Watch how the Atheists blame God for the earthquake in Haiti...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2010-01-17 12:52:28 UTC
and in so doing, they admit there is the Living God whom they are well aware of.
Ro. 1:18,19

this is Atheist thinking in action... first deny there is the Living God, then when great
loss of life occurs through disasters, blame God for it.

the life God dismisses the Atheist to live is one where the Atheist displays himself as
his own worst enemy. such it is to be an Atheist... rendered " without God " in Eph.
2:12, left behind those whom God shows mercy; strangers to Him; without hope and left to
conjure up his own ideas about what God ought to be, but isn't. Ps. 50:21

the usual condemnation they bring is that an all powerful all loving God could have
prevented all this destruction, and because He didn't, therefore He doesn't exist.

two things are working at the same time with this concept they have of God.

one is, because they think themselves much more benevolent than God therefore they
wouldn't have done this is they were God. this idea comes from man wanting to be God just
as Satan enticed our first parents... the Atheist fell for that old line, too.

the second is more towards the secular sense, there are plenty of places on earth man
should not make his home. what kind of a person lives in New Orleans in that part of it
which is below sea level ? what kind of person lives within range of volcanoes which have
in times past buried everyone in the area alive in molten rock ? its man's poor choices
which get him in this kind of trouble, not God's.

in Ezekiel 18 for example, we have clear testimony from the Living God through the prophet
to all mankind that when reprobates provoked Him enough, they are set for destruction.
who's Creation is it anyway ? doesn't the Potter have power over the clay ? ( Ro. 9 )
here are the Atheists, completely inept in the Holy Scriptures by the power of God to hide
truth from them ( 1 Cor. 1:18,19 ) voicing their inept conclusions about what the Living
God ought to do with His own property, man and beast included.

wonderfully enough, we are seeing first hand what the upcoming destruction of this present
universe will be about by today's increases in ' natural ' upheavals. mass destruction
with massive loss of life is on the increase in the world, so is disease... some of this
is brought on by man's poor choices of where he makes himself to live and all of this is
brought on by his sinful lifestyle provoking God beyond His patience... after all, He
destroyed the ancient world by the Flood for the single revealed cause... " And GOD saw
that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. " Ge. 6:5 (KJV)

the Atheists have obviously adapted the Fundamentalist preaching from watching too many
tel evangelists saying unScriptually that " God loves you. " the facts in this case are
simple and direct... God hates the wicked and their ways as we read in Ps. 5:4-6 and
7:10-17, but " God is love " ( 1 Jn. 4:16 ) only towards His elect ones for these are the
only ones to whom His love is demonstrated by saving them from the penalty of their sins.
1 Jn. 4:10
Lewd A. Christ (£ººdŽÅ»©®å§§)
2010-01-17 14:17:32 UTC
old blow hardly joe driveled sumpin' 'bout jesus blather wit ...
snipped Ro. 1:18,19 and more drivel <<<
just goes to prove how bassackwards you morons think and I don't speak for
atheists but the "non-believers" *AND* "beLIEvers" I see are asking why did
God not protect the ("His") people (Haiti is said to be 85% beLIEvers) as
opposed to old joeblowhardly's comment He Himself God set the earthquake off
on purpose... Jesus, literally, you ÝheocraÝic idiots just keep getting GOD
DAMN DUMBER by the hour - lmao ...

OPEN a bible and *IT* will CLOSE your mind...

- AunÝie ChrisÝsÝain
- - Book Of Realizations©
Free Lunch
2010-01-17 14:50:23 UTC
On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 07:52:28 -0500, old man joe <***@yahoo.com> wrote
in alt.talk.creationism:

