old man joe
2009-03-23 11:32:30 UTC
while one allegedly ' scientific ' study concludes there is a ' God spot ' in the
human brain, another allegedly ' scientific ' study concludes there is no such thing.
the hope of Atheist scientists is to find that God exists only as an electronically
sensible human thought and not as the Living God under who's wrath they abide, daily.
( Ps. 7:11 )
God's Word the Bible is a living thing only to those who are alive ( Jn. 6:63 ) and
it is death to those who are under His wrath. ( Jn. 8:43,44 ) and just as it is
impossible to discover the ' life element ' in a physically alive individual, it is
likewise impossible to find that life element by scientific means which knows the
Living God, which is the most precious thing in the world... the living faith which
comes as a gift from God to elect sinners. Eph. 2:8,9 Acts 13:48
being entirely dependant on the Living God for physical life and all that sustains
it does not invoke those of His wrath to thank Him for the things received... how
then do these Atheists suppose they will find Him with electronic meter's
and gadgets ? they will not open their mouths to give thanks to God... which shows
their hatred of Him... yet they suppose He will reveal Himself on a laboratory
meter... laughable.
this is yet another verification of His Living Word, the Bible, when He says...
" For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but
they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. "
Ro. 1:21
the knowledge of God is in His Holy Scripture; as He and He alone opens deaf ears
and eyes blind to His truth.
" Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved..."
( Acts 16:31a NASB )
human brain, another allegedly ' scientific ' study concludes there is no such thing.
the hope of Atheist scientists is to find that God exists only as an electronically
sensible human thought and not as the Living God under who's wrath they abide, daily.
( Ps. 7:11 )
God's Word the Bible is a living thing only to those who are alive ( Jn. 6:63 ) and
it is death to those who are under His wrath. ( Jn. 8:43,44 ) and just as it is
impossible to discover the ' life element ' in a physically alive individual, it is
likewise impossible to find that life element by scientific means which knows the
Living God, which is the most precious thing in the world... the living faith which
comes as a gift from God to elect sinners. Eph. 2:8,9 Acts 13:48
being entirely dependant on the Living God for physical life and all that sustains
it does not invoke those of His wrath to thank Him for the things received... how
then do these Atheists suppose they will find Him with electronic meter's
and gadgets ? they will not open their mouths to give thanks to God... which shows
their hatred of Him... yet they suppose He will reveal Himself on a laboratory
meter... laughable.
this is yet another verification of His Living Word, the Bible, when He says...
" For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but
they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. "
Ro. 1:21
the knowledge of God is in His Holy Scripture; as He and He alone opens deaf ears
and eyes blind to His truth.
" Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved..."
( Acts 16:31a NASB )