Here are the 2 big reasons why Atheists concocted Evolution...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2010-04-29 10:41:19 UTC
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. " Mt.7:17

it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in view here is the Second Death.

reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...

therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24

because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes. Ro. 1:18-20

oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid. yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ? because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.

the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.

Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.

Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.

interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
2010-04-29 11:06:28 UTC
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say. Rebellion is the state of mankind. But God gives
us all a chance at overcoming that if we will accept Christ who died
on the cross for us. Rejecting God all of ones life, is an eternal
crime ...one that none of us have to pay . Be reconciled to God and
stop hoping that we came from a pond protozoa that came from dead
2010-04-29 11:12:50 UTC
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  Rebellion is the state of mankind. But God gives
us all a chance at overcoming that if we will accept Christ who died
on the cross for us.  Rejecting God all of ones life, is an eternal
crime ...one that none of us have to pay .  Be reconciled to God and
stop hoping that we came from a pond protozoa that came from dead

2010-04-29 12:47:16 UTC
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
Don Martin
2010-04-29 13:21:11 UTC
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
Having convinced themselves, they were eager to try convincing someone
with brains.
old man joe
2010-04-30 10:55:00 UTC
Post by Don Martin
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
Having convinced themselves, they were eager to try convincing someone
with brains.
' Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. " Jn. 8:43,44
2010-04-30 21:02:31 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Don Martin
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
Having convinced themselves, they were eager to try convincing someone
with brains.
' Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. "  Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Someone was ranting not so long ago that "Old Man Joe" never responds

Good job OMJ
2010-04-30 21:54:01 UTC
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by old man joe
Post by Don Martin
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
Having convinced themselves, they were eager to try convincing someone
with brains.
' Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. "  Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Someone was ranting not so long ago that "Old Man Joe" never responds
Good job OMJ
He never responds *substantively*, any more than you do. He quotes
the Wholly Babble a lot, but he never produces any evidence to back up
his claims. Just like you don't.


Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
BAAWA Knight
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net
2010-05-04 14:14:07 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Don Martin
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
Having convinced themselves, they were eager to try convincing someone
with brains.
' Why do ye not understand my speech?
We understand that you're a religious loon.
Devils Advocaat
2010-04-29 17:30:19 UTC
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
I wasn't aware that moonbats had any religion. :P
2010-04-29 17:41:21 UTC
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
I wasn't aware that moonbats had any religion. :P- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Many do, unfortunately. :D
old man joe
2010-04-30 11:19:10 UTC
Post by Devils Advocaat
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
I wasn't aware that moonbats had any religion. :P
as was already said before your rebuttal, it shows Original Sin is in you by the name calling you
must resort to in order to cover your ignorance of the Bible and your own worldly science.

got Darwin ?
2010-04-30 21:55:52 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Devils Advocaat
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
I wasn't aware that moonbats had any religion. :P
as was already said before your rebuttal, it shows Original Sin is in you by the name calling you
must resort to in order to cover your ignorance of the Bible and your own worldly science.
got Darwin ?
I'm not ignorant of the bible, I was raised Conservative Baptist.

Your problem, Joe, is that *first* you have to provide evidence - you
know, things that are objectively factual - that a god *actually

Once you've done that, then you can proceed to convince us that it's
the same god that's portrayed in the bible.

So: when are you going to do those things?

Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
BAAWA Knight
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net
2010-05-01 18:02:43 UTC
Post by SkyEyes
Post by old man joe
Post by Devils Advocaat
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
I wasn't aware that moonbats had any religion. :P
as was already said before your rebuttal, it shows Original Sin is in you by the name calling you
must resort to in order to cover your ignorance of the Bible and your own worldly science.
got Darwin ?
I'm not ignorant of the bible, I was raised Conservative Baptist.
Your problem, Joe, is that *first* you have to provide evidence - you
know, things that are objectively factual - that a god *actually
Once you've done that, then you can proceed to convince us that it's
the same god that's portrayed in the bible.
So:  when are you going to do those things?
Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
BAAWA Knight
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Why do you guys squeek about evidence all the time?

Science cannot show God because science cannot measure the

Now, If you actually want evidence for the supernatural, which I
doubt, then you will have to accept supernatural evidence.

It's an apple to apple thing.
2010-05-01 19:27:39 UTC
In article
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by SkyEyes
On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 10:30:19 -0700 (PDT), Devils Advocaat
Post by Devils Advocaat
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of
his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment
against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to
their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil
fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man
came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in
view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment
against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that
perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when
He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the
Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in
rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it
will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which
side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without
excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their
position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and
their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of
them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of
proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not
monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one
person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes
from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not
concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out
of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus
Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see
around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in
1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist '
as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines
an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
I wasn't aware that moonbats had any religion. :P
as was already said before your rebuttal, it shows Original Sin is in you
by the name calling you
must resort to in order to cover your ignorance of the Bible and your own
worldly science.
got Darwin ?
I'm not ignorant of the bible, I was raised Conservative Baptist.
Your problem, Joe, is that *first* you have to provide evidence - you
know, things that are objectively factual - that a god *actually
Once you've done that, then you can proceed to convince us that it's
the same god that's portrayed in the bible.
So:  when are you going to do those things?
Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
BAAWA Knight
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Why do you guys squeek about evidence all the time?
Science cannot show God because science cannot measure the
Now, If you actually want evidence for the supernatural, which I
doubt, then you will have to accept supernatural evidence.
As yet no one has provided any such allegedly supernatural evidence.
So far everything that has been presented as evidence is quite naturally
Post by All-Seeing-I
It's an apple to apple thing.
Masked Avenger
2010-05-02 10:56:24 UTC
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by SkyEyes
Post by old man joe
Post by Devils Advocaat
Post by Jimbo
Post by i***@gmail.com
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. " Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes. Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid. yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ? because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
True what you say.
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
I wasn't aware that moonbats had any religion. :P
as was already said before your rebuttal, it shows Original Sin is in you by the name calling you
must resort to in order to cover your ignorance of the Bible and your own worldly science.
got Darwin ?
I'm not ignorant of the bible, I was raised Conservative Baptist.
Your problem, Joe, is that *first* you have to provide evidence - you
know, things that are objectively factual - that a god *actually
Once you've done that, then you can proceed to convince us that it's
the same god that's portrayed in the bible.
So: when are you going to do those things?
Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
BAAWA Knight
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Why do you guys squeek about evidence all the time?
Science cannot show God because science cannot measure the
Now, If you actually want evidence for the supernatural, which I
doubt, then you will have to accept supernatural evidence.
It's an apple to apple thing.
it has been pointed out to you many times ........ unsurprisingly being
an illiterate moron ........ you have failed to grasp it.......

so,one more time ........ science is the study of nature ......
supernatural events are .... by definition ..... beyond the natural
..... therefore science cannot say anything about them.

this also leads to the realisation that you can't test for supernatural
events .... they are out of the realms of all our known senses.
Therefore, as far as anyone is concerned, they don't happen.

