On Feb 16, 11:27 am, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin MollerOn Feb 16, 10:23 am, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin MollerOn Feb 16, 9:57 am, Erwin Moller
Post by Erwin MollerPost by AllSeeing-IPost by LoirbajDon tries a 1st grader evasion
Post by Don KreschOk...so if god is alive, what created god?
None of their arguments hold water.
Of course, my dear Madman.
The wise simply postulate an unknown being, call it God, give it powers
unheard of, and to top it off they tell you that God existed always, or
is outside time, or whatever suits their fancy. No further proof needed.
That is what the wise do.
Very very wise.
And deep.
Very deep.
Pffft! WHohahaha!
Excuse me.
Of course I have the most deep respect for you and your religious
beliefs, but it would be nice if you guy came up with something more
concrete than some old books.
I mean, you had time enough, didn't you?
Why is it you 'proof' your deity by *trying* to bash science?
Why not proof this deity with, erm... proof?
Just a thought.
Erwin Moller
Your sarcasm is unprecedented this morning.
Thank you.
I am only here to please you. :-)
My heart palpitates at the thought.
Which make me glow with a warm and fuzzy feeling in turn.
Are your cheeks and nice and Rosie? *pinch*
Post by Erwin MollerPost by Erwin MollerOK. I can see why a reasonable person would wonder about God's
Is it just my hopeless optimism, or are you slowly (very very slowly)
changing into a rational being (=an atheist)?
Ah well, one can hope.
A rational person understands there is more going on regarding our
existence then what we can see and understand using our senses. A
creator.god is the best explaination for it.
Yes, no, depends.
First: We must use MORE than our senses: especially our brain.
Second: Postulating a God isn't explaining anything. I am trying to make
that point for years, but I am embarrassing unsuccessful in doing so.
God is simply (mis)used to fill up gaps in our knowledge.
If you try to push intellectual problems away by giving them to God, you
are simply avoiding the problems. Because now God has the problem.
Question: Where do we/the universe come from?
Religious answer: From God.
Question: Well, where does God come from?
Religious answer? ....(Absent)
Question: How comes I am self conscious if I am only atoms?
Religious answer: From God. He gave you a soul and feelings.
Question: Well, How does he do it?
Religious answer? ....(Absent)
etc. etc.
God isn't helping you answering REAL questions.
It isn't helping you gaining more understanding of the universe, life
and everything.
But science can (sometimes).
That is because science is trying to explain what God has done.
Mankind was told to subdue the earth. Using science is one way to do
that. However, it is mankind's judgment that is a question. How
mankind uses science is in error. Damage in the environment,
scientific testing on animals, is not exactly subduing but rather
The Bible says that man will look and look but never find --or
understand. Therefore science is on a wild goose chase.
The truth is, everything that man needs to know to live a successful
and happy life is in the Bible. There is no need to venture any
further. The answers to these real questions you mentioned above are
not supposed to be answered right now. In due time God promised to dry
every eye and wipe every tear. He also promised we would come to a
full understanding about why things are the way they are and how they
How does it further man to believe he originated from an ape?.
Furthermore, the resources are better spent pursuing life as the Bible
explains. Taking care of each other and spending money and resources
on how to do that is far better than spending money and resources to
find out what is in our space. Mankind has had his priorities wrong
since the Garden of Eden.
Post by Erwin MollerPost by Erwin MollerTell me Moller. Who made up the first God. And how did the whole
concept begin?
Who made up the first God?
Good question, but I haven't got a clue to be honest.
My best guess would be a humanoid girl, named Argu'hu, long long ago,
was watching the sun rise on a particular cold morning, and was so very
very very happy with the warmth she felt, she came up with the idea this
sun-thing was actually a good, great, neat, etc.
She named it Raaaaaaah! (Later on it became Ra in more well-known cultures)
Voila! Your first God.
The history says Ra was based on an actual character and not the sun.
The sun represented Ra in human terms. It was symbolic.
The Great Ra = Atum Ra = Prakash Brahma = Higher Aspect Of Yahveh =
Father Of The Gods or YHVH, ALLAH, An, Anu, Brahmn, Yahveh
I'll take your word for it. ;-)
It's good. sometimes [s]
Post by Erwin MollerPost by Erwin MollerMany followed. Polytheism was the way to go in ancient days.
