God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine
(too old to reply)
Allan Svensson
2009-03-13 15:54:19 UTC
God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine

None knows when Jesus comes. Matt. 24:27-31, 36. 25:13.
Yet, of the signs of the time we can understand that the time
for Jesus' coming is very near.

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not
come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of
sin be revealed, the son of perdition." 2 Thess. 2:3.

The man of sin has not yet been revealed as the ruler of the
world. Rev. 13th Chapter. However, the falling away took place
a very long time ago, when the first churches were established.
Since then, God's people have lived in slavery under Satan's
false assembly doctrine.

Waiting for the great Apostasy is not needed. The topical are
now the restoration of the Assembly of God from the great
Apostasy. Revival is just this, all God's people must be released
from the great Babylon.

"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."
Matt. 24:14. "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he
will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself;
but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will
shew you things to come." John 16:13.

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,
evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting
of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the
body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of
the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the
measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." Eph. 4:11-13.

This has not been fulfilled yet. There are great and important
truths in the Bible which have not been preached yet. God's
people must get the knowledge of the Assembly of God. This
truth has never been preached in the churches, and neither the
truth of the baptism by the Holy Spirit. They have preached
only a little part of this.

We must study what the Bible teaches about the Assembly of
God. Some "Christians" compare this throwing of stones, and
say, He that is without sin, let him first cast a stone. Yet, this
has nothing to do with to throw stones. We must prepare us to
meet Jesus when he comes. When you study what, the Bible
teaches about the Assembly of God, and compare what they
preach in the churches, then you become accused of being
critical and judging. But those, who are so quickly to say, do
not critics and do not condemn, and speak about love and
fellowship, what are they doing? They defend Satan's churches
and denominations and condemn the truth. What does this have
to do with the love of Christ? What sort of love and fellowship
is this that wants to hinder us to study God's word? God is the
love, but God's love does not hinder us to study God's word.

People must get the knowledge of the Assembly of God. Such
knowledge does not occur in the churches. There are thousands
of preachers and bible teachers, but they have no teaching about
the Assembly of God. Professional preachers in the churches
which during many years have been active as bible teachers and
overseers, yet do not know what the Assembly of God is. They
have not even prayed to God for any such knowledge.

Allan Svensson

If you have any questions after reading of this article
Please, visit my Web Site

A catastrophic course

Do not think that your church is ready for Jesus' coming

Evil spirits in the churches
Dr. Jackanapes MD/PhD
2009-03-14 06:51:53 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Allan Svensson vomited out...
Post by Allan Svensson
God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine
No. God's people are in slavery under a bronze age superstition that
enslaves their minds with the type of witchcraft & superstition that has
hindered humanity's intellectual abilities since the latter days of
Stone Age culture.

It can rightly be argued that organized religion helped in the necessary
development of civilization and community during those early days, and
was the glue that held societies together as we evolved out our more
brutish and violent genetic tendencies that would eventually allow us to
live civilly in gigantic human "hives" such as New York City without
violent chaos destroying those citadels.

Unfortunately, as we bred out that anti-social violence so that we
could live in peace and risk our lives to help others in peril - people
who we had no genetic reason to help - we also evolved a very small
part our brains to accept religious superstition. Looking at the worst
perversity of our need for organized religion, Christianity - the
religion that invented religious intolerance - and the 2000 year blood
smear that it's left upon the world's history - it's easy for one to
think that it's actually going against humanity's 20,000 years of
selectively breeding out those selfish genotypes that inhibit social

So no, you silly Sweede, it's humanity that's been enslaved by our
reliance on religious superstition. We used it during our dark early
days to help us climb up into the light - to help us calm our tendencies
to still act like our closest relatives, the chimpanzees. But as we keep
seeing, humanity is slowly, ever so slowly, removing it's self made
chains of superstition. And do you know what is accelerating that slow
move to a superstition-free world? The very device that I'm
communicating to you with! A device that was made by the very types of
people who would have been burned at the stake by the fervent followers
of that mythical zombie king Jesus just some 500 years ago.