Of course, if you have some evidence for the supernatural ...... there's
a Nobel prize in for you ...... which we all know aint gonna happen
...... so shut the fuck up already about your delusions ......
MA ....Yoiks .... and away .....

Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity
............. and I'm not sure about the Universe ..........
- A. Einstein

Does Schrödinger's cat have 18 half lives ?
2010-05-04 14:20:26 UTC
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by SkyEyes
Post by old man joe
Post by Devils Advocaat
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
I wasn't aware that moonbats had any religion. :P
as was already said before your rebuttal, it shows Original Sin is in you by the name calling you
must resort to in order to cover your ignorance of the Bible and your own worldly science.
got Darwin ?
I'm not ignorant of the bible, I was raised Conservative Baptist.
Your problem, Joe, is that *first* you have to provide evidence - you
know, things that are objectively factual - that a god *actually
Once you've done that, then you can proceed to convince us that it's
the same god that's portrayed in the bible.
So:  when are you going to do those things?
Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
BAAWA Knight
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Why do you guys squeek about evidence all the time?
Because that's what it takes to convince us.
Post by All-Seeing-I
Science cannot show God because science cannot measure the
Then perhaps the supernatural doesn't exist.
Christopher A. Lee
2010-05-04 14:32:31 UTC
Post by Jimbo
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by SkyEyes
Post by old man joe
Post by Devils Advocaat
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  
All of the religious moonbats are out today!!
I wasn't aware that moonbats had any religion. :P
as was already said before your rebuttal, it shows Original Sin is in you by the name calling you
must resort to in order to cover your ignorance of the Bible and your own worldly science.
got Darwin ?
I'm not ignorant of the bible, I was raised Conservative Baptist.
Your problem, Joe, is that *first* you have to provide evidence - you
know, things that are objectively factual - that a god *actually
Once you've done that, then you can proceed to convince us that it's
the same god that's portrayed in the bible.
So:  when are you going to do those things?
Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
BAAWA Knight
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Why do you guys squeek about evidence all the time?
Because that's what it takes to convince us.
Because thse morons rudely and stupidly talk at people outside their
religion as though their god were universally granted as real, not
just a belief. Even though they know we don't share their belief.

To get them to either put up or shut up.
Post by Jimbo
Post by All-Seeing-I
Science cannot show God because science cannot measure the
Then perhaps the supernatural doesn't exist.
Seon Ferguson
2010-05-06 08:35:53 UTC
On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 10:30:19 -0700 (PDT), Devils Advocaat
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam
of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment
against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed
to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil
fruit. " Mt.7:17
All man kind shares the same common ancestor with Apes. There was no Adam
and Eve, no Eden and no talking snakes. It is all myth.
Post by old man joe
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man
came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in
view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's
judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that
perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped
when He requires it back...
The flood never happened and is actually a bunch of recycled myths. There
have been other flood myths from other cultures and I think that is where
the creator of the Noah myth got his idea from. Your Bible isn't even
Post by old man joe
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because
the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in
rebellion against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it
will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24
No because there is no historical evidence a global flood ever happened.
Post by old man joe
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which
side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are "
without excuse " in His eyes. Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their
position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior
and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid. yet, not one
of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of
proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not
monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one
person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ? because life comes
from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
There is no "original sin" and evolutionists are superior to anyone who
denies evolution. At least intelligence wise.
Post by old man joe
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not
concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life
out of the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus
Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see
around us, and we ourselves as well.
No it isn't, liar. Many Christians believe in evolution.
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of
in 1 Jn. 2:18.
How can we be against someone that never existed?
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist '
as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible,
defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
Whoever posted this original post is deluded.
Devils Advocaat
2010-04-29 17:29:55 UTC
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  Rebellion is the state of mankind. But God gives
us all a chance at overcoming that if we will accept Christ who died
on the cross for us.  Rejecting God all of ones life, is an eternal
crime ...one that none of us have to pay .  Be reconciled to God and
stop hoping that we came from a pond protozoa that came from dead
Do you mean by "rebellion is the state of mankind" that this is our
default state, just as some machines have a default state that they
revert to under given conditions?
old man joe
2010-04-30 11:16:41 UTC
Post by Devils Advocaat
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  Rebellion is the state of mankind. But God gives
us all a chance at overcoming that if we will accept Christ who died
on the cross for us.  Rejecting God all of ones life, is an eternal
crime ...one that none of us have to pay .  Be reconciled to God and
stop hoping that we came from a pond protozoa that came from dead
Do you mean by "rebellion is the state of mankind" that this is our
default state, just as some machines have a default state that they
revert to under given conditions?
" The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. "
Ps. 58:3

" Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. " Ps. 51:5

" For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.. " Ro. 3:23

" That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and
strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world "
Eph. 2:12 " without God " is " atheos " where we get our word atheist... a person passed by for

" For as in Adam all die... " 1Cor. 15:22

Original Sin keeps mankind in death, twice over, and in darkness to God's Word, from cradle to
grave, as declared by these and scores of other direct statements by God in the Bible.
Free Lunch
2010-04-30 12:17:00 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Devils Advocaat
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  Rebellion is the state of mankind. But God gives
us all a chance at overcoming that if we will accept Christ who died
on the cross for us.  Rejecting God all of ones life, is an eternal
crime ...one that none of us have to pay .  Be reconciled to God and
stop hoping that we came from a pond protozoa that came from dead
Do you mean by "rebellion is the state of mankind" that this is our
default state, just as some machines have a default state that they
revert to under given conditions?
" The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. "
Ps. 58:3
" Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. " Ps. 51:5
" For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.. " Ro. 3:23
" That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and
strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world "
Eph. 2:12 " without God " is " atheos " where we get our word atheist... a person passed by for
" For as in Adam all die... " 1Cor. 15:22
Original Sin keeps mankind in death, twice over, and in darkness to God's Word, from cradle to
grave, as declared by these and scores of other direct statements by God in the Bible.
I don't believe your hateful doctrine because you cannot provide a shred
of evidence that the Bible you worship has any validity, that your
interpretation of the Bible is of any value or accuracy at all or that
any gods, even the one you keep talking about, exist.

