The Bible is a very dangerous book, if you do not read it
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Allan Svensson
2009-07-24 14:55:16 UTC
The Bible is a very dangerous book, if you do not read it

The word that the Lord has spoken, but you have rejected and
not believed, it shall judge you on the last day. John 12:48.

My Homepage is also very dangerous, if you do not read it.
It contents much bible knowledge, which has never been
preached in the churches, but it is vital that every Christian
know this before Jesus comes.

"For indeed because of the time being due to be teachers, yet
you need for the one to teach you again what are the rudiments
of the beginning of the words of God, and you have become
ones having need of milk, and not of solid food." Hebr. 5:12.
This is the condition of most Christians today.

"My people are cut off for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6.
Those, who would preach and teach God's word, have the
greatest responsibility for the division and lack of knowledge
among God's people. Why do the people not get knowledge?
Those who would preach God's word, what are they doing?
They do not struggle for the truths of the Bible. Church politics
and church traditions are more essential for them than the Bible.
They are faithless against the Lord and their sermons have lost
its saltiness. They are preaching such things that people like
hearing, and not what the Lord has commanded them to preach.
And so they wonder why God does not send revival.

God has sent many revivals, but every time the same lapse has
repeats. The revival has been powerful in its beginning, but
after a short time it has been stagnation and retrogression. So
it was with the revival that God sent a hundred years ago,
which was called the Pentecostal Revival. Where is this revival

What was it that destroyed the revival? It was Satan's false
assembly doctrine and idolatry! At once in the beginning of the
revival, they began to apply for Satan's false assembly doctrine
in the new revival. Instead of caring about the Assembly of God,
and have the restoration of the Assembly as their aim, they began
to build up a new church system. And still today, after a hundred
years, they believe on this false doctrine about the Assembly of
God. The name "Pentecostal Revival" they have used as an idol

The Pentecostalists have during a hundred years preached
Satan's false doctrine about the Assembly of God, and other
free church preachers still longer. On what will they put the
blame for that? There have been thousands of preachers and
bible teachers during these hundred years, but they have not
even found out what their own churches and denominations
in the reality are. Yet, they must give answers before the Lord
how they have preached and taught. Rom. 5:10. 14:12. 1 Cor.

How to know the truth of the Assembly of God, and what the
churches and denominations are? Through praying to God and
to study of the Bible, we can get the knowledge of the truth.
You cannot wait for any help in prayer. In a Pentecostal church
one is not even permitted to ask about anything concerning the
Assembly of God, or about churches and denominations. It
would be apprehending as criticism against the assembly.

The preachers say that they know how it shall be, and appear
as they know, but they have no teaching about the Assembly
of God. If you ask and think about getting any knowledge of
the assembly, then you get only questions as an answer. Instead,
you become interrogated about just the things about which you
need help. In reality, they know almost nothing about the
Assembly of God. You become enticed to waiting for a teaching
which never comes.

The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, he helps us to understand God's
word. John 14:26. "And the anointing which you received from
Him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone teaches
you, but the same anointing teaches you concerning all things,
and is true, and is not a lie, and as He taught you, abide in Him."
1 John 2:27.

As soon as it be any tendency to revival and some members
are breaking out of the "assembly", then the "big" preachers
become afraid and wonder, what is going on? They speak
about love and fellowship and say we shall not criticize. What
is it that they apprehend as criticism? It is God's word! Studies
of what the Bible says about the Assembly of God, and
comparing what they are preaching in the churches, this they
apprehend as criticism. What sort of love and fellowship is it
that wants to hinder us to study God's word? They defend
churches and denominations and condemn the truth. What
does this have to do with the love of Christ? God is the love,
but God's love does not hinder us to study God's word. We
Christians must always be active and give people God's word,
and aggressive combat false doctrines. If we want to have
revival, then we also must take up the fight against Satan's
false assembly doctrine.

