregenerate man is a chaotic being who finds order only in the thing's created by God... his body
work's in perfect order but his unregenerate mind is chaotic since he is
" without God " by God's perfect design for his daily existence without God. Job 5:7 )
the Big Bang idea, formulated by an Atheist Catholic priest no less, created the vacuum of space out
of an explosion. pretty neat trick to create a permanent vacuum out of an explosion.
getting back to the matter at hand, the Mazzaroth, or constellations as it is known, have not only
stood in their place since the first day of God's placing them in the heavens, but also they are
witnesses to the gospel spoken to Abraham and Job by God telling them of the coming Messiah by the
teaching tool's of the star's in the night sky.
the reprobate's use these star's in their mystic art's but God uses the star's of His creation as
messenger's of the gospel to this day. the reprobates profane everything they touch and use it as
so instructed by Satan their god ( Jn. 8:43,44 ) while a careful study of this doctrine will reveal
to the serious student what people have known since Seth... that the Mazzaroth, which the reprobates
call the Zodiac, is the gospel in the star's beforehand preached to the patriarchs of the coming
Messiah. ( see Ro. 10:17,18 cp. Ps. 19:1-6 with Col. 1:6,23 and Job 38 )
the Atheist's are guilty of rejecting the gospel also by reason of perverting the Mazzaroth into
heathen sign's of the Zodiac.
the placement of all of the heavenly bodies by God are used as tool's of navigation for man to this
day... that these heavenly bodies just happened by chance to be in perfect order out of chaos, from
conclusions drawn by Atheists as to the origin of the universe, is utter nonsense. these Atheists
are the of same kind who claim my Thanksgiving turkey evolved from a dinosaur and then back into a