old man joe
2009-12-18 12:30:38 UTC
everybody knows that certain conditions of what they call " nature " must, of necessity,
be in play in order to make a fossil out of bones and teeth of dinosaur's. these certain
conditions must be in play also for organic remains to be fossilize.
when a dinosaur was killed by another dinosaur, whatever bones lay on top the ground
simply was not preserved by the forces of " nature " in order to weather time so that it's
bones and teeth would fossilize... what was not eaten simply decayed and returned to dust.
the word " fossil " is from a Latin term " fossus " meaning " having been dug up. "
the conditions necessary to fossilize bones and teeth require quick burial and water
sufficient to transport ground minerals into the fabric of the bones over time of the
animal buried.
searching the Internet for locations of fossil finds across the globe we have very
interesting facts posted by Evolutionists that defeat their own philosophy of Evolution.
we therefore have, to their own ignorance, their help in defeating Evolution. Evolution
is easily defeated by the simple fact that everything that is alive is not alive by reason
of the non living elements of which it is comprised.
the philosophy of Evolution steers around this most basic foundation thus exposing itself
as a complete and utter fraud... life, is simply not found in the non living elements of
the Periodic Table.
the Evolutionists, as their ever changing philosophy stands today, states that a minimum
of 10 thousand years or greater is necessary to have gone by to call something a fossil.
that's pretty interesting since the only event in the history of the world sufficient to
meet the requirements of fossilization is a global flood which took place just under 7
thousand years ago... the Flood caused by God commonly called the Flood of Noah.
since the decay of a dead animal laying on top of the ground can not meet the physical
requirements necessary to fossilize its bones immediate burial in sediment is the only
medium suitable to begin the fossilization process. an amount of surface water, as that
of a flood, is required to physically bury a creature in the shortest possible time.
melting glacier's can not meet this requirement... a flood does.
interestingly enough, using today's Mount Everest as a model and not factoring in the
" all the fountains of the great deep burst open " of Gen. 7:11, it rained on the earth
in the Flood of Noah nearly 400 inches an hour... enough to cause massive erosion on such
a scale to bury all creatures not invited on the Ark. but this model is speculation
only... the Evolutionists love to speculate so why can't the elect ?
yet, the water's of the Flood of Noah came from both the ground water of the earth
bursting open as well as heavy rain's thus fulfilling the requirement of quick burial of
the dinosaur's in what became sedimentary rock. the Flood is dated at nearly 7 thousand
years ago by careful study of the " time keeper's " of Holy Scripture and these time
keeper's date the universe as just over 13 thousand year's of age.
knowing that rational mind's do not come to the conclusion that life comes from elements
that are not alive we readily see why the Evolutionists avoid with haste and cursing the
answering of how life did in fact come from nothing alive. their own philosophy is their
undoing and can be summed up by the words of the Living God " this is the condemnation,
that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their
deeds were evil. " Jn. 3:19
be in play in order to make a fossil out of bones and teeth of dinosaur's. these certain
conditions must be in play also for organic remains to be fossilize.
when a dinosaur was killed by another dinosaur, whatever bones lay on top the ground
simply was not preserved by the forces of " nature " in order to weather time so that it's
bones and teeth would fossilize... what was not eaten simply decayed and returned to dust.
the word " fossil " is from a Latin term " fossus " meaning " having been dug up. "
the conditions necessary to fossilize bones and teeth require quick burial and water
sufficient to transport ground minerals into the fabric of the bones over time of the
animal buried.
searching the Internet for locations of fossil finds across the globe we have very
interesting facts posted by Evolutionists that defeat their own philosophy of Evolution.
we therefore have, to their own ignorance, their help in defeating Evolution. Evolution
is easily defeated by the simple fact that everything that is alive is not alive by reason
of the non living elements of which it is comprised.
the philosophy of Evolution steers around this most basic foundation thus exposing itself
as a complete and utter fraud... life, is simply not found in the non living elements of
the Periodic Table.
the Evolutionists, as their ever changing philosophy stands today, states that a minimum
of 10 thousand years or greater is necessary to have gone by to call something a fossil.
that's pretty interesting since the only event in the history of the world sufficient to
meet the requirements of fossilization is a global flood which took place just under 7
thousand years ago... the Flood caused by God commonly called the Flood of Noah.
since the decay of a dead animal laying on top of the ground can not meet the physical
requirements necessary to fossilize its bones immediate burial in sediment is the only
medium suitable to begin the fossilization process. an amount of surface water, as that
of a flood, is required to physically bury a creature in the shortest possible time.
melting glacier's can not meet this requirement... a flood does.
interestingly enough, using today's Mount Everest as a model and not factoring in the
" all the fountains of the great deep burst open " of Gen. 7:11, it rained on the earth
in the Flood of Noah nearly 400 inches an hour... enough to cause massive erosion on such
a scale to bury all creatures not invited on the Ark. but this model is speculation
only... the Evolutionists love to speculate so why can't the elect ?
yet, the water's of the Flood of Noah came from both the ground water of the earth
bursting open as well as heavy rain's thus fulfilling the requirement of quick burial of
the dinosaur's in what became sedimentary rock. the Flood is dated at nearly 7 thousand
years ago by careful study of the " time keeper's " of Holy Scripture and these time
keeper's date the universe as just over 13 thousand year's of age.
knowing that rational mind's do not come to the conclusion that life comes from elements
that are not alive we readily see why the Evolutionists avoid with haste and cursing the
answering of how life did in fact come from nothing alive. their own philosophy is their
undoing and can be summed up by the words of the Living God " this is the condemnation,
that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their
deeds were evil. " Jn. 3:19