Pretty neat trick... the very first single cell life form decided to evolve a skeleton, eyesight, self-awareness, reason, etc...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2011-11-05 09:31:53 UTC
and not only that, but it also evolved itself a female after it's kind... organs to mate and a body
to carry it's young... a sense of right and wrong... complex mathematics... even the means to kill
off it's fellow kind in mass number's because of greed, envy, ego, pride...
pretty neat trick since this very first living cell got it's life from elements that are not
alive... a point the Evolutionists desperately and studiously avoid explaining in their ' science '
of how we got here.

we see then that Evolution doesn't depend on facts and is therefore no science at all. its a
religion, and an anti-Christ one at that since it was the Living God who created out of nothing the
universe and giving life, which only He possesses, to living things.

( life is not of this world )

Evolution declares that dead and buried mom and dad produce live children. and to counter their
religion with facts brings about their wrath, yet such is exactly what Evolution is all about...
non-living elements found on earth initiates life in itself and ' evolve ' into everything they want
to. laughable.

the religion of God insists that God put in man the awareness of Himself thus rendering every
person, as He says... " without excuse. " it is therefore not the responsibility of the elect
Christian to convince an Evolutionist of the existence of God since the Living God has done that for
Himself. after all, He can only rightly hold Judgement Day to come based on having previously
established Law to the rebellious.

the Evolutionist will simply die and take his religion with him to the grave. there, he will
dissolve into the dead elements from which his body was made and is certainly not alive now by
reason of the dead elements that comprise it. he's already been judged according to God's Word, the
Bible, and this is exactly why he's estranged from the Living God from cradle to grave and goes off
into the Gnostic non-sense of Evolution.
2011-11-05 11:56:44 UTC
Post by old man joe
and not only that, but it also evolved itself a female after it's kind... organs to mate and a body
to carry it's young... a sense of right and wrong... complex mathematics... even the means to kill
off it's fellow kind in mass number's because of greed, envy, ego, pride...
pretty neat trick since this very first living cell got it's life from elements that are not
alive... a point the Evolutionists desperately and studiously avoid explaining in their ' science '
of how we got here.
we see then that Evolution doesn't depend on facts and is therefore no science at all.  its a
religion, and an anti-Christ one at that since it was the Living God who created out of nothing the
universe and giving life, which only He possesses, to living things.
( life is not of this world )
Evolution declares that dead and buried mom and dad produce live children.  and to counter their
religion with facts brings about their wrath, yet such is exactly what Evolution is all about...
non-living elements found on earth initiates life in itself and ' evolve ' into everything they want
to.  laughable.
the religion of God insists that God put in man the awareness of Himself thus rendering every
person, as He says... " without excuse. "  it is therefore not the responsibility of the elect
Christian to convince an Evolutionist of the existence of God since the Living God has done that for
Himself.  after all, He can only rightly hold Judgement Day to come based on having previously
established Law to the rebellious.
the Evolutionist will simply die and take his religion with him to the grave.  there, he will
dissolve into the dead elements from which his body was made and is certainly not alive now by
reason of the dead elements that comprise it.  he's already been judged according to God's Word, the
Bible, and this is exactly why he's estranged from the Living God from cradle to grave and goes off
into the Gnostic non-sense of Evolution.
Old man, the ages go by without you having any knowledge to gain.
You will depart this world not as human, but as a useless being.
So, is Liarbag.
2011-11-05 13:31:21 UTC
Post by old man joe
and not only that, but it also evolved itself a female after it's kind... organs to mate and a body
to carry it's young... a sense of right and wrong... complex mathematics... even the means to kill
off it's fellow kind in mass number's because of greed, envy, ego, pride...
pretty neat trick since this very first living cell got it's life from elements that are not
alive... a point the Evolutionists desperately and studiously avoid explaining in their ' science '
of how we got here.
we see then that Evolution doesn't depend on facts and is therefore no science at all.  its a
religion, and an anti-Christ one at that since it was the Living God who created out of nothing the
universe and giving life, which only He possesses, to living things.
( life is not of this world )
Evolution declares that dead and buried mom and dad produce live children.  and to counter their
religion with facts brings about their wrath, yet such is exactly what Evolution is all about...
non-living elements found on earth initiates life in itself and ' evolve ' into everything they want
to.  laughable.
the religion of God insists that God put in man the awareness of Himself thus rendering every
person, as He says... " without excuse. "  it is therefore not the responsibility of the elect
Christian to convince an Evolutionist of the existence of God since the Living God has done that for
Himself.  after all, He can only rightly hold Judgement Day to come based on having previously
established Law to the rebellious.
the Evolutionist will simply die and take his religion with him to the grave.  there, he will
dissolve into the dead elements from which his body was made and is certainly not alive now by
reason of the dead elements that comprise it.  he's already been judged according to God's Word, the
Bible, and this is exactly why he's estranged from the Living God from cradle to grave and goes off
into the Gnostic non-sense of Evolution.
Not to forget : Abstract thinking, rationalizing, discernment, love,
truth, design, and all other personality traits. That One Celled
Pond Scum Protozoa was quite the person ! And coming from dead
chemicals too boot ! No one has this much faith...our atheist
friends dont and neither do children of 5 years of age.
2011-11-05 14:48:51 UTC
"IlBenButtfucked @gmail.com" <Dimwitted Davie Boi> wrote:

Post whatever questions you like.
Just start a new thread and make
them clear and consise

Conan did and guess what..
Davie Ran Away, as usual

Let's see that private list of "105-plus"
(or 150+. or 205+ or 250-plus")
"razor-edge physical constants" that
you've claimed dozens and dozens
and dozens of times are critical,
each and every one, for the existence
of life in this universe.