Just this is the powerful revival message of the Lord to his
people: My people, come out of Babylon, the great whore that
you may not share in her sins, and that you may not receive of
her plagues. Rev. 18:4. This must come out and become well
known. People must get knowledge what the great Babylon is,
and how to become free from it.

If you believe that churches and denominations are the
Assembly of God, then you have not even learnt the first
foundations of the Assembly of God. You have not understood
the truth of baptism by the Holy Spirit and the new birth. How
then can you believe that you are ready for Jesus' coming? Do
not rely on any church. In the churches they have never preached
the truth of the Assembly of God. The churches want to silence
the truth and hinder people to understand God's word.

In Christian meetings, books, publications and Homepages
they are speaking and writing about that Jesus is coming very
soon, but how many prepare them to meet him? Many believe
that Jesus can come at any time, and they have preached so.
Then one can wonder why they do not prepare themselves.
When Jesus comes, then it is too later to prepare. Jesus coming
to take God's people up to heaven, it goes very quickly, in the
twinkling of an eye.

"Behold, I tell a mystery to you: we shall not all sleep, but we
shall all be changed. In a moment, in a glance of an eye, at the
last trumpet; for a trumpet will sound, and the dead ones will
be raised incorruptible, and we shall all be changed. For this
corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal one must
put on immortality." 1 Cor. 15:51-53. (KJ3).

Jesus cannot come at any time because the Assembly of God
is not ready yet. Most Christians are still left in Babylon the
great. Have YOU been obeying and left Babylon as the Lord
has commanded in Rev. 18:4, or do you think about staying
behind and get your part of the plagues of the great whore?

Allan Svensson

If you have any questions after reading of this article
Please, visit my Web Site

All God's people must leave Babylon the great

Celebrating of holidays

God is the Love
But God's love does not hinder us to study God's word
Project 2501
2009-07-24 21:57:39 UTC
Post by Allan Svensson
The Bible is a very dangerous book, if you do not read it
Or consider it as hazardous material and destroy accordingly?
Father Haskell
2009-07-25 18:50:42 UTC
    The Bible is a very dangerous book, if you do not read it
So use it for kitty box filler.
2009-07-26 23:33:35 UTC
Post by Allan Svensson
The Bible is a very dangerous book, if you do not read it
I know, one of my friends was run over by a speeding bible on the A6
near Stretford last year. Police reckon that it must have been doing
over 5 mph at the time of the accident, they gave chase but lost the
good book in the built up suburban area near Chorlton.

They described the Bible as black with a small cross on the spine over
the words 'Holy Bible'. A spokesman for the police admitted that Holy
books were becoming a dangerous problem after a collision between two
bibles and a koran the week before in which eight people were
hospitalised with severe paper cuts one also suffered ink smudges on his
left index finger.

People have been asked to remain vigilant when in the vincinity of
Churches, mosques and other building where holy books may be found.
Father Haskell
2009-07-27 20:47:51 UTC
Post by Lee
   The Bible is a very dangerous book, if you do not read it
I know, one of my friends was run over by a speeding bible on the A6
near Stretford last year. Police reckon that it must have been doing
over 5 mph at the time of the accident, they gave chase but lost the
good book in the built up suburban area near Chorlton.
They described the Bible as black with a small cross on the spine over
the words 'Holy Bible'. A spokesman for the police admitted that Holy
books were becoming a dangerous problem after a collision between two
bibles and a koran the week before in which eight people were
hospitalised with severe paper cuts one also suffered ink smudges on his
left index finger.
Not to mention tetanus, from being stuck with splinters
from the true cross (tm).
Post by Lee
People have been asked to remain vigilant when in the vincinity of
Churches, mosques and other building where holy books may be found.
Burn them all, let yaweh sort them out.
2009-07-27 22:54:37 UTC
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
The Bible is a very dangerous book, if you do not read it
I know, one of my friends was run over by a speeding bible on the A6
near Stretford last year. Police reckon that it must have been doing
over 5 mph at the time of the accident, they gave chase but lost the
good book in the built up suburban area near Chorlton.
They described the Bible as black with a small cross on the spine over
the words 'Holy Bible'. A spokesman for the police admitted that Holy
books were becoming a dangerous problem after a collision between two
bibles and a koran the week before in which eight people were
hospitalised with severe paper cuts one also suffered ink smudges on his
left index finger.
Not to mention tetanus, from being stuck with splinters
from the true cross (tm).
Post by Lee
People have been asked to remain vigilant when in the vincinity of
Churches, mosques and other building where holy books may be found.
Burn them all, let yaweh sort them out.

