old man joe
2010-09-10 12:17:17 UTC
who in their right mind curses what doesn't exist ? this is the life and times of the typical
to curse what they say doesn't exist simply shows they are upset in their lives. something inside
of them is telling them they're excluded from the life of God. they're an angry bunch. they're not
very smart at all. they, of necessity, must broadcast foul language in their speech as they target
anyone who disagrees with them. God abandoned them and so the next best thing for them to do is
cover their ignorance by attacking what they say doesn't exist and everyone who says God does exist.
such makes them feel superior in their otherwise inferior state of existence.
they are right, of course, that for them, God doesn't exist. but they think they speak for the
whole world. because God has long since abandoned them they automatically think God has abandoned
everyone. this is their logical conclusion based on their personal, subjective perception of their
own lives.
being that salvation is a matter between God who does the saving and the person He saves, the
opposite side of the coin is that those whom He does not save is a matter between God and that
person who He does not save.
the one whom He does save is given the benefit of knowing God whereas the person He does not save is
not given the benefit of knowing God. beyond that, the one whom God saves is made by Him to be an
heir to all of the things so given by God in the new heavens and earth yet to be created... this
present universe is determined for total destruction... along with all Atheists. the Atheists have
no such promises of good directed to them by God. Eph. 2:12. they are passed by. left out.
this inner knowledge they have they can not subdue. they know full well there is an angry God
waiting for them who brings them into judgement against their will. for this cause they open their
mouths with all sorts of foul language against God and anyone speaking the truth about what's going
to happen to them which is contained in God's Word, the Bible... also on the Atheists list of things
to curse.
because man is made i the image of God, God did not fail to put in everyone a witness to Himself.
this witness is conscience and the Atheists try very hard to burn it out by cursing's but
nonetheless, " they are without excuse " Ro. 1:18-20 if they were able to burn out their conscience
they wouldn't be cursing God and man everyday.
to curse what they say doesn't exist simply shows they are upset in their lives. something inside
of them is telling them they're excluded from the life of God. they're an angry bunch. they're not
very smart at all. they, of necessity, must broadcast foul language in their speech as they target
anyone who disagrees with them. God abandoned them and so the next best thing for them to do is
cover their ignorance by attacking what they say doesn't exist and everyone who says God does exist.
such makes them feel superior in their otherwise inferior state of existence.
they are right, of course, that for them, God doesn't exist. but they think they speak for the
whole world. because God has long since abandoned them they automatically think God has abandoned
everyone. this is their logical conclusion based on their personal, subjective perception of their
own lives.
being that salvation is a matter between God who does the saving and the person He saves, the
opposite side of the coin is that those whom He does not save is a matter between God and that
person who He does not save.
the one whom He does save is given the benefit of knowing God whereas the person He does not save is
not given the benefit of knowing God. beyond that, the one whom God saves is made by Him to be an
heir to all of the things so given by God in the new heavens and earth yet to be created... this
present universe is determined for total destruction... along with all Atheists. the Atheists have
no such promises of good directed to them by God. Eph. 2:12. they are passed by. left out.
this inner knowledge they have they can not subdue. they know full well there is an angry God
waiting for them who brings them into judgement against their will. for this cause they open their
mouths with all sorts of foul language against God and anyone speaking the truth about what's going
to happen to them which is contained in God's Word, the Bible... also on the Atheists list of things
to curse.
because man is made i the image of God, God did not fail to put in everyone a witness to Himself.
this witness is conscience and the Atheists try very hard to burn it out by cursing's but
nonetheless, " they are without excuse " Ro. 1:18-20 if they were able to burn out their conscience
they wouldn't be cursing God and man everyday.