And note that a "physical constant" is
a basic parameter in physics, like the
speed of light or the gravitational
constant or the fine-structure constant --
something that is the same everywhere,
and does not vary from cosmic neighborhood
to cosmic nieghborhood

Bonus Question: Prove your imaginary invisible creatorDog/sky fairy
has ever existed
2011-11-05 13:48:11 UTC
and not only that, but it also decided to create stuff by magic.
2011-11-05 14:56:41 UTC
Post by old man joe
and not only that, but it also evolved itself a female after it's kind...
organs to mate and a body to carry it's young...
The same way you personally decided to grow old and die.
2011-11-05 15:25:59 UTC
On Sat, 05 Nov 2011 05:31:53 -0400, old man joe
<***@themarketplace.com> wrote:

2011-11-08 14:13:08 UTC
Post by old man joe
and not only that, but it also evolved itself a female after it's kind... organs to mate and a body
to carry it's young... a sense of right and wrong... complex mathematics... even the means to kill
off it's fellow kind in mass number's because of greed, envy, ego, pride...
pretty neat trick since this very first living cell got it's life from elements that are not
alive... a point the Evolutionists desperately and studiously avoid explaining in their ' science '
of how we got here.
we see then that Evolution doesn't depend on facts and is therefore no science at all.  its a
religion, and an anti-Christ one at that since it was the Living God who created out of nothing the
universe and giving life, which only He possesses, to living things.
( life is not of this world )
Evolution declares that dead and buried mom and dad produce live children.  and to counter their
religion with facts brings about their wrath, yet such is exactly what Evolution is all about...
non-living elements found on earth initiates life in itself and ' evolve ' into everything they want
to.  laughable.
the religion of God insists that God put in man the awareness of Himself thus rendering every
person, as He says... " without excuse. "  it is therefore not the responsibility of the elect
Christian to convince an Evolutionist of the existence of God since the Living God has done that for
Himself.  after all, He can only rightly hold Judgement Day to come based on having previously
established Law to the rebellious.
the Evolutionist will simply die and take his religion with him to the grave.  there, he will
dissolve into the dead elements from which his body was made and is certainly not alive now by
reason of the dead elements that comprise it.  he's already been judged according to God's Word, the
Bible, and this is exactly why he's estranged from the Living God from cradle to grave and goes off
into the Gnostic non-sense of Evolution.
Today's Creation Moment
What Was the First Form of Life?

Genesis 1:31

"And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very
good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."

Roman Vishniac is a renowned photographer of microscopic scenes. One
of his favorite subjects is one of the so-called simplest forms of
life. This "simple" life, the protozoan, is supposedly the ancestor of
all living things. However, Vishniac has noted that the protozoan is
neither simple nor archaic in character. This creature carries out all
the functions of life that we require millions of cells to sustain –
all within a single cell.

There is a parallel in technology. The first adding machines were
large and heavy contraptions. As these mechanical adding machines
became smaller, they had to be more cleverly designed because they
were smaller. The first electronic calculators were even smaller and
lighter than their mechanical brothers. But they were still much
larger and simpler than calculators today. As calculators have
decreased in size, they have had to be more cleverly designed because
they are smaller.

Vishniac has learned that the so-called "simple" one-celled creatures
are not simple at all. This is because they must carry out the
business of life within the limits of their small size. This has not
swayed him from evolution. However, this fact has convinced him that
current theories are wrong. You see, evolution is in trouble if there
are no "simple" forms of life. We believe that this clear evidence
that there are no simple forms of life – evidence powerful enough to
sway the experts – supports the Bible's claim that all forms of life
were created in finished form by a wise Creator.


Dear Lord, I come to You as the one who was the instrument of my
creation and the only one through whom I have eternal life. For the
sake of Your innocent suffering and death, let my earthly life be in
You and my eternal life be with You. Amen.


Science Digest, Feb. 1984. p. 80.

View/Print/Share This on CreationMoments.com
2011-11-08 14:42:02 UTC
More CCPed Cretin Bullcrap....

