old man joe
2010-09-26 10:47:21 UTC
getting science from an Atheist is not science any more than getting theology from an Atheist is
here we have the fanciful idea that a " building block, " ...the mystical generic term which
becomes the answer to all the Atheists science of biology as they desperately search rhetoric to
bring dead elements of the Periodic Table to life... such became the source of life here on earth
eon's ago.
this " building block " that came from outer space is their hope to span the gap in their
explanation of how an element, which is not alive and coming from out space, is the missing
ingredient the dead elements here on earth needed to bring forth life.
huh. that which is dead in outer space comes to earth and makes that which is dead on earth come
to life. pretty neat trick being that no one has ever set foot in outer space... just inner space,
nor have the Atheists put on the table this comet so to show the Creationist's the definite proof of
their lofty claim.
since there are no elements that are alive it is indeed a fancy idea to suppose one coming from
outer space is alive... Atheists are mystics relying on the gullibility of they're own kind to
muster up the faith needed to swallow such dubious claims hook, line and sinker.
by the science they employ to explain biology it's safe to say that any human or animal corpse
will come to life again all by itself since all that is needed is just to add that " building block
found on a comet. "
of course they don't say what this amazing missing element is... saying where it came from is not
saying what it is... the Atheists only purpose is to give life to elements which are not alive...
just another example of how Atheists have overwhelming faith in the Gnostic non-sense they preach...
and they call Creationist's stupid.
" that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them... since
the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been
clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. "
Ro. 1:19,20
here we have the fanciful idea that a " building block, " ...the mystical generic term which
becomes the answer to all the Atheists science of biology as they desperately search rhetoric to
bring dead elements of the Periodic Table to life... such became the source of life here on earth
eon's ago.
this " building block " that came from outer space is their hope to span the gap in their
explanation of how an element, which is not alive and coming from out space, is the missing
ingredient the dead elements here on earth needed to bring forth life.
huh. that which is dead in outer space comes to earth and makes that which is dead on earth come
to life. pretty neat trick being that no one has ever set foot in outer space... just inner space,
nor have the Atheists put on the table this comet so to show the Creationist's the definite proof of
their lofty claim.
since there are no elements that are alive it is indeed a fancy idea to suppose one coming from
outer space is alive... Atheists are mystics relying on the gullibility of they're own kind to
muster up the faith needed to swallow such dubious claims hook, line and sinker.
by the science they employ to explain biology it's safe to say that any human or animal corpse
will come to life again all by itself since all that is needed is just to add that " building block
found on a comet. "
of course they don't say what this amazing missing element is... saying where it came from is not
saying what it is... the Atheists only purpose is to give life to elements which are not alive...
just another example of how Atheists have overwhelming faith in the Gnostic non-sense they preach...
and they call Creationist's stupid.
" that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them... since
the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been
clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. "
Ro. 1:19,20