This is why Abraham left Sumeria. There was a huge fight between the
ruling classes about poly vs mono. Before there was poly in the sumer
area there was mono. The beliefs came full circle in part thanks to
Abraham's efforts. He is the originator of all three major mono
religions today
Well, I heard that before.
But I am not sure how easily such things can be checked these days.
It is nearly impossible to verify. So it becomes a choice on what do
we want to believe. I for one, see no real reason to believe these
stories are wrong. They connect together on enough common points
across the cultures around the world to understand they had a valid
Post by Erwin MollerPost by Erwin MollerBut that was pure speculation of course.
I mean her name: Argu'hu.
She might as well been called Ugnu'aha.
I wouldn't know.
Did you watch the movie "Quest for Fire" by chance? It was almost
believable. Almost.
Yes. :-)
I liked it.
I know. I loved it. It was one of the best movies I've seen on the
subject. Everything from the acting and directing to the special fx,
were perfect. I wish they would do a updated modern version.
However, in reality, how do we know and how can we verify that it
actually is what took place? There is no real evidence for it. Sure,
there are some old bones we can look at and make speculation's over.
But that is not real evidence, is it?
Post by Erwin MollerPost by Erwin MollerThe rest of the story is pure truth.
(As can be found in the Bible, if you read it the right way)
An old saying goes, "the truth is stranger then fiction." It is my
understanding that most beliefs had an origin and therefore are based
in truth. Over time, that truth may have become distorted.
Nevertheless, the core of the stories are usually based on some type
of real observation or experience. With the exception of real fiction,
of course. IE. Mobi Dick, or something like that.
Truth is often stranger than fiction.
What about Quantum Mechanics?
"Well, a bit far-fetched".
What was your point
Post by Erwin MollerGiven the fact that beliefs have an origin and that some things are
stranger then fiction, why would a reasonable thinking person believe
that a hairy ape-like girl stared at the sun one morning and called it
a god because it was warm? And then, because she did that, billions of
people would still believe there is a god today? Surely something
would have caused humanity to discover this was not true during all
that time. Unless..
Oh man, that was just a nonsense story by me.
Please don't take it seriously.
I realize that. I just rolled with it
Post by Erwin MollerI was merely illustrating that neither you, nor I, have a clue who first
came up with the idea of God.
Sure we do. We have the history. There are stories in the art and
archaeology. The Sumerians left hundreds of thousands of tablets and
they are just now been translated. Every year we are discovering more
about the subject
Post by Erwin MollerI won't deny that this 'God idea' (God-meme) has been highly successful
(In spreading that is).
The God-meme also had it uses, I think, for our species.
It is easy to be brave for your tribe, if you believe you will be
rewarded immediately.
Compare that to the truth: "Please Arguhuhu, attack that mammoth, you
will probably die trying, but we can eat the mammoth without you."
That is not a real motivator, is it?
Surely, religion has it uses, but that doesn't make it true somehow.
It doesn't make it false either. Point was the belief in God has an
origin. The origin stems from an experience that is ongoing in the
population. Otherwise the belief would have dissipated like any other
fad belief.
Post by Erwin MollerUnless there were on going experiences with this god that kept the
"story" alive within the population. And they wrote those experiences
Nonono, God is kept alive by sheer indoctrination, starting at startling
young ages.
And by repression, treats.
It is awful.
Religion can barely be kept alive without such practices.
Not in an enlightened world where people receive education.
This is the epitome of the atheist world view.
However, IMHO there are other forces keeping the belief in God
relevant. In addition, I assume you're basing your judgment on the
religions you have been exposed upon. What about the others? They do
not use the tactics you listed above yet their belief in God is just
the real. If what you say is true then it should be happening across
the board. But it's not.
Post by Erwin MollerThe only question that remains now is, why would any reasonable person
assume the people that wrote the stories down made them up?
1) Personal gain. (I tell you how it is, and you follow me)
2) They were not written down at all, they were fancied up.
3) The writer was delusional.
Personally I would go mainly with option 1: personal gain.
Many people involved gained something by keeping the nonsense going.
Not many people will argue against this. In my humble opinion religion
has been misused and abused for profit since its inception.
Nevertheless, there are those seeking real spirituality. They do not
rely on religion to find it.
Getting back to the original question. It is unlikely that the belief
in God began as a figment of someone's imagination and then continued
from there. It is more likely that God walked among the people at one
time just like the stories tell us.
Post by Erwin MollerRegards,
Erwin Moller
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