Davie Boi said:
Post whatever questions you like.
Just start a new thread and make
them clear and consise

Does having a pistol in your pocket make you feel like a real

David Norman Brown..Crazy Honkie with a Gun!
2011-11-08 19:59:41 UTC
In article
Post by i***@gmail.com
What Was the First Form of Life?
Undoubtedly, the first cells were far simpler than any around today, as
they would not have had time to evolve any defenses against later and
more aggressive cells.
2011-11-08 23:37:30 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
What Was the First Form of Life?
Genesis 1:31
"And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very
good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."
Roman Vishniac is a renowned photographer of microscopic scenes. One
of his favorite subjects is one of the so-called simplest forms of
life. This "simple" life, the protozoan, is supposedly the ancestor of
all living things.
No it isn't. Do you ever bother to learn anything about anything?
Post by i***@gmail.com
However, Vishniac has noted that the protozoan is
neither simple nor archaic in character.
And a photographer is eminently qualified to make such judgments on
matters of biology.
Post by i***@gmail.com
This creature carries out all
the functions of life that we require millions of cells to sustain –
all within a single cell.
There is a parallel in technology. The first adding machines were
large and heavy contraptions. As these mechanical adding machines
became smaller, they had to be more cleverly designed because they
were smaller.
That's a new one from you. How do you measure "clever"?
Post by i***@gmail.com
The first electronic calculators were even smaller and
lighter than their mechanical brothers. But they were still much
larger and simpler than calculators today. As calculators have
decreased in size, they have had to be more cleverly designed because
they are smaller.
I'm curious as to what you think the parallel is here, because it's
far from obvious. Are you saying the first life forms were much larger
than one-celled animals, and that life became more complex as it got
smaller? Please clarify, because you're making no sense at all.
Post by i***@gmail.com
Vishniac has learned that the so-called "simple" one-celled creatures
are not simple at all.
Compared to what? Measured how?
Post by i***@gmail.com
This is because they must carry out the
business of life within the limits of their small size. This has not
swayed him from evolution. However, this fact has convinced him that
current theories are wrong. You see, evolution is in trouble if there
are no "simple" forms of life.
<inevitable facepalm>

As with "complex", how is "simple" defined here? More importantly, how
is it quantified? And "simple" in comparison to what?
Post by i***@gmail.com
We believe that this clear evidence
that there are no simple forms of life – evidence powerful enough to
sway the experts – supports the Bible's claim that all forms of life
were created in finished form by a wise Creator.
I believe that this whole post is clear evidence that you are
*extremely* simple-minded.
Post by i***@gmail.com
Dear Lord, I come to You as the one who was the instrument of my
creation and the only one through whom I have eternal life. For the
sake of Your innocent suffering and death, let my earthly life be in
You and my eternal life be with You. Amen.
Ok, let me get this straight: a photographer thinks that one-celled
organisms aren't "simple", therefore, your particular brand of
Christianity is true? That's unusually stupid even for you, Dave.

BTW, while we're on the topic of Christian prayer, why address it to
Jesus? He told people to pray to his Father in Heaven, not to him;
that's where we get the "Our Father" from.
Father Haskell
2011-11-11 02:24:40 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
There is a parallel in technology. The first adding machines were
large and heavy contraptions. As these mechanical adding machines
became smaller, they had to be more cleverly designed because they
were smaller. The first electronic calculators were even smaller and
lighter than their mechanical brothers. But they were still much
larger and simpler than calculators today. As calculators have
decreased in size, they have had to be more cleverly designed because
they are smaller.
And they all work the same way, by adding 1s and 0s.

Conan the bacterium
2011-11-08 19:18:02 UTC
On Nov 5, 2:31 am, old man joe <***@themarketplace.com> wrote:

Post by old man joe
and not only that, but it also evolved itself a female after it's kind... organs to mate and a body
to carry it's young... a sense of right and wrong... complex mathematics... even the means to kill
off it's fellow kind in mass number's because of greed, envy, ego, pride...
pretty neat trick since this very first living cell got it's life from elements that are not
Yep. And now, just as then, we remain composed
of atoms that are not themselves alive.

Pretty neat, eh?

Post by old man joe
a point the Evolutionists desperately and studiously avoid explaining in their ' science '
of how we got here.
we see then that Evolution doesn't depend on facts and is therefore no science at all.  its a
religion, and an anti-Christ one at that since it was the Living God who created out of nothing the
universe and giving life, which only He possesses, to living things.
( life is not of this world )
Evolution declares that dead and buried mom and dad produce live children.  and to counter their
religion with facts brings about their wrath, yet such is exactly what Evolution is all about...
non-living elements found on earth initiates life in itself and ' evolve ' into everything they want
to.  laughable.
the religion of God insists that God put in man the awareness of Himself thus rendering every
person, as He says... " without excuse. "  it is therefore not the responsibility of the elect
Christian to convince an Evolutionist of the existence of God since the Living God has done that for
Himself.  after all, He can only rightly hold Judgement Day to come based on having previously
established Law to the rebellious.
the Evolutionist will simply die and take his religion with him to the grave.  there, he will
dissolve into the dead elements from which his body was made and is certainly not alive now by
reason of the dead elements that comprise it.  he's already been judged according to God's Word, the
Bible, and this is exactly why he's estranged from the Living God from cradle to grave and goes off
into the Gnostic non-sense of Evolution.