Allan Svensson
2009-06-26 11:45:11 UTC
The Body of Christ is the Assembly of God
To come to clearness about the disruption among the Christians,
we must observe how churches and denominations have come
into existence, and compare with what the Bible teaches about
the Assembly of God.
Many Christians think that the Free-Churches have come into
existence through revivals from God, and that they have revealed
truths from the Bible, but in the reality it is on the contrary. The
churches have not revealed any truth from the Bible. The Truth
is revealed by God's Spirit!
The Lutheran Church did not convey the truth of justification by
faith. The Baptist Church did not convey the truth of baptism.
The Pentecostal Movement did not convey the truth of baptism
by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had revealed these truths long
before these Churches had come to existence!
When Martin Luther began to preach the truth of justification by
faith, then he was not alone to preach this truth. Many people
were justified by faith then. All of those who have received Jesus
as the Saviour and love him, are justified by faith. Without the
justification by faith they could not be Christians. In Martin
Luther's time, many Christians were baptized in that way as the
Bible says, but Martin Luther did not understand the biblical
baptism, and he despised those Christians who received the
The Baptist Church did not reveal the truth of the Christian
baptism. This truth had been practised long before the Baptist
Church was in existence. The Pentecostal Movement did not
reveal the truth of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. This truth
had functioned all the time since the apostles' days. The
Pentecostal Movement censored away a big part of this truth,
so that they only partially preached and believed this truth, and
the Pentecostal preachers have all the time preach a half-truth
about the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
When they have established a new church, the church has
already from its beginning been an obstacle to the revival.
Therefore, the one revival after the other has stagnated and
retrograded. We must understand that the churches are not
from God, neither churches which have come to existence
about real revivals from God.
The churches have not supported the revival. It is on the
contrary. The Free-Churches have choked and ruined the
revival in which they had once come to existence. God has
never founded any church, and every church is a false copy
of the Assembly of God and is not founded on God's word.
By the fruit of the churches we shall recognize them.
Matt. 7:16-20. Through their deeds, the churches have
proved that they are not from God.
We who read the Bible and believe in God's word, know that
God is not a God of disorder but of peace. 1 Cor. 14:33.
Therefore, when God sends revival he does not create disunion.
All religious formation of parties is from the devil. The Bible
teaches that the Christian shall be one, as Jesus and the Father
are one. John 17:20-22. 1 Cor. 1:10, 12:12-31. The division of
the Christians in several churches and religious sects with
different names is a work of the powers of evil and false
Those who established the Free-Churches were Christians. How
can then the devil have caused that they have established these
churches? Is the devil able to use God's people to do his work?
The answer is, Yes. Satans false assembly doctrine gets the
Christians to react and work contrary to God's word.
In Matt. 16:22-23 we can read how Peter contradicted Jesus, but
Jesus said, "Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto
me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those
that be of men." That Satan could use Peter so that he did speak
words whose meaning he did not understand, it was because he
did not know better. Peter did not understand why Jesus must die.
Therefore, he spoke in that way.
The establishment of churches was a fateful mistake. Satan could
use believing Christians because they did not understand better.
The Free-Churches that have arisen are all daughters of the
Catholic Church, built on her false doctrine, and with her false
doctrine follows her unclean spirit. The Free-Churches became
parts of the religious harlot-being.
We must understand that the dividing of the Christians in many
churches and denominations is not a work of God. Can the God
of peace have divided the Christians in many churches and
denominations? The idea of establishing churches and religious
sects did not come from God.
Allan Svensson
Do you want to read the continuation of this article
or if you have any questions
Please, visit my Web Site
The Body of Christ is the Assembly of God
Why did the Pentecostal Revival take an end?
The most powerful revival message of the Lord
to his people in our time
To come to clearness about the disruption among the Christians,
we must observe how churches and denominations have come
into existence, and compare with what the Bible teaches about
the Assembly of God.
Many Christians think that the Free-Churches have come into
existence through revivals from God, and that they have revealed
truths from the Bible, but in the reality it is on the contrary. The
churches have not revealed any truth from the Bible. The Truth
is revealed by God's Spirit!
The Lutheran Church did not convey the truth of justification by
faith. The Baptist Church did not convey the truth of baptism.
The Pentecostal Movement did not convey the truth of baptism
by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had revealed these truths long
before these Churches had come to existence!
When Martin Luther began to preach the truth of justification by
faith, then he was not alone to preach this truth. Many people
were justified by faith then. All of those who have received Jesus
as the Saviour and love him, are justified by faith. Without the
justification by faith they could not be Christians. In Martin
Luther's time, many Christians were baptized in that way as the
Bible says, but Martin Luther did not understand the biblical
baptism, and he despised those Christians who received the
The Baptist Church did not reveal the truth of the Christian
baptism. This truth had been practised long before the Baptist
Church was in existence. The Pentecostal Movement did not
reveal the truth of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. This truth
had functioned all the time since the apostles' days. The
Pentecostal Movement censored away a big part of this truth,
so that they only partially preached and believed this truth, and
the Pentecostal preachers have all the time preach a half-truth
about the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
When they have established a new church, the church has
already from its beginning been an obstacle to the revival.
Therefore, the one revival after the other has stagnated and
retrograded. We must understand that the churches are not
from God, neither churches which have come to existence
about real revivals from God.
The churches have not supported the revival. It is on the
contrary. The Free-Churches have choked and ruined the
revival in which they had once come to existence. God has
never founded any church, and every church is a false copy
of the Assembly of God and is not founded on God's word.
By the fruit of the churches we shall recognize them.
Matt. 7:16-20. Through their deeds, the churches have
proved that they are not from God.
We who read the Bible and believe in God's word, know that
God is not a God of disorder but of peace. 1 Cor. 14:33.
Therefore, when God sends revival he does not create disunion.
All religious formation of parties is from the devil. The Bible
teaches that the Christian shall be one, as Jesus and the Father
are one. John 17:20-22. 1 Cor. 1:10, 12:12-31. The division of
the Christians in several churches and religious sects with
different names is a work of the powers of evil and false
Those who established the Free-Churches were Christians. How
can then the devil have caused that they have established these
churches? Is the devil able to use God's people to do his work?
The answer is, Yes. Satans false assembly doctrine gets the
Christians to react and work contrary to God's word.
In Matt. 16:22-23 we can read how Peter contradicted Jesus, but
Jesus said, "Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto
me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those
that be of men." That Satan could use Peter so that he did speak
words whose meaning he did not understand, it was because he
did not know better. Peter did not understand why Jesus must die.
Therefore, he spoke in that way.
The establishment of churches was a fateful mistake. Satan could
use believing Christians because they did not understand better.
The Free-Churches that have arisen are all daughters of the
Catholic Church, built on her false doctrine, and with her false
doctrine follows her unclean spirit. The Free-Churches became
parts of the religious harlot-being.
We must understand that the dividing of the Christians in many
churches and denominations is not a work of God. Can the God
of peace have divided the Christians in many churches and
denominations? The idea of establishing churches and religious
sects did not come from God.
Allan Svensson
Do you want to read the continuation of this article
or if you have any questions
Please, visit my Web Site
The Body of Christ is the Assembly of God
Why did the Pentecostal Revival take an end?
The most powerful revival message of the Lord
to his people in our time