Original sin appears to be a doctrine invented by people to push other
people around.
Uncle Vic
2010-04-29 20:36:36 UTC
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12

Uncle Vic
Steve O
2010-04-30 21:01:49 UTC
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his
own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment
against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their
account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came
from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in view
here is the Second Death.
What a completely stupid and utterly ridiculous claim.
You are actually saying that atheists believe in the story of Adam and Eve,
but in order to avoid God's wrath, invented evolution and pretended to
believe in it to avoid that wrath?
How many different kinds of stupid are you?
Don't you get it?
We reject the Adam and Eve story and the whole idea of original sin because
it is an unsupported, silly assertion which has nothing to do with reality,
not because we think God will punish us for some imaginary curse placed on
Post by old man joe
reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment
against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that
perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He
requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the
Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion
against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be
the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24
Why would we want a global flood for any reason, let alone your silly
I really don't think there's much point trying to reason with you- your mind
is too far gone
Post by old man joe
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side
of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without
excuse " in His eyes. Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position
filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior and their
best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.
I think you are perfectly capable of doing that on your own - you don't need
Post by old man joe
yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving
how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not
monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person
alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a
scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Here's a clue- the living have all of those elements in perfect,
self-repairing working order- the dead don't.
Cells are either living or dead- human bodies are comprised of cells in one
state or the other.
There is no God required to keep the whole system going.
That is the wonder of nature- if you had an atomic pair of tweezers and were
able to pick atoms from your body one by one, you will be left with a pile
of atoms which are not, nor ever have been alive.
But taken all together - the cells of your body are constructed in a living
form which allow you to breathe, eat and excrete and reproduce.
That is the wonder of life, from a cellular level, and it does not require a
magical puppet master to pull the strings.
Post by old man joe
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of
the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ
Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around
us, and we ourselves as well.
It is not an attack against anything, you only feel threatened because it
exposes your weird theories for what they are- total nonsense.
Steve O
a.a.2240 BAAWA
Theological Noncognitivist
Convicted by Earthquack
Exempt from Purgatory by Papal Indulgence
Father Haskell
2010-04-29 21:31:44 UTC
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  Rebellion is the state of mankind. But God gives
us all a chance at overcoming that if we will accept Christ who died
on the cross for us.  Rejecting God all of ones life, is an eternal
crime ...one that none of us have to pay .  Be reconciled to God and
stop hoping that we came from a pond protozoa that came from dead
chemicals.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Self-professed ass kisser.
old man joe
2010-04-30 11:03:16 UTC
Post by Father Haskell
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  Rebellion is the state of mankind. But God gives
us all a chance at overcoming that if we will accept Christ who died
on the cross for us.  Rejecting God all of ones life, is an eternal
crime ...one that none of us have to pay .  Be reconciled to God and
stop hoping that we came from a pond protozoa that came from dead
chemicals.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Self-professed ass kisser.
here we have an idol worshiper calling himself ' father ' all the while agreeing with the world
under the pretense of salvation.

he shows his Original Sin by the names he likes to call people. he must feel superior so he resorts
to name calling because God has him in darkness, just as was already said in the original post.
Father Haskell
2010-04-30 20:03:36 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Father Haskell
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say.  Rebellion is the state of mankind. But God gives
us all a chance at overcoming that if we will accept Christ who died
on the cross for us.  Rejecting God all of ones life, is an eternal
crime ...one that none of us have to pay .  Be reconciled to God and
stop hoping that we came from a pond protozoa that came from dead
chemicals.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Self-professed ass kisser.
here we have an idol worshiper calling himself ' father ' all the while agreeing with the world
under the pretense of salvation.
I worship nothing.

You may continue preparing yourself to be the last supper for
your cannibal zombie jesus now.
2010-04-30 02:29:25 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
True what you say.
Predictable that the dimmest bulb in the history of Usenet would agree
with such idiocy.
Masked Avenger
2010-05-01 09:19:12 UTC
Post by raven1
Post by i***@gmail.com
True what you say.
Predictable that the dimmest bulb in the history of Usenet would agree
with such idiocy.
for a while there we had the triumvirate of stupid ......... all 3
stooges ............ OMJ, Illbebauck AND Arseman in one thread .......
not surprisingly ....... Arseman brought up the rear .......
MA ....Yoiks .... and away .....

Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity
............. and I'm not sure about the Universe ..........
- A. Einstein

Does Schrödinger's cat have 18 half lives ?
old man joe
2010-04-30 10:24:07 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say. Rebellion is the state of mankind. But God gives
us all a chance at overcoming that if we will accept Christ who died
on the cross for us. Rejecting God all of ones life, is an eternal
crime ...one that none of us have to pay . Be reconciled to God and
stop hoping that we came from a pond protozoa that came from dead
to the contrary... there is no salvation based on man " accepting " Christ. Jn. 1:12,13;
Jn. 3:3; Acts13:48; Gal.2:16.

the elect are justified freely by His grace. ( Ro. 3:24 ) one merits salvation, which is contrary to
grace, which is undeserved merit, when he ' accepts ' Christ. such is the gospel of co-redemption.

Christ died for the elect alone... not the whole world... otherwise, the whole world is saved.

can you not read the body of the post and understand it ?
Free Lunch
2010-04-30 12:17:47 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by i***@gmail.com
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
True what you say. Rebellion is the state of mankind. But God gives
us all a chance at overcoming that if we will accept Christ who died
on the cross for us. Rejecting God all of ones life, is an eternal
crime ...one that none of us have to pay . Be reconciled to God and
stop hoping that we came from a pond protozoa that came from dead
to the contrary... there is no salvation based on man " accepting " Christ. Jn. 1:12,13;
Jn. 3:3; Acts13:48; Gal.2:16.
the elect are justified freely by His grace. ( Ro. 3:24 ) one merits salvation, which is contrary to
grace, which is undeserved merit, when he ' accepts ' Christ. such is the gospel of co-redemption.
Christ died for the elect alone... not the whole world... otherwise, the whole world is saved.
can you not read the body of the post and understand it ?
So you are not elect and that pisses you off.
Masked Avenger
2010-05-01 09:22:04 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by i***@gmail.com
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. " Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes. Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid. yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ? because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
True what you say. Rebellion is the state of mankind. But God gives
us all a chance at overcoming that if we will accept Christ who died
on the cross for us. Rejecting God all of ones life, is an eternal
crime ...one that none of us have to pay . Be reconciled to God and
stop hoping that we came from a pond protozoa that came from dead
to the contrary... there is no salvation based on man " accepting " Christ. Jn. 1:12,13;
Jn. 3:3; Acts13:48; Gal.2:16.
the elect are justified freely by His grace. ( Ro. 3:24 ) one merits salvation, which is contrary to
grace, which is undeserved merit, when he ' accepts ' Christ. such is the gospel of co-redemption.
Christ died for the elect alone... not the whole world... otherwise, the whole world is saved.
can you not read the body of the post and understand it ?
sure we can read the post AND understand it ....... doesn't mean it
isn't complete crap though ....... you are so incapable of understanding
the atheist view point that it is YOU who can't read for comprehension
MA ....Yoiks .... and away .....

Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity
............. and I'm not sure about the Universe ..........
- A. Einstein

Does Schrödinger's cat have 18 half lives ?
2010-04-29 11:09:45 UTC
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
That does not make much sense, does it?Even _assuming_ 1 Cor 15:22
were true, there would be nothing in it for an evolutionist to deny it
- that would have no influence on the outcome and hence his interest
either way.