Hey Allan - Aren't your parents gonna be pissed when they find out that
you're doing this again?
St. Jackanapes
- http://www.voy.com/20630/
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- http://www.jackanapes.ws/2pdcat.html
Doc Smartass
2009-03-17 03:56:41 UTC
Subject: God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly
There is no god.
There is no satan.

Problem solved.

Now...fuck off.
Doc Smartass, BAAWA Knight of Heckling
aa # 1939

Book reviews: http://jw-bookblog.blogspot.com/

Diploma Mill: a religious facility where minds are ground into powder.
Dr. Jackanapes MD/PhD
2009-03-19 02:50:52 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Doc Smartass vomited out...
Post by Doc Smartass
Subject: God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly
There is no god.
There is no satan.
Problem solved.
Now...fuck off.
Alan's parents need to give him a good bit of spankage.
St. Jackanapes
- http://www.voy.com/20630/
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- http://www.jackanapes.ws/2pdcat.html
- "I form the light, and create darkness.
- I make peace, and create EVIL.
- I the LORD do all these things." ? Isaiah 45.7.
Ghost in the Shell
2009-03-19 03:40:04 UTC
Post by Dr. Jackanapes MD/PhD
Post by Doc Smartass
There is no god.
There is no satan.
Problem solved.
Now...fuck off.
Alan's parents need to give him a good bit of spankage.
Maybe he's off of his meds?

I hear thorazine does that to a person.
Dr. Jackanapes MD/PhD
2009-03-20 03:53:19 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Ghost in the Shell vomited out...
Post by Ghost in the Shell
Post by Dr. Jackanapes MD/PhD
Post by Doc Smartass
There is no god.
There is no satan.
Problem solved.
Now...fuck off.
Alan's parents need to give him a good bit of spankage.
Maybe he's off of his meds?
I hear thorazine does that to a person.
Someone who has been on such a strong psychiatric medication as
Thorazine as long as Alan has suffer from various severe side effects.
There are the usual complaints such as constipation, decreased sweating,
dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, and nasal congestion, but these
usually wear off as the body adjust to the Thorazine.

Then there are the side effects that plague long termers like Alan:
decreased sexual ability; increased sensitivity of skin to sunlight
(skin rash, itching, redness or other discoloration of skin, or severe
sunburn); swelling or pain in breasts; unusual secretion of milk; weight
gain. With symptoms like these it's easy to understand why he's become a
hermit in his long suffering parent's basement, where he has blackened
out the small windows there.

But worst long term side effect of all is Tardive Dyskinesia, a
irreversible brain disorder. When you are as deeply insane as Alan is,
it's a small price to pay for sanity -

Tardive dyskinesia (a movement disorder) may occur and may not go away
after you stop using the medicine. Signs of tardive dyskinesia include
fine, worm-like movements of the tongue, or other uncontrolled movements
of the mouth, tongue, cheeks, jaw, or arms and legs. Other serious but
rare side effects may also occur. These include severe muscle stiffness,
fever, unusual tiredness or weakness, fast heartbeat, difficult
breathing, increased sweating, loss of bladder control, and seizures
(neuroleptic malignant syndrome).

unfortunately people in Alan's condition think that if they stop their
Thorazine they will stop the effects of Tardive Dyskinesia, the worm-
tongue, the seizures, the non-stop movements in the arms and legs - the
effects of Tardive Dyskinesia is very similar to Parkinson's.
St. Jackanapes
- http://www.voy.com/20630/
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- http://www.jackanapes.ws/2pdcat.html
- "I form the light, and create darkness.
- I make peace, and create EVIL.
- I the LORD do all these things." ? Isaiah 45.7.
Father Haskell
2009-03-25 18:53:17 UTC
Post by Allan Svensson
God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine
Nonsense. LaVey said that the date of a person's birth is
the highest holiday.

The bibles and qurans, otoh, are the perfect blueprints for tyrrany.
2009-04-05 01:44:55 UTC
Post by Allan Svensson
God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine
God made crotch rot what a bastard eh?

A slave: Loading Image...

