old man joe
2011-07-21 09:37:50 UTC
just type in your browser... " how to calculate the age of the earth " and various miss and miss
conclusions come up... not hit and miss but miss and miss.
this is because science is testing the age of dead things by other dead things... duh. the
scientists will never find an answer with this methodology.
it's easy enough to understand that the age of the earth is calculated by genealogy... human birth
records. ( monkey's don't keep records, boys ) its meaningless to try and date a rock. and it's
just as meaningless to try and date fossils... they're nothing more than the remains of elements of
the earth which were never alive to begin with... the same stuff found in rocks are found in
bones... nonliving elements.
the only way to discover the age of the earth is through the genealogy of human beings.
going backwards from parents to grandparents to great grandparents and great, great grandparents and
so on back through time to our first parents... the starting points for calculating the age of the
earth is the only method giving accurate results since rocks didn't create themselves as the
Atheists say they did. the Big Bang is laughable nonsense. even more laughable is the Gnostic
philosophy that live humans came from nonliving elements.
the genealogy of humanity goes back to the first human, Adam. all of humanity came from humanity,
not rocks... not nonliving elements found in the earth. it's a fancy idea to create a God-less
existence but that's what Atheism is all about and that's how it's defined in the Bible in Eph.2:12.
while very few people can accurately determine at what time their distant ancestor's existed, God
has put in the Bible the genealogy of humanity giving times as to the birth of those who He's named
as what Bible students call " time keepers. "
we find in Gen.5 the births and deaths of certain men while leaving out the myriads of people living
contemporarily with them. we find that 6023 years passed from Adam to the Flood of Noah by
calculating the times given us there of those certain men. we know that Christ was crucified in 33
AD. this poster has not yet finished working out the times given in Holy Scripture between the
Flood and the crucifixion though some Bible students calculate this time to be in the vicinity of
5000 years.
nonetheless, life does not come from nonliving elements... its altogether absurd to suppose such...
living things are comprised of dead elements indeed, and these same elements are in a dead human
body as in a living human body yet one body is a dead as a stone while the other is alive... a fact
way, way beyond the knowledge base of ' scientists ' and their disciples that life is not in the
elements of the earth.
life is not of this world. life is in the Living God. life will never be found to come from
nonliving elements of the earth for that reason. and, wonderfully enough, God takes it upon Himself
to enlighten all peoples in all times to that knowledge, as He says... " that which may be known of
God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them... so that they are without excuse: "
Ro.1:18 and following.
cursing God as the Atheists like to do shows that they have heard from Him, given light, and
rejected Him just as Ro.1:18 and following says they would.
conclusions come up... not hit and miss but miss and miss.
this is because science is testing the age of dead things by other dead things... duh. the
scientists will never find an answer with this methodology.
it's easy enough to understand that the age of the earth is calculated by genealogy... human birth
records. ( monkey's don't keep records, boys ) its meaningless to try and date a rock. and it's
just as meaningless to try and date fossils... they're nothing more than the remains of elements of
the earth which were never alive to begin with... the same stuff found in rocks are found in
bones... nonliving elements.
the only way to discover the age of the earth is through the genealogy of human beings.
going backwards from parents to grandparents to great grandparents and great, great grandparents and
so on back through time to our first parents... the starting points for calculating the age of the
earth is the only method giving accurate results since rocks didn't create themselves as the
Atheists say they did. the Big Bang is laughable nonsense. even more laughable is the Gnostic
philosophy that live humans came from nonliving elements.
the genealogy of humanity goes back to the first human, Adam. all of humanity came from humanity,
not rocks... not nonliving elements found in the earth. it's a fancy idea to create a God-less
existence but that's what Atheism is all about and that's how it's defined in the Bible in Eph.2:12.
while very few people can accurately determine at what time their distant ancestor's existed, God
has put in the Bible the genealogy of humanity giving times as to the birth of those who He's named
as what Bible students call " time keepers. "
we find in Gen.5 the births and deaths of certain men while leaving out the myriads of people living
contemporarily with them. we find that 6023 years passed from Adam to the Flood of Noah by
calculating the times given us there of those certain men. we know that Christ was crucified in 33
AD. this poster has not yet finished working out the times given in Holy Scripture between the
Flood and the crucifixion though some Bible students calculate this time to be in the vicinity of
5000 years.
nonetheless, life does not come from nonliving elements... its altogether absurd to suppose such...
living things are comprised of dead elements indeed, and these same elements are in a dead human
body as in a living human body yet one body is a dead as a stone while the other is alive... a fact
way, way beyond the knowledge base of ' scientists ' and their disciples that life is not in the
elements of the earth.
life is not of this world. life is in the Living God. life will never be found to come from
nonliving elements of the earth for that reason. and, wonderfully enough, God takes it upon Himself
to enlighten all peoples in all times to that knowledge, as He says... " that which may be known of
God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them... so that they are without excuse: "
Ro.1:18 and following.
cursing God as the Atheists like to do shows that they have heard from Him, given light, and
rejected Him just as Ro.1:18 and following says they would.