Leaving aside the issue that lots and lots of Christians consider the
ToE to be the best available interpretation of the evidence too, to
the extend that it has been officially expressed as correct by e.g.
the Catholic church and the Churches of England and Scotland
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.
That is hardly plausible, unless you consider all the animals
destroyed in the flood sinners, and all the newborn babies that got
killed to.
 God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  
Nah, you are doing _such_ a good job of it yourself, no help needed,
yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?
Why are graphite and diamond so different, even if they are comprised
of exactly the same stuff?
 because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Not really a topic for the theory of evolution. You want researchers
that study abiogenesis.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
Even if it were true that it is not possible to get life from non-
living elements, that would not affect the theory of evolution which
deals only with desccent with modification, something that happens
only after there is life already. In the same way in which you can
write a history of the United States, without knowing when the Angles
invaded Britain.
Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
old man joe
2010-04-30 10:29:07 UTC
Post by Burkhard
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
That does not make much sense, does it?Even _assuming_ 1 Cor 15:22
were true, there would be nothing in it for an evolutionist to deny it
- that would have no influence on the outcome and hence his interest
either way.
Leaving aside the issue that lots and lots of Christians consider the
ToE to be the best available interpretation of the evidence too, to
the extend that it has been officially expressed as correct by e.g.
the Catholic church and the Churches of England and Scotland
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.
That is hardly plausible, unless you consider all the animals
destroyed in the flood sinners, and all the newborn babies that got
killed to.
 God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  
Nah, you are doing _such_ a good job of it yourself, no help needed,
yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?
Why are graphite and diamond so different, even if they are comprised
of exactly the same stuff?
 because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Not really a topic for the theory of evolution. You want researchers
that study abiogenesis.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
Even if it were true that it is not possible to get life from non-
living elements, that would not affect the theory of evolution which
deals only with desccent with modification, something that happens
only after there is life already. In the same way in which you can
write a history of the United States, without knowing when the Angles
invaded Britain.
Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
your rebuttal is nothing more that Gnosticism, sad to say. you didn't consider what was said and
rebutted along the lines of the usual brainwashed evolutionary position of never directly addressing
what is being said. the Bible and Evolution don't mix. my post was drawn from the Bible and you're
trying to answer it by Gnosticism.
2010-04-30 10:41:26 UTC
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
That does not make much sense, does it?Even  _assuming_ 1 Cor 15:22
were true, there would be nothing in it for an evolutionist to deny it
- that would have no influence on the outcome and hence his interest
either way.
Leaving aside the issue that lots and lots of Christians consider the
ToE to be the best available interpretation of the evidence too, to
the extend that it has been  officially expressed as correct by e.g.
the Catholic church and the Churches of England and Scotland
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.
That is hardly plausible, unless you consider all the animals
destroyed in the flood sinners, and all the newborn babies that got
killed to.
 God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  
Nah, you are doing _such_ a good job of it yourself, no help needed,
yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?
Why are graphite and diamond so different, even if they are comprised
of exactly the same stuff?
 because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Not really a topic for the theory of evolution. You want researchers
that study abiogenesis.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
Even if it were true that it is not possible to get life from non-
living elements, that would not affect the theory of evolution which
deals only with desccent with modification, something that happens
only after there is life already. In the same way in which you can
write a history of the United States, without knowing when the Angles
invaded Britain.
Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
your rebuttal is nothing more that Gnosticism, sad to say.  you didn't consider what was said and
rebutted along the lines of the usual brainwashed evolutionary position of never directly addressing
what is being said.  the Bible and Evolution don't mix.  my post was drawn from the Bible and you're
trying to answer it by Gnosticism.
If you mean I subjected your arguments that _claimed_ to be based on
the bible to the same type of logical and evidentiary scrutiny that
all claims should be subject to, yes, guilty as charged.
2010-04-29 11:12:26 UTC
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12

old man joe
2010-04-30 10:52:11 UTC
Post by Wombat
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
just as was said... an Atheist must define himself by his Original Sin.
2010-04-30 10:57:59 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Wombat
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
just as was said... an Atheist must define himself by his Original Sin.
I am not an atheist, clever dick.

Free Lunch
2010-04-30 12:20:46 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Wombat
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
just as was said... an Atheist must define himself by his Original Sin.
Show us that original sin exists. You must only use evidence and clear
logic. The Bible cannot be used unless you can establish that it is
reliable and accurate. Stories about Adam and Eve, which are already
known not to be historically correct, cannot be used.
2010-04-29 12:46:37 UTC
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve... blah, blah, blabbity blah....
Your religious inanities do not a reason make.
old man joe
2010-04-30 10:54:00 UTC
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve... blah, blah, blabbity blah....
Your religious inanities do not a reason make.
and Jesus said... " Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. " Jn. 8:43,44
Free Lunch
2010-04-30 12:23:58 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve... blah, blah, blabbity blah....
Your religious inanities do not a reason make.
and Jesus said... " Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. " Jn. 8:43,44
Once again, you make claims that you cannot back up. You are without
shame in your hateful behavior toward others.
2010-05-04 14:13:40 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Jimbo
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve... blah, blah, blabbity blah....
Your religious inanities do not a reason make.
and Jesus said... "
Nothing, since he does not exist.
2010-04-29 13:24:31 UTC
And a Senile Old Troll is He
2010-04-29 15:45:20 UTC
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own
free will chose rebellion against God rather than obedience, and because
of God's judgment against him, out of whom all mankind would be born, all
of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "
If the tree was the "tree of knowledge of good and evil", then before
eating of its fruit, Adam and Eve would have no concept of what evil was,
therefore they could not have known that they were committing a sin to
eat of it.
Keeper of Things Put There Only Just The Night Before
About eight o'clock
Darrell Stec
2010-04-29 18:58:41 UTC
Post by MarkA
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own
free will chose rebellion against God rather than obedience, and because
of God's judgment against him, out of whom all mankind would be born, all
of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "
If the tree was the "tree of knowledge of good and evil", then before
eating of its fruit, Adam and Eve would have no concept of what evil was,
therefore they could not have known that they were committing a sin to
eat of it.
Don't these idiots realize that there were TWO trees in the garden? Eating
the fruit of the second tree, The Tree of Everlasting Life would confer
immortality. The man was kicked out of the garden to prevent him from
becoming "gods like we." Right in their bible it says there are more than
one god and that humans could become gods by eating fruit.

Incidentally the bible is very specific about kicking the MAN out of the
garden. It says nothing about the woman. Why do Fundies miss that part?

They also miss the part where god lies and says they will die on the very
day they eat that fruit. The serpent said god was lying. It turns out the
serpent was correct. Adam and Eve did not die that day. And further, not
only did Adam and Even not know what good and evil were before eating the
fruit as you pointed out, only the man got the instructions. Eve wasn't
around yet (unless the other story was correct and Adam and Eve were created
at the same time out of the dust of the earth. Now what woman in her right
mind would expect her husband to get everything right? :-)
old man joe
2010-04-30 11:42:13 UTC
Post by Darrell Stec
Post by MarkA
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own
free will chose rebellion against God rather than obedience, and because
of God's judgment against him, out of whom all mankind would be born, all
of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "
If the tree was the "tree of knowledge of good and evil", then before
eating of its fruit, Adam and Eve would have no concept of what evil was,
therefore they could not have known that they were committing a sin to
eat of it.
Don't these idiots realize that there were TWO trees in the garden? Eating
the fruit of the second tree, The Tree of Everlasting Life would confer
immortality. The man was kicked out of the garden to prevent him from
becoming "gods like we." Right in their bible it says there are more than
one god and that humans could become gods by eating fruit.
you preach Polytheism which is contrary to the Bible... " I am the LORD, and there is none else,
there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from
the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is
none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all
these things." Isa. 45:5 - 7
Post by Darrell Stec
Incidentally the bible is very specific about kicking the MAN out of the
garden. It says nothing about the woman. Why do Fundies miss that part?
i am not a Fundy and i doubt very much you even know what a Fundy really is according to the Bible.

