Allan Svensson
2009-06-03 22:04:48 UTC
Evil spirits in the churches
Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the
habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit,
and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. Rev. 18:2.
Of this we understand that there are many evil spirits in the
churches. What do the evil spirits do in the churches? What
are they doing? They are keeping people bound by false
doctrines and hinder them to understand God's word. The
principalities of evil spirits hold the Christians bound to
Satan's false doctrine about the Assembly of God. This has
been going on since the great Apostasy happened a very
long time ago, when the first churches come into existence.
2 Thess. 2:3.
The churches keep the Christians in captivity and slavery.
The churches have persecuted and murdered millions of
Christians. Yet, people believe that the churches are from
What we can read in the Bible about the Assembly of God,
it gives no hint of that the Assembly of God is any church
system, or that the church buildings are temples of God,
neither that the Assembly of God is any organized movement.
On the time of the apostles any church did not exist. Therefore,
the word "church" does not occur in the Bible. In English
translations of the Bible they have written "church" instead
of "assembly". This is a very grave translation error. The
translators do not see the difference between the murderer
and the victims for the murderer. The biblical name of the
church is "the great whore" and "Babylon the great".
Then this question appears: What are the churches? How have
they come into existence? New churches and denominations
used to appear in connections with a revival. When God sends,
a revival and any "new" biblical truth begin to be preached,
then it will be divergence and conflict. Some people welcome
the revival and want to have more knowledge of God's word.
Others are against the revival and do not want to have any
"modernity". They believe that their church is the Assembly
of God and they do not want to be disturbed of any revival
message of the Lord.
Those who loved God's word and want to preach the truths
of the Bible, they must leave church where they had been
members. Some members became expelled from churches and
denominations because of their belief in Jesus and for they
want to have more of God's word. So it was when the truth
of the baptism by the Holy Spirit began to be preached in the
beginning of 1900s. Tough they understood and preached only
a part of this truth, it produced a powerful revival. It began in
Los Angeles and was spread out above the whole world.
The revival message became very abridged. They were
speaking so much about the gift to speaking with tongues,
as if this were the whole revival message. They thought,
now we have got the entire gospel of God as it was on the
time of the apostles. Yet, there were more truths in the Bible!
If they had really understood the truth of the baptism by the
Holy Spirit, then they had not established any Pentecostal
What did destroy the revival? It was Satan's false assembly
doctrine and idolatry! Already at the beginning of the revival,
they began to use Satan's false assembly doctrine in the new
revival. Instead of having care of the Assembly of God, the
Body of Christ, they began to build up a new church system.
And still after a hundred years, they believe on this false
doctrine about the Assembly of God. The expression
"Pentecostal Revival" has been used as an idolatry name.
Just because of that the Pentecostal churches came into
existence about a revival from God, people believe that these
churches are Assemblies of God. They do not know that this
establishing of churches, and the expression "Pentecostal
Revival", was included in Satan's plan to destroy the revival.
The evil spirits have during a hundred years hold the Pentecostal
preachers bound to Satan's false doctrine about the Assembly
of God. Therefore, no teaching about the Assembly of God has
occurred within the Pentecostal Movement. Such teaching would
be devastating for the whole Pentecostal Movement. It would
expose all Pentecostal churches as religious black-buildings,
for they are not founded on God's word.
This is valid also for all other churches and denominations. The
members have got no teaching about the Assembly of God, and
they do not know what the churches are. They not even know
in what they are members.
New churches come into existence through religious fornication.
They mix God's word with doctrines of evil spirits. They make
a false, and very bad, copy of the Assembly of God through to
organizing an association, with a number of offices (elders),
a manager (pastor), a list of members and member cards to all
members. What the Bible says about the Assembly of God,
they try to apply to the organization they have made.
When folk become saved, then they become baptized in the
biblical way immersing in water, for they want to follow what
the Bible teaches about the baptism. Yet, after the baptism they
also become registered as members in a free church, just as
much unbiblical as the infant baptism of the church. In that
way they get a double membership. When they have received
Jesus as their Saviour and are saved, then they belong to the
Assembly of God, but after that they also become members
in a false copy of the Assembly of God.
When folk receive Jesus and become born again, then they are
limbs in the Body of Christ, the Assembly of God. This is a
work of God, and he does this without assistance of any pastor
or of any management of a free church. "But now hath God set
the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased
him." 1 Cor. 12:18, 27.
When Jesus baptizes them by the Holy Spirit, then they become
born again. The Spirit gives them the new life in Christ, then
they are born of the Spirit. John 3:1-8. When God created the
first man, Adam, he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
Man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7. When Jesus baptizes
us by the Holy Spirit, it is a new act of creation. The Holy Spirit
gives us the new life in Christ and we become born again. "So
then if anyone is in Christ, that one is a new creation; the old
things have passed away; behold, all things have come to be
new!" 2 Cor. 5:17.
Allan Svensson
To read the continuation of this article
please, click on this link
The most powerful revival message
of the Lord to his people in our time
The whole Assembly of God,
the Body of Christ,
is in a deep global crisis
Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the
habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit,
and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. Rev. 18:2.
