old man joe
2011-07-13 11:05:41 UTC
Does it really matter?
Here at Creation Moments, we stand firm in the belief that God created
the heavens and the earth in six 24-hour days. We also believe that
creation week took place less than 10,000 years ago and that this
subject is very important!
Not surprisingly, atheistic evolutionists mock our view. Sad to say,
many creationists do the same. They take an old-earth position, basing
their views primarily on science rather than the Word of God.
Discussions between young-earth and old-earth creationists can get
pretty heated. But when all is said and done, young-earth creationism
is the only position that honors God by being consistent with biblical
This Week's Creation Action Moment
You don't need to be a scientist or theologian to understand this
vital issue. This week we've put together a handy list of articles
that support the young-earth position on origins. All of the following
articles plus many more on the subject can be found in the
Articles Library at the Creation Moments website. We hope you'll find
these articles informative and useful as you stand firm on the truth
of God's inerrant Word!
A Young Creation Scripture's Clear Message by Paul Bartz
The Age of the Earth by Ian Taylor
How Can the Earth Be Relatively Young When Scientists Tell Us that
Rocks Are Billions of Years Old? by Ian Taylor
Billions of Years for the Earth! by Ian Taylor
Genesis Stands! by Richard Niessen
Light from the Bible on Evolution's Calendar by Robin D. Fish
Creation Moments, Inc
its always interesting to read feedback to such subject matter. the Atheists never, repeat, never,Here at Creation Moments, we stand firm in the belief that God created
the heavens and the earth in six 24-hour days. We also believe that
creation week took place less than 10,000 years ago and that this
subject is very important!
Not surprisingly, atheistic evolutionists mock our view. Sad to say,
many creationists do the same. They take an old-earth position, basing
their views primarily on science rather than the Word of God.
Discussions between young-earth and old-earth creationists can get
pretty heated. But when all is said and done, young-earth creationism
is the only position that honors God by being consistent with biblical
This Week's Creation Action Moment
You don't need to be a scientist or theologian to understand this
vital issue. This week we've put together a handy list of articles
that support the young-earth position on origins. All of the following
articles plus many more on the subject can be found in the
Articles Library at the Creation Moments website. We hope you'll find
these articles informative and useful as you stand firm on the truth
of God's inerrant Word!
A Young Creation Scripture's Clear Message by Paul Bartz
The Age of the Earth by Ian Taylor
How Can the Earth Be Relatively Young When Scientists Tell Us that
Rocks Are Billions of Years Old? by Ian Taylor
Billions of Years for the Earth! by Ian Taylor
Genesis Stands! by Richard Niessen
Light from the Bible on Evolution's Calendar by Robin D. Fish
Creation Moments, Inc
can prove their point of a universe in the billions of years of age. the best they can do is attack
the poster. this makes them sound right to themselves when they are nothing more than scoffers
worshiping at the shrine of speculation... their science can't tell them where life comes from and
they studiously avoid addressing that subject with an intelligent answer.
however, anyone can calculate the age of the earth from the Bible if they are willing to put the
time in.
for example, from Gen.5 we learn that the age of the earth from Adam to the Flood is 6023 years.
and its some 2000 years since the death of Christ. that's already 8 thousand years. it remains to
be studied the amount of years which past from the Flood to the death of Christ... some 5000 years.
already we find from the Bible the earth to be 13000 years old and the beginning of the universe 6
days older than this.
God did not create at night so its erroneous to say He created in six, 24 hour days... God Himself
defines a " day " as being 12 hours, Jn.11:9. in six days of 12 hours of daylight did God create
the all things... no creating activity by Almighty God during the 12 hours of night, Gen.1.
to buy into the Atheists philosophy of a very, very old earth counted in the billions of years we
must first suspend rational thinking and take up name calling to prove our point. we must suppose
that the elements of the earth from which all things consist... living things as well... gave itself
life and out of absolute sterility at that. they've painted themselves into a corner when they
claim " early earth " was a smoldering ball of boiling material and poison gas out of which life
came to be from elements of the Periodic Table.
huh. nothing of, and no combination of the elements of the Periodic Table are alive. that brings
their " scientists " to claim " life came from outer space... always an intangible, un-scientific
answer. the Big Bang idea came from an Atheist Catholic monsignor. everybody knows the Word of God
teaches that idol worshipers as the Catholics are show themselves to be not redeemed... they're
merely religious Atheists who really worship created being's, their grave robbed bones and their
relics... their god is Mary.
no elements are alive but leave them alone long enough and they'll come to life all by themselves
according to ' science.' that's the same as saying ' time ' is the missing ingredient which makes
non-living elements come alive. if that we true, everyone in the grave will eventually come back to
life if given enough ' time. ' after all... all of the elements comprising the human body are
already there in the coffin.
to lie about the age of the earth is to lie about God who spoke it into existence.