the problem the Atheists have in interpreting the Bible is that they are not allowed by God to
understand it, Jn. 8:43,44, so they come up with worldly conclusions to spiritual things...

in Gen. 3:24 and 4:1 defines they were both removed from the Garden... why do Atheists miss that
part ? because of Jn. 8:43,44.
Post by Darrell Stec
They also miss the part where god lies and says they will die on the very
day they eat that fruit. The serpent said god was lying. It turns out the
serpent was correct. Adam and Eve did not die that day. And further, not
only did Adam and Even not know what good and evil were before eating the
fruit as you pointed out, only the man got the instructions. Eve wasn't
around yet (unless the other story was correct and Adam and Eve were created
at the same time out of the dust of the earth. Now what woman in her right
mind would expect her husband to get everything right? :-)
you called God a lair which makes you smarter than He although you don't even remotely understand
the Word of God nor can because of Jn. 8:43,44... the death in view was death of the soul, which
took place immediately and made God unapproachable to them because of sin... this is the same reason
you are not allowed to understand the Bible, because this same sin dwells in you.

the body of your rebuttal is Gnosticism, the sin of Adam and Eve. all the while you are cursing God
you are fulfilling everything you speak against. there is plenty of Original Sin dwelling in you.
2010-04-30 12:19:51 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Darrell Stec
Post by MarkA
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his
own free will chose rebellion against God rather than obedience, and
because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all mankind would
be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account
Ps. 58:3; Ro. 3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth
evil fruit. " Mt.7:17
If the tree was the "tree of knowledge of good and evil", then before
eating of its fruit, Adam and Eve would have no concept of what evil
was, therefore they could not have known that they were committing a
sin to eat of it.
Don't these idiots realize that there were TWO trees in the garden?
Eating the fruit of the second tree, The Tree of Everlasting Life would
confer immortality. The man was kicked out of the garden to prevent him
from becoming "gods like we." Right in their bible it says there are
more than one god and that humans could become gods by eating fruit.
you preach Polytheism which is contrary to the Bible... " I am the LORD,
and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though
thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun,
and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there
is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and
create evil: I the LORD do all these things." Isa. 45:5 - 7
That sounds more like Yahweh urging his people not to worship those other
gods. Kind of like saying, "Whizzo is the ONLY butter you need to eat!"
It doesn't mean there are not other products, just that the makers of
Whizzo want you to buy only theirs.
Post by old man joe
Post by Darrell Stec
Incidentally the bible is very specific about kicking the MAN out of the
garden. It says nothing about the woman. Why do Fundies miss that part?
i am not a Fundy and i doubt very much you even know what a Fundy really
is according to the Bible.
the problem the Atheists have in interpreting the Bible is that they are
not allowed by God to understand it, Jn. 8:43,44, so they come up with
worldly conclusions to spiritual things...
Sorry, but the bible is a "wordly" document. There is no reason that
atheists can't interpret it with as much authority as believers. It's
just that you don't like what it actually says.
Post by old man joe
in Gen. 3:24 and 4:1 defines they were both removed from the Garden...
why do Atheists miss that part ? because of Jn. 8:43,44.
Post by Darrell Stec
They also miss the part where god lies and says they will die on the
very day they eat that fruit. The serpent said god was lying. It turns
out the serpent was correct. Adam and Eve did not die that day. And
further, not only did Adam and Even not know what good and evil were
before eating the fruit as you pointed out, only the man got the
instructions. Eve wasn't around yet (unless the other story was correct
and Adam and Eve were created at the same time out of the dust of the
earth. Now what woman in her right mind would expect her husband to get
everything right? :-)
you called God a lair which makes you smarter than He although you don't
even remotely understand the Word of God nor can because of Jn.
8:43,44... the death in view was death of the soul, which took place
immediately and made God unapproachable to them because of sin... this
is the same reason you are not allowed to understand the Bible, because
this same sin dwells in you.
the body of your rebuttal is Gnosticism, the sin of Adam and Eve. all
the while you are cursing God you are fulfilling everything you speak
there is plenty of Original Sin dwelling in you.
...and there are plenty of deeply homologous genes dwelling in you.
Keeper of Things Put There Only Just The Night Before
About eight o'clock
Darrell Stec
2010-04-30 16:16:03 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Darrell Stec
Post by MarkA
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his
own free will chose rebellion against God rather than obedience, and
because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all mankind would be
born, all
of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "
If the tree was the "tree of knowledge of good and evil", then before
eating of its fruit, Adam and Eve would have no concept of what evil
was, therefore they could not have known that they were committing a sin
to eat of it.
Don't these idiots realize that there were TWO trees in the garden?
Eating the fruit of the second tree, The Tree of Everlasting Life would
immortality. The man was kicked out of the garden to prevent him from
becoming "gods like we." Right in their bible it says there are more than
one god and that humans could become gods by eating fruit.
you preach Polytheism which is contrary to the Bible... "
It is in the bible. Elohim is plural. Psalms talks about the 70 sons of
god and a Mrs. God. See Joey, you are reading a sanitized English version
of the bible. If you could read the Hebrew like some of us, you could see
what is really written.

What you consider to be the Ten Commandments (they aren't) the first one
does not say there are no other gods, but rather Yahweh is the personal god
of the tribes of the Hebrews and they should not worship other gods ahead of
him. Leviticus says that whatever sacrifices are required to be made to
Yahweh (the god of thunder and war and of the mountain) and equal sacrifice
must be given to his brother Azazel (god of the desert).

Too bad most of what is in your bible is lost to you. It is a shame because
you pretend that the bible tells you how to save your immortal soul, yet you
only hope the translators got everything right.
Post by old man joe
I am the LORD,
and there is none else,
That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that
there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is
none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and
create evil: I the LORD do all
these things." Isa. 45:5 - 7
Why worship a god that creates evil? And remember like father like son.
Post by old man joe
Post by Darrell Stec
Incidentally the bible is very specific about kicking the MAN out of the
garden. It says nothing about the woman. Why do Fundies miss that part?
i am not a Fundy and i doubt very much you even know what a Fundy really
is according to the Bible.
There is nothing in the bible about Fundies. So you would be wrong since I
knew that.
Post by old man joe
the problem the Atheists have in interpreting the Bible is that they are
not allowed by God to
understand it, Jn. 8:43,44, so they come up with worldly conclusions to
spiritual things...
in Gen. 3:24 and 4:1 defines they were both removed from the Garden...
3:24 -- vay-egaresh (AND.HE-IS-DRIVING) et-haadam (OUT-THE.MAN) vayashken
OF EDEN) et-hakeruvim (THE.CHERUBIM) veet (AND) lahat (FLAME-OF) hakherev
et-derekh WAY-OF) ets (TREE-OF) hakhayim (THE.LIVES)

Your own verse contradicts you. Notice the verse specifically and ONLY
mentions et-haadam (OUT-THE.MAN) and no mention of Eve whatsoever. Notice
Cherubim is plural.