Of this we understand that there are many evil spirits in the
churches. What do the evil spirits do in the churches? What
are they doing? They are keeping people bound by false
doctrines and hinder them to understand God's word. The
principalities of evil spirits hold the Christians bound to
Satan's false doctrine about the Assembly of God. This has
been going on since the great Apostasy happened a very
long time ago, when the first churches come into existence.
2 Thess. 2:3.
The churches keep the Christians in captivity and slavery.
The churches have persecuted and murdered millions of
Christians. Yet, people believe that the churches are from
What we can read in the Bible about the Assembly of God,
it gives no hint of that the Assembly of God is any church
system, or that the church buildings are temples of God,
neither that the Assembly of God is any organized movement.
On the time of the apostles any church did not exist. Therefore,
the word "church" does not occur in the Bible. In English
translations of the Bible they have written "church" instead
of "assembly". This is a very grave translation error. The
translators do not see the difference between the murderer
and the victims for the murderer. The biblical name of the
church is "the great whore" and "Babylon the great".
Then this question appears: What are the churches? How have
they come into existence? New churches and denominations
used to appear in connections with a revival. When God sends,
a revival and any "new" biblical truth begin to be preached,
then it will be divergence and conflict. Some people welcome
the revival and want to have more knowledge of God's word.
Others are against the revival and do not want to have any
"modernity". They believe that their church is the Assembly
of God and they do not want to be disturbed of any revival
message of the Lord.
Those who loved God's word and want to preach the truths
of the Bible, they must leave church where they had been
members. Some members became expelled from churches and
denominations because of their belief in Jesus and for they
want to have more of God's word. So it was when the truth
of the baptism by the Holy Spirit began to be preached in the
beginning of 1900s. Tough they understood and preached only
a part of this truth, it produced a powerful revival. It began in
Los Angeles and was spread out above the whole world.
The revival message became very abridged. They were
speaking so much about the gift to speaking with tongues,
as if this were the whole revival message. They thought,
now we have got the entire gospel of God as it was on the
time of the apostles. Yet, there were more truths in the Bible!
If they had really understood the truth of the baptism by the
Holy Spirit, then they had not established any Pentecostal
What did destroy the revival? It was Satan's false assembly
doctrine and idolatry! Already at the beginning of the revival,
they began to use Satan's false assembly doctrine in the new
revival. Instead of having care of the Assembly of God, the
Body of Christ, they began to build up a new church system.
And still after a hundred years, they believe on this false
doctrine about the Assembly of God. The expression
"Pentecostal Revival" has been used as an idolatry name.
Just because of that the Pentecostal churches came into
existence about a revival from God, people believe that these
churches are Assemblies of God. They do not know that this
establishing of churches, and the expression "Pentecostal
Revival", was included in Satan's plan to destroy the revival.
The evil spirits have during a hundred years hold the Pentecostal
preachers bound to Satan's false doctrine about the Assembly
of God. Therefore, no teaching about the Assembly of God has
occurred within the Pentecostal Movement. Such teaching would
be devastating for the whole Pentecostal Movement. It would
expose all Pentecostal churches as religious black-buildings,
for they are not founded on God's word.
This is valid also for all other churches and denominations. The
members have got no teaching about the Assembly of God, and
they do not know what the churches are. They not even know
in what they are members.
New churches come into existence through religious fornication.
They mix God's word with doctrines of evil spirits. They make
a false, and very bad, copy of the Assembly of God through to
organizing an association, with a number of offices (elders),
a manager (pastor), a list of members and member cards to all
members. What the Bible says about the Assembly of God,
they try to apply to the organization they have made.
When folk become saved, then they become baptized in the
biblical way immersing in water, for they want to follow what
the Bible teaches about the baptism. Yet, after the baptism they
also become registered as members in a free church, just as
much unbiblical as the infant baptism of the church. In that
way they get a double membership. When they have received
Jesus as their Saviour and are saved, then they belong to the
Assembly of God, but after that they also become members
in a false copy of the Assembly of God.
When folk receive Jesus and become born again, then they are
limbs in the Body of Christ, the Assembly of God. This is a
work of God, and he does this without assistance of any pastor
or of any management of a free church. "But now hath God set
the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased
him." 1 Cor. 12:18, 27.
When Jesus baptizes them by the Holy Spirit, then they become
born again. The Spirit gives them the new life in Christ, then
they are born of the Spirit. John 3:1-8. When God created the
first man, Adam, he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
Man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7. When Jesus baptizes
us by the Holy Spirit, it is a new act of creation. The Holy Spirit
gives us the new life in Christ and we become born again. "So
then if anyone is in Christ, that one is a new creation; the old
things have passed away; behold, all things have come to be
new!" 2 Cor. 5:17.
Allan Svensson
To read the continuation of this article
please, click on this link
The most powerful revival message
of the Lord to his people in our time
The whole Assembly of God,
the Body of Christ,
is in a deep global crisis