The End
St. Jackanapes MD/PhD
2009-04-06 03:47:17 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Lee wisely called God a bastard...
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine
God made crotch rot what a bastard eh?
A slave: http://www.xrope.com/amateurslavegirls/14.jpg
The End
God is one sick motherfucker. What kind of deity makes flesh eating
bacteria, gonorrhea, and the world's third leading cause of infectious
blindness: Onchocerciasis? The very fact that nature is free to develop
into any form of life available, especially the parasite lifeforms,
pretty much is proof that there is no kindly guiding designer of life.
The claim of an ultimate designer who holds humanity as his greatest
creation and wishes to protect them above all others is laughable in the
face of nature's reality.
St. Jackanapes
- http://www.voy.com/20630/
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- http://www.jackanapes.ws/2pdcat.html
- "I form the light, and create darkness.
- I make peace, and create EVIL.
- I the LORD do all these things." ? Isaiah 45.7.
2009-04-06 10:08:08 UTC
"St. Jackanapes MD/PhD" <***@jackanapes.ws> wrote in message news:***@news.alt.net...

In alt.flame.jesus.christ Lee wisely called God a bastard...
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine
God made crotch rot what a bastard eh?
A slave: http://www.xrope.com/amateurslavegirls/14.jpg
The End
God is one sick motherfucker. What kind of deity makes flesh eating
bacteria, gonorrhea, and the world's third leading cause of infectious
blindness: Onchocerciasis? The very fact that nature is free to develop
into any form of life available, especially the parasite lifeforms,
pretty much is proof that there is no kindly guiding designer of life.
The claim of an ultimate designer who holds humanity as his greatest
creation and wishes to protect them above all others is laughable in the
face of nature's reality.
St. Jackanapes
- http://www.voy.com/20630/
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- http://www.jackanapes.ws/2pdcat.html
- "I form the light, and create darkness.
- I make peace, and create EVIL.
- I the LORD do all these things." ? Isaiah 45.7.

The people who lived before electron microscopes, genetics and common sense could be excuse for believing in such nonsense as God(r) but what modern people get by attempting to spread this defunct mythology is baffling unless it is just money and power.
Father Haskell
2009-04-06 17:57:00 UTC
Post by St. Jackanapes MD/PhD
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Lee wisely called God a bastard...
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine
God made crotch rot what a bastard eh?
A slave:http://www.xrope.com/amateurslavegirls/14.jpg
The End
God is one sick motherfucker. What kind of deity makes flesh eating
bacteria, gonorrhea, and the world's third leading cause of infectious
blindness: Onchocerciasis? The very fact that nature is free to develop
into any form of life available, especially the parasite lifeforms,
pretty much is proof that there is no kindly guiding designer of life.
The claim of an ultimate designer who holds humanity as his greatest
creation and wishes to protect them above all others is laughable in the
face of nature's reality.
St. Jackanapes
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- "I form the light, and create darkness.
  - I make peace, and create EVIL.
   - I the LORD do all these things." ? Isaiah 45.7.
The people who lived before electron microscopes, genetics and common sense could be excuse for believing in such nonsense as God(r) but what modern people get by attempting to spread this defunct mythology is baffling unless it is just money and power.
They're afraid of being chucked into hell if they don't
believe it -- I'm NOT kidding. LaVey's Ninth Satanic
Statement was spot on.
2009-04-07 07:47:57 UTC
Post by St. Jackanapes MD/PhD
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Lee wisely called God a bastard...
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine
God made crotch rot what a bastard eh?
A slave:http://www.xrope.com/amateurslavegirls/14.jpg
The End
God is one sick motherfucker. What kind of deity makes flesh eating
bacteria, gonorrhea, and the world's third leading cause of infectious
blindness: Onchocerciasis? The very fact that nature is free to develop
into any form of life available, especially the parasite lifeforms,
pretty much is proof that there is no kindly guiding designer of life.
The claim of an ultimate designer who holds humanity as his greatest
creation and wishes to protect them above all others is laughable in the
face of nature's reality.
St. Jackanapes
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- "I form the light, and create darkness.
- I make peace, and create EVIL.
- I the LORD do all these things." ? Isaiah 45.7.
The people who lived before electron microscopes, genetics and common sense could be excuse for believing in such nonsense as God(r) but what modern people get by attempting to spread this defunct mythology is baffling unless it is just money and power.
They're afraid of being chucked into hell if they don't
believe it -- I'm NOT kidding. LaVey's Ninth Satanic
Statement was spot on.


