There were giants ( Nephilim ) in the earth in those days; and also after that... Gen. 6:4 the " giants " were the dinosaur's...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-11-25 16:14:25 UTC
" There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God
came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty
men which were of old, men of renown. " Gen. 6:4


the mystery surrounding this verse is admitted by conservative Bible expositor's of the
last few centuries as they have tried to solve the meaning of " Nephilim " ... rendered
" giants " in the KJV... ( Strong's # 5303 )

everything from giant men to angels have been used to define the Bible word " Nephilim "
of which it otherwise has no definition in and of itself since in this verse it is used as
a noun. Bible student's immediately see it and use it as an adjective which is very
wrong, and cloud's it's true meaning. the word Nephilim is not an adjective but a noun.
and it should not be capitalized since such gives the reader the impression of a race of
people... giant people, which can not be supported by the context.

all of the mystery expositor's claim surrounding this verse is cleared up by the context
of Gen. 1-6 in which the noun Nephilim, is found.

the Bible word " Nephilim " is found in only one other place in the OT and that is in Num.
13:33 where it refer's to " giant " men ... not angels... but the sons of Anak.

we know from the entire Bible that angelic being's have no flesh and blood since they are
not human. no idea that the giants of Gen. 6:4 can therefore be the meaning behind the
word. angelic being's do not pro-create; some expositor's actually believe that this is
what this verse is referring to thus creating a race of super-humans for which God
destroyed the earth with the Flood. such idea's flow from Gnosticism.

but when we look at the context of that time of earth history before the Flood the only
living thing's created by God which were giant were dinosaur's and any creatures of size
comparable to dinosaur's such as mastodon's, giraffe's, etc. Gen. 1 describes them as
" great, " which speaks to their size, and " whales " ( KJV ) which is also rendered as
" serpent " in Ex. 7:9,10,and 12 which can not be just whales to the exclusion of land
creatures as rendered in the KJV... the context of Ex. 7 is on the dry land of Pharaoh's

interestingly enough, as we read Gen. 6:4 where God says... " and also after that "
because the " giants " spoken of proceeding that statement speak's to land and sea
creatures of great size as living before the Flood, the statement " and also after that "
refer's to creatures evident after the Flood which were of great size. creatures of size,
when compared to man, is any creature much bigger than he. for example :

mastodons, giraffe's, sabre tooth cats, bear's, Komodo dragon's, horses, etc.

these were brought by God to the safety of the Ark unlike the dinosaur's who were simply,
not invited on it. meat eating and plant eating dinosaur's are found pooled together
under the earthen slides due to the Flood... no such thing as the Anti-Christs claim that
a meteor struck the Yucatan and killed them off... there wouldn't be the most delicate of
creatures of God's creation alive if, as the Anti-Christs say, uncountable cubic miles of
debris were thrown into the air bringing on an ice age which killed them. the
Anti-Christs can't agree amongst themselves as to the cause of the disappearance of the

the idea suggesting life came to be from elements that are not alive requires the
Anti-Christs to explain how life came from elements not alive... a thing which bring's
about their cursing God and the messenger's of His gospel. they have to cut short their
conversation when it comes time to show evidence of how life, which is not found in any or
all of the elements which comprise all living thing's came to gave life to themselves
without God.

they have the need to include billions of year's into their thinking in order to explain
away their philosophies of a self-creating earth with self-creating living being's... as
though time is life.

this, they can not do and their only recourse is to curse God and His messenger's.

getting back to Gen. 6:4, conclusions based on angelic being's coming unto the daughter's
of men regard's putting mystical interpretations into this passage, which is Gnosticism.
the first part of the passage relates to giant creatures on earth before the Flood and the
second part of the passage, to them that were giant creatures getting off the Ark after
the Flood. remember that the Holy Scriptures are purposely written in parables so that
unbeliever's will not see the light of the gospel. Mt. 13:13-15

the only " giants " that there were which existed before the Flood were creatures of size
of which God speaks in the first chapter of Genesis, and the only creatures of size after
the Flood are those which God called to the Ark, some of which we have with us today.
2009-11-25 19:24:32 UTC
May first I wish my friend joe the most blessed of thanksgiving days.

Two points from the post.

First as to what is gnostic.

"what this verse is referring to thus creating a race of super-humans
which God destroyed the earth with the Flood. such idea's flow from

And then somewhat later:

"remember that the Holy Scriptures are purposely written in parables so
unbeliever's will not see the light of the gospel. Mt. 13:13-15"

As has often been the case when gnostic was used in previous posts, this
use of it is wrong. One thinks that joe uses it as a generic refutation
where ever it pleases him or where ever he is at a loss for explanation.

The second bit above is very very close to a central gnostic teaching,
which our friend joe in his ignorance of the term reveals most

Joe needs to pick up a standard reference work on the gnostic tradition
and self correct his errors.

The second point:

"when compared to man, is any creature much bigger than he. for example

mastodons, giraffe's, sabre tooth cats, bear's, Komodo dragon's, horses,

these were brought by God to the safety of the Ark unlike the dinosaur's
who we re simply, not invited on it."

Dinos came in all sizes from those similar to rodents to the large ones
with which most are familiar. Many were very similar to humans in size.

But where oh where in scripture does the claim about bthe big ones come?
It is said that at least two of all kinds were included, no mention of

Is this joe's solution to how an ark as described could hold even a few
of the many huge types, by making up this tale? Other folk have
invented other solutions not related to size. Perhaps joe shoulld take
up one of those.

Still and all, where are the thousands of dino species to be found post
ark as easily are found the many thousands of species known to us in
paleontology and in written history and from human exploration ? Does a
mention here and there in scripture of some unknown creature really
cover the thousands of species of dinos? Where did they go?
Uncle Vic
2009-11-26 05:54:11 UTC
Post by old man joe
the only " giants " that there were which existed before the Flood
were creatures of size of which God speaks in the first chapter of
Genesis, and the only creatures of size after the Flood are those
which God called to the Ark, some of which we have with us today.
Apparently "god" never climbed the beanstalk.
Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011
Christians are like Slinkys. They're boring, but they'll put a smile on
your face when you push them down the stairs.
St. Jackanapes
2009-12-14 07:05:31 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ old man joe said...
Post by old man joe
There were giants in the earth in those days;
And huge morons like you today. So what?
St. Jackanapes
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