Post by LeePost by Project 2501Post by LeeDon't go for a beer with the Holy ghost, he is pretty insubstantial so
cannot carry a wallet hence never buys a round in.
That and he only drinks that cat-piss Coors Light.
That and pork scratchings, he is always like "I left my wallet at home can
you lend me a quid for some pork scratchings pl0x!" but don't do it cause
when you sit down he likes to show them off all half chewed up in his
transparent belly.
What the Fuck is the holey ghost doing hanging around
merry old England? 1 in 7 Brits are declared nonbelievers.
It likes the free beer and pork scratchings and can get it's 'infection'*
treated for free as well but that is taking a while because it won't leave
the beer alone long enough for the anti-biotics to do their work.
*Rumoured to be courtesy of the Virgin Mary.