So what would be worse being in a fire pit burning or being sat on gods right hand sipping a cold lager while watching friends and relations burn for eternity without being able to help them because some big sadistic god says no "It is good".
Father Haskell
2009-04-07 19:45:27 UTC
Post by Father Haskell
Post by St. Jackanapes MD/PhD
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Lee wisely called God a bastard...
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine
God made crotch rot what a bastard eh?
A slave:http://www.xrope.com/amateurslavegirls/14.jpg
The End
God is one sick motherfucker. What kind of deity makes flesh eating
bacteria, gonorrhea, and the world's third leading cause of infectious
blindness: Onchocerciasis? The very fact that nature is free to develop
into any form of life available, especially the parasite lifeforms,
pretty much is proof that there is no kindly guiding designer of life.
The claim of an ultimate designer who holds humanity as his greatest
creation and wishes to protect them above all others is laughable in the
face of nature's reality.
St. Jackanapes
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- "I form the light, and create darkness.
- I make peace, and create EVIL.
- I the LORD do all these things." ? Isaiah 45.7.
The people who lived before electron microscopes, genetics and common sense could be excuse for believing in such nonsense as God(r) but what modern people get by attempting to spread this defunct mythology is baffling unless it is just money and power.
They're afraid of being chucked into hell if they don't
believe it -- I'm NOT kidding.  LaVey's Ninth Satanic
Statement was spot on.
So what would be worse being in a fire pit burning or being sat on
gods right hand sipping a cold lager
in the company of Tex Watson, Jeff Dahmer, and Wayne Gacy
Post by Father Haskell
while watching friends and relations burn for eternity without being
able to help them because some big sadistic god says no "It is
good".- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Velvet Elvis
2009-04-10 01:43:00 UTC
On Tue, 7 Apr 2009 12:45:27 -0700 (PDT), Father Haskell
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Father Haskell
Post by St. Jackanapes MD/PhD
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Lee wisely called God a bastard...
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine
God made crotch rot what a bastard eh?
A slave:http://www.xrope.com/amateurslavegirls/14.jpg
The End
God is one sick motherfucker. What kind of deity makes flesh eating
bacteria, gonorrhea, and the world's third leading cause of infectious
blindness: Onchocerciasis? The very fact that nature is free to develop
into any form of life available, especially the parasite lifeforms,
pretty much is proof that there is no kindly guiding designer of life.
The claim of an ultimate designer who holds humanity as his greatest
creation and wishes to protect them above all others is laughable in the
face of nature's reality.
St. Jackanapes
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- "I form the light, and create darkness.
- I make peace, and create EVIL.
- I the LORD do all these things." ? Isaiah 45.7.
The people who lived before electron microscopes, genetics and common sense could be excuse for believing in such nonsense as God(r) but what modern people get by attempting to spread this defunct mythology is baffling unless it is just money and power.
They're afraid of being chucked into hell if they don't
believe it -- I'm NOT kidding.  LaVey's Ninth Satanic
Statement was spot on.
So what would be worse being in a fire pit burning or being sat on
gods right hand sipping a cold lager
in the company of Tex Watson, Jeff Dahmer, and Wayne Gacy
Tex Watson has found god.
According to the manual, that gives him a free ticket to Heaven(tm).