Breath testing the drivers has proved to be quite effective in the past
especially the bible ones.
Father Haskell
2009-07-28 18:24:38 UTC
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
The Bible is a very dangerous book, if you do not read it
I know, one of my friends was run over by a speeding bible on the A6
near Stretford last year. Police reckon that it must have been doing
over 5 mph at the time of the accident, they gave chase but lost the
good book in the built up suburban area near Chorlton.
They described the Bible as black with a small cross on the spine over
the words 'Holy Bible'. A spokesman for the police admitted that Holy
books were becoming a dangerous problem after a collision between two
bibles and a koran the week before in which eight people were
hospitalised with severe paper cuts one also suffered ink smudges on his
left index finger.
Not to mention tetanus, from being stuck with splinters
from the true cross (tm).
Post by Lee
People have been asked to remain vigilant when in the vincinity of
Churches, mosques and other building where holy books may be found.
Burn them all, let yaweh sort them out.
Breath testing the drivers has proved to be quite effective in the past
especially the bible ones.
Difference between alcoholics and xians
is alcoholics are sober the next day.
Pope Rudraigh
2009-07-28 21:01:49 UTC
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 11:24:38 -0700 (PDT), Father Haskell
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
The Bible is a very dangerous book, if you do not read it
I know, one of my friends was run over by a speeding bible on the A6
near Stretford last year. Police reckon that it must have been doing
over 5 mph at the time of the accident, they gave chase but lost the
good book in the built up suburban area near Chorlton.
They described the Bible as black with a small cross on the spine over
the words 'Holy Bible'. A spokesman for the police admitted that Holy
books were becoming a dangerous problem after a collision between two
bibles and a koran the week before in which eight people were
hospitalised with severe paper cuts one also suffered ink smudges on his
left index finger.
Not to mention tetanus, from being stuck with splinters
from the true cross (tm).
Post by Lee
People have been asked to remain vigilant when in the vincinity of
Churches, mosques and other building where holy books may be found.
Burn them all, let yaweh sort them out.
Breath testing the drivers has proved to be quite effective in the past
especially the bible ones.
Difference between alcoholics and xians
is alcoholics are sober the next day.
True dat.
2009-07-29 02:35:52 UTC
Post by Pope Rudraigh
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 11:24:38 -0700 (PDT), Father Haskell
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
The Bible is a very dangerous book, if you do not read it
I know, one of my friends was run over by a speeding bible on the A6
near Stretford last year. Police reckon that it must have been doing
over 5 mph at the time of the accident, they gave chase but lost the
good book in the built up suburban area near Chorlton.
They described the Bible as black with a small cross on the spine over
the words 'Holy Bible'. A spokesman for the police admitted that Holy
books were becoming a dangerous problem after a collision between two
bibles and a koran the week before in which eight people were
hospitalised with severe paper cuts one also suffered ink smudges
left index finger.
Not to mention tetanus, from being stuck with splinters
from the true cross (tm).
Post by Lee
People have been asked to remain vigilant when in the vincinity of
Churches, mosques and other building where holy books may be found.
Burn them all, let yaweh sort them out.
Breath testing the drivers has proved to be quite effective in the past
especially the bible ones.
Difference between alcoholics and xians
is alcoholics are sober the next day.
True dat.
It is, my father worked at sea and brought duty free drink home and used
to invite the vicar and priest round for a drink then feed them whiskey
for the lolz, the two of them ended up falling up the street while
punching each other out one time.
Pope Rudraigh
2009-07-29 20:23:45 UTC
Post by Lee
Post by Pope Rudraigh
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 11:24:38 -0700 (PDT), Father Haskell
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
The Bible is a very dangerous book, if you do not read it
I know, one of my friends was run over by a speeding bible on the A6
near Stretford last year. Police reckon that it must have been doing
over 5 mph at the time of the accident, they gave chase but lost the
good book in the built up suburban area near Chorlton.
They described the Bible as black with a small cross on the spine over
the words 'Holy Bible'. A spokesman for the police admitted that Holy
books were becoming a dangerous problem after a collision between two
bibles and a koran the week before in which eight people were
hospitalised with severe paper cuts one also suffered ink smudges
left index finger.
Not to mention tetanus, from being stuck with splinters
from the true cross (tm).
Post by Lee
People have been asked to remain vigilant when in the vincinity of
Churches, mosques and other building where holy books may be found.
Burn them all, let yaweh sort them out.
Breath testing the drivers has proved to be quite effective in the past
especially the bible ones.
Difference between alcoholics and xians
is alcoholics are sober the next day.
True dat.
It is, my father worked at sea and brought duty free drink home and used
to invite the vicar and priest round for a drink then feed them whiskey
for the lolz, the two of them ended up falling up the street while
punching each other out one time.
Mm hmm. I lived for a couple of unfortunate years in Idaho. The
favorite joke/truth was: "Never take *one* Mormon fishing with you.
They'll drink all your beer." Of course, they remain Mormon. Even
after they sober up.