Strike one.

4:1 -- vehaadam (AND.THE-MAN) yada (HE-KNEW) et-khava (EVE) ishto (WOMAN-
BIRTH) et-kayin (CAIN) vatomer (AND-SHE-IS-SAYING) kaniti (i.ACQUIRED) ish
(MALE CHILD) et-adonai (WITH.LORD)

Notice here we actually see the name Eve actually mentioned, i.e. khava
(EVE). There is no such name in the preceeding verse. Only the man (or
Adam) is mentioned.

Strike two.

Your verse merely says the lord was an agent when Eve gave birth to Cain,
the first-born). It does not restrict Eve from coming and going in and out
of the garden. You like most Christians read that into the story.
Post by old man joe
do Atheists miss that
part ?
As you can see from the Hebrew, they don't. It is you who are missing
things or rather making them up.
Post by old man joe
because of Jn. 8:43,44.
That verse has nothing to do with only the man being sent out of the garden.

Strike three.

You are out of the game.
Post by old man joe
Post by Darrell Stec
They also miss the part where god lies and says they will die on the very
day they eat that fruit. The serpent said god was lying. It turns out the
serpent was correct. Adam and Eve did not die that day. And further, not
only did Adam and Even not know what good and evil were before eating the
fruit as you pointed out, only the man got the instructions. Eve wasn't
around yet (unless the other story was correct and Adam and Eve were created
at the same time out of the dust of the earth. Now what woman in her right
mind would expect her husband to get everything right? :-)
you called God a lair which makes you smarter than He although you don't
even remotely understand the Word of God nor can because of Jn. 8:43,44...
the death in view was death of the soul, which took place immediately and
made God unapproachable to them because of sin... this is the same reason
you are not allowed to understand the Bible, because this same sin dwells in you.
All men are sinners. Therefore according to your logic nobody including you
can understand.

But that in no way negates the fact that god lied and the serpent told the
Post by old man joe
the body of your rebuttal is Gnosticism, the sin of Adam and Eve. all the
while you are cursing God
you are fulfilling everything you speak against. there is plenty of
Original Sin dwelling in you.
Please read the Anchor Bible, the Interpreter's Bible, The Jerusalem Bible,
The New Jerusalem Reader, or the New American Bible. Every one of them have
footnotes saying the Adam and Eve story is a fable taken from The Epic of
Gilgamesh and the Eluna Elish. So if the story is a fable (as those bibles
explicitly state), there can be no original sin.
2010-04-30 21:14:06 UTC
On 30 Apr, 17:16, Darrell Stec <***@neo.rr.com> wrote:
Post by Darrell Stec
Strike one.
4:1 --  vehaadam (AND.THE-MAN) yada (HE-KNEW) et-khava (EVE) ishto (WOMAN-
BIRTH) et-kayin (CAIN) vatomer (AND-SHE-IS-SAYING) kaniti (i.ACQUIRED) ish
(MALE CHILD) et-adonai (WITH.LORD)
Notice here we actually see the name Eve actually mentioned, i.e. khava
(EVE).  There is no such name in the preceeding verse.  Only the man (or
Adam) is mentioned.
Strike two.
Your verse merely says the lord was an agent when Eve gave birth to Cain,
the first-born).  It does not restrict Eve from coming and going in and out
of the garden.
I think the technical term is "conjugal visit"
Darrell Stec
2010-04-30 22:01:12 UTC
Post by Burkhard
Post by Darrell Stec
Strike one.
4:1 -- vehaadam (AND.THE-MAN) yada (HE-KNEW) et-khava (EVE) ishto
kaniti (i.ACQUIRED) ish (MALE CHILD) et-adonai (WITH.LORD)
Notice here we actually see the name Eve actually mentioned, i.e. khava
(EVE). There is no such name in the preceeding verse. Only the man (or
Adam) is mentioned.
Strike two.
Your verse merely says the lord was an agent when Eve gave birth to Cain,
the first-born). It does not restrict Eve from coming and going in and
out of the garden.
I think the technical term is "conjugal visit"
It takes more words to say that in Hebrew. :-)

In a round about way one could almost read that as Adam knew god screwed Eve
(while in the garden) and Cain was the result. [Except 'yada' means to know
in a sexual way.]
old man joe
2010-04-30 11:08:30 UTC
Post by MarkA
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own
free will chose rebellion against God rather than obedience, and because
of God's judgment against him, out of whom all mankind would be born, all
of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "
If the tree was the "tree of knowledge of good and evil", then before
eating of its fruit, Adam and Eve would have no concept of what evil was,
therefore they could not have known that they were committing a sin to
eat of it.
to the contrary... God beforehand told Adam not to eat of it. in the Commandment not to eat is the
violation which brought on death.
2010-05-04 14:16:40 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by MarkA
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own
free will chose rebellion against God rather than obedience, and because
of God's judgment against him, out of whom all mankind would be born, all
of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "
If the tree was the "tree of knowledge of good and evil", then before
eating of its fruit, Adam and Eve would have no concept of what evil was,
therefore they could not have known that they were committing a sin to
eat of it.
to the contrary... God beforehand told Adam not to eat of it.
And? If there was no knowledge of good, or evil, then Adam would not
have known it was evil to disobey God.
Uncle Vic
2010-04-29 16:26:13 UTC
On Apr 29, 3:41 am, old man joe <***@home.001> wrote:


Darwin was a Christian. He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it. So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved. If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth. Just
keep it to yourself.

Uncle Vic
old man joe
2010-04-30 11:00:09 UTC
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian. He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it. So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved. If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth. Just
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism. you can not serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the true religion which saves.

" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. " Jn. 8:43,44
Free Lunch
2010-04-30 12:26:00 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian. He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it. So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved. If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth. Just
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism. you can not serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
Post by old man joe
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. " Jn. 8:43,44
2010-04-30 21:07:40 UTC
Post by Free Lunch
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian.  He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it.  So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?  
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved.  If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.  Just
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism.  you can not serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
Post by old man joe
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. "  Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free
2010-05-01 06:20:09 UTC
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by Free Lunch
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian.  He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it.  So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?  
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved.  If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.  Just
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism.  you can not serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
Post by old man joe
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. "  Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free
Why? It seems to fit you to a T.

Father Haskell
2010-05-01 06:49:26 UTC
Post by Free Lunch
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian.  He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it.  So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?  
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved.  If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.  Just
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism.  you can not serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
Post by old man joe
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. "  Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If Satan was out to dupe the christians, he'd pose as one.
2010-05-01 18:05:08 UTC
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Free Lunch
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian.  He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it.  So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?  
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved.  If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.  Just
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism.  you can not serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
Post by old man joe
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. "  Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If Satan was out to dupe the christians, he'd pose as one.
He even quoted scripture to Jesus.