That was Pat Robertson who blamed God. He does not claim to be atheist.
Post by old man joe
and in so doing, they admit there is the Living God whom they are well aware of.
Ro. 1:18,19
Post by old man joe
this is Atheist thinking in action... first deny there is the Living God, then when great
loss of life occurs through disasters, blame God for it.
No atheists did that, though, except possibly to mock the most foolish
Post by old man joe
the life God dismisses the Atheist to live is one where the Atheist displays himself as
his own worst enemy. such it is to be an Atheist... rendered " without God " in Eph.
2:12, left behind those whom God shows mercy; strangers to Him; without hope and left to
conjure up his own ideas about what God ought to be, but isn't. Ps. 50:21
the usual condemnation they bring is that an all powerful all loving God could have
prevented all this destruction, and because He didn't, therefore He doesn't exist.
Since you claim God exists, explain why He didn't stop it.
Post by old man joe
two things are working at the same time with this concept they have of God.
I do not believe in any gods, but I am quite familiar with Christian
Post by old man joe
one is, because they think themselves much more benevolent than God therefore they
wouldn't have done this is they were God. this idea comes from man wanting to be God just
as Satan enticed our first parents... the Atheist fell for that old line, too.
That was not sensible.
Post by old man joe
the second is more towards the secular sense, there are plenty of places on earth man
should not make his home. what kind of a person lives in New Orleans in that part of it
which is below sea level ? what kind of person lives within range of volcanoes which have
in times past buried everyone in the area alive in molten rock ? its man's poor choices
which get him in this kind of trouble, not God's.
So you are saying that God is indistinguishable from nothing and
prevents no harm.
Post by old man joe
in Ezekiel 18 for example, we have clear testimony from the Living God through the prophet
to all mankind that when reprobates provoked Him enough, they are set for destruction.
who's Creation is it anyway ? doesn't the Potter have power over the clay ? ( Ro. 9 )
here are the Atheists, completely inept in the Holy Scriptures by the power of God to hide
truth from them ( 1 Cor. 1:18,19 ) voicing their inept conclusions about what the Living
God ought to do with His own property, man and beast included.
There's no evidence that God ever had anything to do with anything in
the Bible. You may claim to be God's slave, but no evidence supports
your claim.
Post by old man joe
wonderfully enough, we are seeing first hand what the upcoming destruction of this present
universe will be about by today's increases in ' natural ' upheavals. mass destruction
with massive loss of life is on the increase in the world, so is disease... some of this
is brought on by man's poor choices of where he makes himself to live and all of this is
brought on by his sinful lifestyle provoking God beyond His patience... after all, He
destroyed the ancient world by the Flood for the single revealed cause... " And GOD saw
that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. " Ge. 6:5 (KJV)
Priests love to put words in God's mouth and use Him as their
sockpuppet. No evidence supports the claim that God ever had anything to
do with any words in the Bible.
Post by old man joe
the Atheists have obviously adapted the Fundamentalist preaching from watching too many
tel evangelists saying unScriptually that " God loves you. " the facts in this case are
simple and direct... God hates the wicked and their ways as we read in Ps. 5:4-6 and
7:10-17, but " God is love " ( 1 Jn. 4:16 ) only towards His elect ones for these are the
only ones to whom His love is demonstrated by saving them from the penalty of their sins.
1 Jn. 4:10
Until you provide evidence that the Bible is somehow related to God, you
are just blowing hot air and trying to get us to believe your personal
2010-01-17 14:53:12 UTC
Post by old man joe
this is Atheist thinking in action... first deny there is the Living God, then when great
loss of life occurs through disasters, blame God for it.
It would be pretty fucking stupid to blame a non-existent "God" for
2010-01-17 15:45:04 UTC
Post by old man joe
wonderfully enough, we are seeing first hand what the upcoming destruction of this present
universe will be about by today's increases in ' natural ' upheavals. mass destruction
with massive loss of life is on the increase in the world, so is disease... some of this
is brought on by man's poor choices of where he makes himself to live and all of this is
brought on by his sinful lifestyle provoking God beyond His patience...
There are no such increases.

During the 20th century the most intense seismic activity occurred in
the 1960's decade. Since then things calmed down which for years
puzzled some to ask why things were so quiet, seismically.

The first half of the century produced the worst hurricanes in the
Atlantic basin. The second half of the century produced weaker storms
and was quieter overall.

Early in the 20th century the Spanish influenza pandemic killed
millions. Today we have the knowledge and resources for prevention.

There is an increase in population in potential danger zones. Haiti was
warned several years ago that they were due for a major seismic event.

There is an increase in media workers sticking their microphones in a
pile of rubble, selling the spectacle of the worst catastrophe of all
time, most of the time.