I lived for a couple of unfortunate years in Florida. The Baptists
would have a BBQ/picnic on Saturday. Those not too drunk would
literally sneak off to secluded area to screw other people's spouses.
Come Sunday, everyone was sober and ... very Xtian.

I suppose I could go on but, I have to save some of my stories of
xtian hypocrisy for ... y'know ... the proper moment.

Pope Rudraigh
"Holy trinity my triple cheeked ass!"
Father Haskell
2009-08-03 20:14:17 UTC
Post by Lee
Post by Pope Rudraigh
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 11:24:38 -0700 (PDT), Father Haskell
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
The Bible is a very dangerous book, if you do not read it
I know, one of my friends was run over by a speeding bible on the A6
near Stretford last year. Police reckon that it must have been doing
over 5 mph at the time of the accident, they gave chase but lost the
good book in the built up suburban area near Chorlton.
They described the Bible as black with a small cross on the spine over
the words 'Holy Bible'. A spokesman for the police admitted that Holy
books were becoming a dangerous problem after a collision between two
bibles and a koran the week before in which eight people were
hospitalised with severe paper cuts one also suffered ink smudges
left index finger.
Not to mention tetanus, from being stuck with splinters
from the true cross (tm).
Post by Lee
People have been asked to remain vigilant when in the vincinity of
Churches, mosques and other building where holy books may be found.
Burn them all, let yaweh sort them out.
Breath testing the drivers has proved to be quite effective in the past
especially the bible ones.
Difference between alcoholics and xians
is alcoholics are sober the next day.
True dat.
It is, my father worked at sea and brought duty free drink home and used
to invite the vicar and priest round for a drink then feed them whiskey
for the lolz, the two of them ended up falling up the street while
punching each other out one time.
Mm hmm.  I lived for a couple of unfortunate years in Idaho.  The
favorite joke/truth was: "Never take *one* Mormon fishing with you.
They'll drink all your beer."  Of course, they remain Mormon.  Even
after they sober up.
I lived for a couple of unfortunate years in Florida.  The Baptists
would have a BBQ/picnic on Saturday.  Those not too drunk would
literally sneak off to secluded area to screw other people's spouses.
Come Sunday, everyone was sober and ... very Xtian.
I suppose I could go on but, I have to save some of my stories of
xtian hypocrisy for ... y'know ... the proper moment.
You could go on calling them "hypocrites,"
but you'd be speaking to the wind. Faster
and much more effective just to slip a bottle
of Viagra into the punchbowl.

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