That is what Satan does. He counterfits everything God does.

Evolution is a counterfit to God creating

simple really
Father Haskell
2010-05-01 22:51:09 UTC
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Free Lunch
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian.  He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it.  So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?  
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved.  If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.  Just
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism.  you can not serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
Post by old man joe
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. "  Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If Satan was out to dupe the christians, he'd pose as one.
He even quoted scripture to Jesus.
That is what Satan does. He counterfits everything God does.
Evolution is a counterfit to God creating
simple really- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Exactly. Which is why you should assume that ALL
preachers are agents of Satan. Better safe than sorry.
2010-05-02 01:10:41 UTC
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Free Lunch
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian.  He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it.  So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?  
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved.  If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.  Just
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism.  you can not serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
Post by old man joe
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. "  Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If Satan was out to dupe the christians, he'd pose as one.
He even quoted scripture to Jesus.
That is what Satan does. He counterfits everything God does.
Evolution is a counterfit to God creating
simple really- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Exactly.  Which is why you should assume that ALL
preachers are agents of Satan.  Better safe than sorry.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Not all.

But that would apply to the teachers of evolution as well.

It is best to discover for yourself.

God is real.
Father Haskell
2010-05-03 03:08:01 UTC
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Free Lunch
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian.  He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it.  So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?  
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved.  If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.  Just
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism.  you can not serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
Post by old man joe
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. "  Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If Satan was out to dupe the christians, he'd pose as one.
He even quoted scripture to Jesus.
That is what Satan does. He counterfits everything God does.
Evolution is a counterfit to God creating
simple really- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Exactly.  Which is why you should assume that ALL
preachers are agents of Satan.  Better safe than sorry.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Not all.
Some are. Some aren't.

How can you tell which one?

You can't.
Post by All-Seeing-I
But that would apply to the teachers of evolution as well.
It is best to discover for yourself.
God is real.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Those hallucinations can be fixed with a pill.
2010-05-04 14:22:48 UTC
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Free Lunch
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian.  He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it.  So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?  
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved.  If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.  Just
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism.  you can not serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
Post by old man joe
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. "  Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If Satan was out to dupe the christians, he'd pose as one.
He even quoted scripture to Jesus.
That is what Satan does. He counterfits everything God does.
Evolution is a counterfit to God creating
simple really- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Exactly.  Which is why you should assume that ALL
preachers are agents of Satan.  Better safe than sorry.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Not all.
But that would apply to the teachers of evolution as well.
It is best to discover for yourself.
God is real
Using objective evidence, prove it.
2010-05-03 15:56:53 UTC
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Free Lunch
On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 09:26:13 -0700 (PDT), Uncle Vic
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian. He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of
in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it. So be
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist '
as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible,
defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved. If
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism. you can not
serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the
true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye
will do. " Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If Satan was out to dupe the christians, he'd pose as one.
He even quoted scripture to Jesus.
That is what Satan does. He counterfits everything God does.
Evolution is a counterfit to God creating
simple really- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Exactly. Which is why you should assume that ALL
preachers are agents of Satan. Better safe than sorry.

-- Interesting variation on Pascal's wager, sir. Who's your bookie?
Father Haskell
2010-05-04 22:28:03 UTC
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Free Lunch
On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 09:26:13 -0700 (PDT), Uncle Vic
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian. He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of
in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it. So be
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist '
as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible,
defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved. If
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism. you can not
serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the
true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear
my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye
will do. " Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If Satan was out to dupe the christians, he'd pose as one.
He even quoted scripture to Jesus.
That is what Satan does. He counterfits everything God does.
Evolution is a counterfit to God creating
simple really- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Exactly.  Which is why you should assume that ALL
preachers are agents of Satan.  Better safe than sorry.
-- Interesting variation on Pascal's wager, sir.  Who's your bookie?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You can prove anything with Pascal's wager. Neat, huh?
Seon Ferguson
2010-05-06 08:38:14 UTC
Post by Father Haskell
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Free Lunch
On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 09:26:13 -0700 (PDT), Uncle Vic
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian. He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of
in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it. So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist
' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible,
defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved.
If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism. you can
not serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the
true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye
will do. " Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If Satan was out to dupe the christians, he'd pose as one.
He even quoted scripture to Jesus.
That is what Satan does. He counterfits everything God does.
Evolution is a counterfit to God creating
simple really- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Exactly. Which is why you should assume that ALL
preachers are agents of Satan. Better safe than sorry.
I assume that all preachers are out to get my money. Why would an all
powerful God want my money for when he could just create money for the
church out of no where? It doesn't make sense.
Ben Kaufman
2010-05-06 13:08:23 UTC
On Thu, 6 May 2010 18:38:14 +1000, "Seon Ferguson" <***@gmail.com> wrote:

Post by Seon Ferguson
I assume that all preachers are out to get my money. Why would an all
powerful God want my money for when he could just create money for the
church out of no where? It doesn't make sense.
The same reason he needs a Star Ship.

Seon Ferguson
2010-05-07 03:08:48 UTC
Post by Ben Kaufman
Post by Seon Ferguson
I assume that all preachers are out to get my money. Why would an all
powerful God want my money for when he could just create money for the
church out of no where? It doesn't make sense.
The same reason he needs a Star Ship.
And a Star Ship with a argon crystal laser.
Post by Ben Kaufman
2010-05-07 12:10:09 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Ben Kaufman
Post by Seon Ferguson
I assume that all preachers are out to get my money. Why would an all
powerful God want my money for when he could just create money for the
church out of no where? It doesn't make sense.
The same reason he needs a Star Ship.
And a Star Ship with a argon crystal laser.
Seon Ferguson
2010-05-07 23:57:16 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Ben Kaufman
Post by Seon Ferguson
I assume that all preachers are out to get my money. Why would an all
powerful God want my money for when he could just create money for the
church out of no where? It doesn't make sense.
The same reason he needs a Star Ship.
And a Star Ship with a argon crystal laser.
Starvin Marvin in space, a classic South Park episode.
2010-05-10 20:29:06 UTC
On May 6, 9:08 am, Ben Kaufman <spaXm-mXe-anXd-paXy-5000-
<SNIP>>I assume that all preachers are out to get my money. Why would an all
Post by Seon Ferguson
powerful God want my money for when he could just create money for the
church out of no where? It doesn't make sense.
The same reason he needs a Star Ship.
I wouldn't mind having a Star Ship myself. :D