There is no blaming God because he has nothing to do with it.
Free Lunch
2010-01-17 17:06:56 UTC
Post by monkie
Post by old man joe
wonderfully enough, we are seeing first hand what the upcoming destruction of this present
universe will be about by today's increases in ' natural ' upheavals. mass destruction
with massive loss of life is on the increase in the world, so is disease... some of this
is brought on by man's poor choices of where he makes himself to live and all of this is
brought on by his sinful lifestyle provoking God beyond His patience...
There are no such increases.
During the 20th century the most intense seismic activity occurred in
the 1960's decade. Since then things calmed down which for years
puzzled some to ask why things were so quiet, seismically.
The first half of the century produced the worst hurricanes in the
Atlantic basin. The second half of the century produced weaker storms
and was quieter overall.
Early in the 20th century the Spanish influenza pandemic killed
millions. Today we have the knowledge and resources for prevention.
There is an increase in population in potential danger zones. Haiti was
warned several years ago that they were due for a major seismic event.
There is an increase in media workers sticking their microphones in a
pile of rubble, selling the spectacle of the worst catastrophe of all
time, most of the time.
There is no blaming God because he has nothing to do with it.
There are some so-called Christians who are looking forward to mass
destruction and death because they claim, completely without evidence,
that this will lead to the Second Coming. They may not hate other
humans, but they certainly show a lack of empathy toward them.
Bob Young
2010-01-21 10:32:01 UTC
Post by old man joe
and in so doing, they admit there is the Living God whom they are well aware of.
Ro. 1:18,19
this is Atheist thinking in action... first deny there is the Living God, then when great
loss of life occurs through disasters, blame God for it.
Aaah but 'He' is sold as an 'all loving all knowing powerful god', so what
do you expect ?
Post by old man joe
the life God dismisses the Atheist to live is one where the Atheist displays himself as
his own worst enemy. such it is to be an Atheist... rendered " without God " in Eph.
2:12, left behind those whom God shows mercy; strangers to Him; without hope and left to
conjure up his own ideas about what God ought to be, but isn't. Ps. 50:21
the usual condemnation they bring is that an all powerful all loving God could have
prevented all this destruction, and because He didn't, therefore He doesn't exist.
two things are working at the same time with this concept they have of God.
one is, because they think themselves much more benevolent than God therefore they
wouldn't have done this is they were God. this idea comes from man wanting to be God just
as Satan enticed our first parents... the Atheist fell for that old line, too.
the second is more towards the secular sense, there are plenty of places on earth man
should not make his home. what kind of a person lives in New Orleans in that part of it
which is below sea level ? what kind of person lives within range of volcanoes which have
in times past buried everyone in the area alive in molten rock ? its man's poor choices
which get him in this kind of trouble, not God's.
in Ezekiel 18 for example, we have clear testimony from the Living God through the prophet
to all mankind that when reprobates provoked Him enough, they are set for destruction.
who's Creation is it anyway ? doesn't the Potter have power over the clay ? ( Ro. 9 )
here are the Atheists, completely inept in the Holy Scriptures by the power of God to hide
truth from them ( 1 Cor. 1:18,19 ) voicing their inept conclusions about what the Living
God ought to do with His own property, man and beast included.
wonderfully enough, we are seeing first hand what the upcoming destruction of this present
universe will be about by today's increases in ' natural ' upheavals. mass destruction
with massive loss of life is on the increase in the world, so is disease... some of this
is brought on by man's poor choices of where he makes himself to live and all of this is
brought on by his sinful lifestyle provoking God beyond His patience... after all, He
destroyed the ancient world by the Flood for the single revealed cause... "
And GOD saw
that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. " Ge. 6:5 (KJV)
the Atheists have obviously adapted the Fundamentalist preaching from watching too many
tel evangelists saying unScriptually that " God loves you. " the facts in this case are
simple and direct... God hates the wicked and their ways as we read in Ps. 5:4-6 and
7:10-17, but " God is love " ( 1 Jn. 4:16 ) only towards His elect ones for these are the
only ones to whom His love is demonstrated by saving them from the penalty of their sins.
1 Jn. 4:10
Bob Young
2010-01-21 10:34:02 UTC
Post by old man joe
and in so doing, they admit there is the Living God whom they are well aware of.
Ro. 1:18,19
this is Atheist thinking in action... first deny there is the Living God, then when great
loss of life occurs through disasters, blame God for it.
It is claimed that the god in question created this earth and everything in

Created with tectonic plates that over time rub together and kill ten of
thousands of 'His' likenesses . . . . ? !!!!!!

Condemning a god for earthquakes therefore is of quite logical.

As is assuming that this god and every other one of man's god were all
created by him and not the other way around.
Post by old man joe
the life God dismisses the Atheist to live is one where the Atheist displays himself as
his own worst enemy. such it is to be an Atheist... rendered " without God " in Eph.
2:12, left behind those whom God shows mercy; strangers to Him; without hope and left to
conjure up his own ideas about what God ought to be, but isn't. Ps. 50:21
the usual condemnation they bring is that an all powerful all loving God could have
prevented all this destruction, and because He didn't, therefore He doesn't exist.
two things are working at the same time with this concept they have of God.
one is, because they think themselves much more benevolent than God therefore they
wouldn't have done this is they were God. this idea comes from man wanting to be God just
as Satan enticed our first parents... the Atheist fell for that old line, too.
the second is more towards the secular sense, there are plenty of places on earth man
should not make his home. what kind of a person lives in New Orleans in that part of it
which is below sea level ? what kind of person lives within range of volcanoes which have
in times past buried everyone in the area alive in molten rock ? its man's poor choices
which get him in this kind of trouble, not God's.
in Ezekiel 18 for example, we have clear testimony from the Living God through the prophet
to all mankind that when reprobates provoked Him enough, they are set for destruction.
who's Creation is it anyway ? doesn't the Potter have power over the clay ? ( Ro. 9 )
here are the Atheists, completely inept in the Holy Scriptures by the power of God to hide
truth from them ( 1 Cor. 1:18,19 ) voicing their inept conclusions about what the Living
God ought to do with His own property, man and beast included.
wonderfully enough, we are seeing first hand what the upcoming destruction of this present
universe will be about by today's increases in ' natural ' upheavals. mass destruction
with massive loss of life is on the increase in the world, so is disease... some of this
is brought on by man's poor choices of where he makes himself to live and all of this is
brought on by his sinful lifestyle provoking God beyond His patience... after all, He
destroyed the ancient world by the Flood for the single revealed cause... "
And GOD saw
that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. " Ge. 6:5 (KJV)
the Atheists have obviously adapted the Fundamentalist preaching from watching too many
tel evangelists saying unScriptually that " God loves you. " the facts in this case are
simple and direct... God hates the wicked and their ways as we read in Ps. 5:4-6 and
7:10-17, but " God is love " ( 1 Jn. 4:16 ) only towards His elect ones for these are the
only ones to whom His love is demonstrated by saving them from the penalty of their sins.
1 Jn. 4:10