God logic:
"I will pass out a book of indecipherable metaphors in disagreement
with all the physical evidence I placed in the universe, and then I
will provide these little creatures with rational thought. If they
choose to use it and dismiss the amalgam of metaphors due to
evidence to the contrary I will punish them infinitely"
Father Haskell
2009-04-10 19:51:35 UTC
Post by Velvet Elvis
On Tue, 7 Apr 2009 12:45:27 -0700 (PDT), Father Haskell
Post by Father Haskell
Post by Father Haskell
Post by St. Jackanapes MD/PhD
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Lee wisely called God a bastard...
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine
God made crotch rot what a bastard eh?
A slave:http://www.xrope.com/amateurslavegirls/14.jpg
The End
God is one sick motherfucker. What kind of deity makes flesh eating
bacteria, gonorrhea, and the world's third leading cause of infectious
blindness: Onchocerciasis? The very fact that nature is free to develop
into any form of life available, especially the parasite lifeforms,
pretty much is proof that there is no kindly guiding designer of life.
The claim of an ultimate designer who holds humanity as his greatest
creation and wishes to protect them above all others is laughable in the
face of nature's reality.
St. Jackanapes
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- "I form the light, and create darkness.
- I make peace, and create EVIL.
- I the LORD do all these things." ? Isaiah 45.7.
The people who lived before electron microscopes, genetics and common sense could be excuse for believing in such nonsense as God(r) but what modern people get by attempting to spread this defunct mythology is baffling unless it is just money and power.
They're afraid of being chucked into hell if they don't
believe it -- I'm NOT kidding.  LaVey's Ninth Satanic
Statement was spot on.
So what would be worse being in a fire pit burning or being sat on
gods right hand sipping a cold lager
in the company of Tex Watson, Jeff Dahmer, and Wayne Gacy
Tex Watson has found god.http://www.aboundinglove.org/about-002.php
According to the manual, that gives him a free ticket to Heaven
So has Michael Vick.
Bill M
2009-04-10 17:12:06 UTC
Post by Velvet Elvis
On Tue, 7 Apr 2009 12:45:27 -0700 (PDT), Father Haskell
Post by St. Jackanapes MD/PhD
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Lee wisely called God a bastard...
Tex Watson has found god.http://www.aboundinglove.org/about-002.php
According to the manual, that gives him a free ticket to Heaven

So has Michael Vick.
St. Jackanapes MD/PhD
2009-04-12 17:38:29 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Bill M vomited out...
Post by Bill M
Post by Velvet Elvis
On Tue, 7 Apr 2009 12:45:27 -0700 (PDT), Father Haskell
Post by St. Jackanapes MD/PhD
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Lee wisely called God a bastard...
Tex Watson has found god.http://www.aboundinglove.org/about-002.php
According to the manual, that gives him a free ticket to Heaven
In the prison shower.
St. Jackanapes
- http://www.voy.com/20630/
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- http://www.jackanapes.ws/2pdcat.html
- "I form the light, and create darkness.
- I make peace, and create EVIL.
- I the LORD do all these things." ? Isaiah 45.7.
2009-04-07 08:38:24 UTC
Post by Father Haskell
Post by St. Jackanapes MD/PhD
In alt.flame.jesus.christ Lee wisely called God a bastard...
Post by Lee
Post by Allan Svensson
God's people are in slavery under Satan's false assembly doctrine
God made crotch rot what a bastard eh?
A slave:http://www.xrope.com/amateurslavegirls/14.jpg
The End
God is one sick motherfucker. What kind of deity makes flesh eating
bacteria, gonorrhea, and the world's third leading cause of infectious
blindness: Onchocerciasis? The very fact that nature is free to develop
into any form of life available, especially the parasite lifeforms,
pretty much is proof that there is no kindly guiding designer of life.
The claim of an ultimate designer who holds humanity as his greatest
creation and wishes to protect them above all others is laughable in the
face of nature's reality.
St. Jackanapes
Doc Chung's Cat Suey Café...
- "I form the light, and create darkness.
  - I make peace, and create EVIL.
   - I the LORD do all these things." ? Isaiah 45.7.
The people who lived before electron microscopes, genetics and common sense could be excuse for believing in such nonsense as God(r) but what modern people get by attempting to spread this defunct mythology is baffling unless it is just money and power.
They're afraid of being chucked into hell if they don't
believe it -- I'm NOT kidding.  LaVey's Ninth Satanic
Statement was spot on.
Yes, when we are still a live biological entity, our nerves and our
senses will be in torture with fire.
How can a dead, with nothing existing, can be so afraid?
This seems to be a psychological fear involved !