How much do you know about the Assembly of God?
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Allan Svensson
2009-08-20 08:43:11 UTC
How much do you know about the Assembly of God?

Can you anywhere in the Bible find any hint that the
Assembly of God is an organized movement or any church
system? What is it that causes that the Christians are divided
and bounded to many churches and denominations? Idolatry!
People raise other names besides the name of the Lord, and
say, we belong to this or that church, or this or that
denomination when they ought to know nothing except Jesus
Christ and him crucified. 1 Cor. 2:2. Though God's word
warns about divisions and strictly forbid idolatry, most
Christian confessors believe that we cannot be Christians if
we do not are members in a church, and have the church as
an idol besides the Lord.

On my web site I have written very much about the
Assembly of God and about churches and denominations.
The whole web site is concentrated on just this. Some
people perhaps think it is repetitive, but the teaching about
the Assembly of God has been enormously neglected. In the
first hand God's people need the knowledge of the Assembly
of God. The truth of the Assembly of God has never been
peached in the churches.

None can with help of the word of the Bible explain how the
free churches have been established, for there is no support
in the Bible for any such establishment. On the time of the
apostles any church did not exist. Therefore, the word
"church" does not occur in the Bible. In English translations
of the Bible they have written "church" instead of "assembly".
This is a very grave translation error. The translators do not
see the difference between the murderer and the victims for
the murderer. The Church is a mass murderer, and the devil
is the real church father. The biblical name of the church is
"the great whore" and "Babylon the great". The word
"church" is the most unsuitable name on the Body of Christ,
the Assembly of God.

Think of all millions of people who believe in Jesus, but
never have heard any sermon about the Assembly of God.
Those who would preach God's word not even know what
the Assembly of God is. When some people are saved and
baptized, then at once they ensnare them in a church system
and put them to sleep. And so they wonder why God does
not send revival. The "revival preachers" hinder the revival
when they are preaching and practising Satan's false doctrine
about the Assembly of God. They have no care of the
Assembly of God, but they have care of their churches and
free churches, and believe that these are Assemblies of God.

What I have written here is nothing new. This ought to be
well known everywhere where God's word has been
preached. All those who believe in Jesus must get the
knowledge of the Assembly of God. The Assembly of God
is the Body of Christ, a living body. A living body cannot
be an organization or any church system. We enter the
Assembly of God by the new birth. We are born into the
Assembly of God. When Jesus baptizes us by the Holy Spirit,
then the Holy Spirit gives us the new life in Christ so that we
become born again. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he
is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new." 2 Cor. 5:17.

In the free churches people become members through a
decision for membership. In a meeting they are sitting, the
pastor, the leaders of the church and other members, and
make decision for membership. The new members are
welcomed to something they are calling the Assembly of
God. This decision for membership has nothing to do with
the Assembly of God.

In the Assembly of God it is the Father that sets in the limbs
in the Body of Christ. "But now God set the members, each
one of them, in the body, even as He willed." 1 Cor. 12:18,

No pastor or priest and no denomination or church has power
to expel anyone from the Assembly of God. "For I am
persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to
come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be
able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ
Jesus our Lord." Rom. 8:38-39.

It is vital that all God's people get the knowledge of the truth
of the Assembly of God, and what churches and denominations
are. What are the churches? What are the denominations? What
are the Pentecostal churches? They are religious black buildings,
founded and built up on Satan's false assembly doctrine. Getting
the knowledge of the truth is very releasing, and we do not need
to live in uncertainty.

There is only one way finding the truth of the Assembly of
God. It is to study the Bible and humble us before God's word.
Through to study what the Bible teaches, and what it does not
teaches, about the Assembly of God, we can expose Satan's
false assembly doctrine. The religious whole harlot-being of
Satan must be exposed before Jesus comes. People who do
not want to humble themselves before God's word and not
want to leave the great Babylon, the Lord will judge them
together with the great whore, and they will get their part of
her plagues. Rev. 18:4.

When Jesus comes the Assembly of God must be ready,
then all God's people must be outsides of all churches and
denominations. When people experience revival and
understand what the Assembly of God is, and understand
what churches and denominations are, then they annul
their membership. At a genuine revival, lots of people will
leave churches and denominations.

Allan Svensson

If you have any questions after reading of this article
Please, visit my Web Site

Before the Judgment seat of Christ

The salvation is a free gift of God

Many bible words prove that Jesus is God
Father Haskell
2009-08-20 20:22:20 UTC
    How much do you know about the Assembly of God?
Don't skimp on the airplane glue. Or the paper lunch sacks.
2009-08-24 07:20:48 UTC
Post by Father Haskell
    How much do you know about the Assembly of God?
Don't skimp on the airplane glue. Or the paper lunch sacks.
You can make a god with just a Hippy and and a nail gun.