2010-05-04 14:21:43 UTC
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Free Lunch
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian.  He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it.  So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?  
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved.  If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.  Just
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism.  you can not serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
Post by old man joe
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. "  Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If Satan was out to dupe the christians, he'd pose as one.
He even quoted scripture to Jesus.
So? First and second century fairy tales at best, written decades
after the alleged death of the speaker. Not terribly compelling in
the way of evidence.
Seon Ferguson
2010-05-06 08:37:15 UTC
Post by All-Seeing-I
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Free Lunch
On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 09:26:13 -0700 (PDT), Uncle Vic
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian. He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
You have no evidence to back up your claim.
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in
1 Jn. 2:18.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to it. So be afraid.
Be very afraid.
afraid of what ?
You seem to be afraid of reality. That is why you tell us stories that
are demonstrably false rather than admit that you have been repeating
Post by Uncle Vic
Post by old man joe
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist '
as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible,
defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
Since there is no god of the bible (it cannot logically exist), there
is no salvation since there is nothing from which to be saved. If you
want to run scared all your life, that's no skin off my teeth.
keep it to yourself.
you're trying to answer Biblical posts with Gnosticism. you can not
serve God and mammon.
Evolution is pointed at calling God a liar and making Atheism the
true religion which saves.
You have not demonstrated that your Bible posts are reliable or that
your interpretation of the Bible is trustworthy. You worship only
yourself and your claims.
" Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye
will do. " Jn. 8:43,44- Hide quoted text -
You really should read that last sentence again Free- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
If Satan was out to dupe the christians, he'd pose as one.
He even quoted scripture to Jesus.
That is what Satan does. He counterfits everything God does.
Evolution is a counterfit to God creating
simple really
There is no Satan, you are deluded.

simple really.
2010-04-30 22:21:17 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian.  He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
Cite, please?

Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
BAAWA Knight
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net
2010-05-04 14:14:40 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Uncle Vic
Darwin was a Christian.  He didn't lose his faith until after he
discovered (not concocted) evolution.
to the contrary... Darwin always was an Atheist and faked Christianity.
2010-04-30 02:27:54 UTC
On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 06:41:19 -0400, old man joe <***@home.001>

Serious question: do you really believe any of this nonsense? If yes,
for what possible sane reason?
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. " Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes. Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid. yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ? because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
old man joe
2010-04-30 11:05:27 UTC
Post by raven1
Serious question: do you really believe any of this nonsense? If yes,
for what possible sane reason?
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. " Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes. Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid. yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ? because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
the words of Jesus to the Atheists... " Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot
hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. " Jn.
2010-04-30 12:23:37 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by raven1
Serious question: do you really believe any of this nonsense? If yes,
for what possible sane reason?
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. " Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes. Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid. yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ? because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
the words of Jesus to the Atheists... " Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot
hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. " Jn.
The passage you cite was not directed against atheists. Try again.
Free Lunch
2010-04-30 12:26:29 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by raven1
Serious question: do you really believe any of this nonsense? If yes,
for what possible sane reason?
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. " Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes. Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid. yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ? because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
the words of Jesus to the Atheists... " Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot
hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. " Jn.
You twist Jesus' words to fit your own proud ignorance.
2010-04-30 13:29:54 UTC
Post by Free Lunch
Post by old man joe
Post by raven1
Serious question: do you really believe any of this nonsense? If yes,
for what possible sane reason?
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. " Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes. Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid. yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ? because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
the words of Jesus to the Atheists... " Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot
hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. " Jn.
You twist Jesus' words to fit your own proud ignorance.
He also didn't answer the question. Again, to "old man joe": do you
really believe any of this nonsense? If yes, for what possible sane
Masked Avenger
2010-05-01 09:55:38 UTC
Post by raven1
Post by Free Lunch
Post by old man joe
Post by raven1
Serious question: do you really believe any of this nonsense? If yes,
for what possible sane reason?
Post by old man joe
reason # 1. since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account Ps. 58:3; Ro.
3:10-18... simply put, " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. " Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22 the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2. since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God. God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment. Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes. Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin. they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid. yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ? because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth. Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods. the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides. Eph. 2:12
the words of Jesus to the Atheists... " Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot
hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. " Jn.
You twist Jesus' words to fit your own proud ignorance.
He also didn't answer the question. Again, to "old man joe": do you
really believe any of this nonsense? If yes, for what possible sane
he is too scared to answer that question .......much like the coward
Arseman and Illbebauck ........ it really boils down to this ........ IF
Adam and Eve ( or at least his twisted version of it ) weren't real
..... then there was NO original sin .......... and therefore no reason
for Jesus ...... the whole rotten house of cards crumbles ....... and
the theists are left with massive egg on their faces .......
MA ....Yoiks .... and away .....

Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity
............. and I'm not sure about the Universe ..........
- A. Einstein

Does Schrödinger's cat have 18 half lives ?
2010-04-30 16:33:04 UTC
1. He's senile (or insane)
2. He's a troll
2010-05-04 14:15:44 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by raven1
Serious question: do you really believe any of this nonsense? If yes,
for what possible sane reason?
reason # 1.  since all mankind came from Adam and Eve and Adam of his own free will chose rebellion
against God rather than obedience, and because of God's judgment against him, out of whom all
mankind would be born, all of mankind has Original Sin imputed to their account   Ps. 58:3;  Ro.
3:10-18... simply put,  " a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. "  Mt.7:17
it's in the best interest of the Evolutionists to say that man came from a monkey in order to avoid
being found in Adam, in whom all die. 1 Cor. 15:22  the death in view here is the Second Death.
reason # 2.  since the Flood is an integral part of God's judgment against wicked people, as is
Sodom and Gomorrah, in that He required their life of them that perished in the Flood of Noah, after
all, life is His possession, not ours, He can not be stopped when He requires it back...
therefore the Evolutionists do not want a Global Flood because the Global Flood is God's actual
punishment against one type of people... the sinner, those in rebellion against God.  God is on
record as once again about to destroy sinner's but this time it will be the whole universe, after
the Day of Judgment.  Mt. 24
because man is made in the image of God he knows very well which side of the fence he is on and the
Bible speaks to this when in it God says the wicked are " without excuse " in His eyes.  Ro. 1:18-20
oh yes, the Evolutionists like to call anyone countering their position filthy names, and in so
doing profess their Original Sin.  they need to feel superior and their best approach is to make
those whom respect the Living God, sound stupid.  yet, not one of them is able to show how life came
from elements that are not alive which is the starting point of proving how like evolved out of
non-living elements... the elements comprising their human ( not monkey ) bodies are not alive and
are of the same type as those in a dead person. why then is one person alive and another dead though
they are comprised of the exact same stuff ?  because life comes from the Living God... He gives it
and He takes it back.
the Evolutionists, as smart as they think they are, can not concoct a scheme to explain how every
element in them is not alive though they are physically alive.
Evolution can not be true since it is not possible to get life out of the non-living elements of the
earth.  Evolution is nothing more than an attack against Jesus Christ Eternal God who spoke the
universe into being and gave life to the living things we see around us, and we ourselves as well.
Evolutionists are nothing more than the anti-Christs spoken of in 1 Jn. 2:18.
interestingly enough, the secular dictionary defines ' atheist ' as one who denies or disbelieves in
the existence of God or gods.  the Word of God, the Bible, defines an ' atheist ' as one whom God
has passed by for salvation which He alone provides.  Eph. 2:12
the words of Jesus to the Atheists...
Nothing whatsoever.
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