old man joe
2011-10-12 09:31:29 UTC
while the Evolutionist holds dear his belief that it life came into being from elements that are not
alive... yet another black eye comes from his over-worthy opponent.. the Creationist.
such it is with the ' Harvest Moon.'
in the Northern Hemisphere between the end of September to the beginning of October the moon expel's
an extra ordinary amount of light which is in harmony with harvest time... the farmer has almost all
night to bring in his crops and this extra ordinary amount of light that lasts every night for
nearly a week.
the perfect harmony of the moon, at this time of year, to coincide with harvest time is to the
Evolutionist just another chance happening. the Catholic Big Bang idea produced a lot of perfect
harmonic chance happenings in what they call Nature *... Nature is the word they use which really
means " God is the First Cause " behind every happening.
the real fact in the case is not what the Evolutionist believes but what really is taking place...
God caused the night sky to be lit by an extra bright moon so that farmers could have more time to
bring in crops to feed the people of the earth.
similarly, the brighter moon occurs again at Spring... so farmers can have extra light and time to
plant crops that feed the people of the earth.
Evolutionism is just another form of Gnosticism... the knowing of all things without God just as Eve
wanted when she saw that the Tree of Knowledge was desirable to make one wise... so she took and
ate. Gen.3:6
the Evolutionist hates anything that gives God the glory for forming this perfectly harmonic cosmos
we live in as he eats from the table of the Lords providence. it's not that the Evolutionist will
not acknowledge God, it's that he can not acknowledge God since we are told in the plainest of terms
in Holy Scripture that the Evolutionist types are passed by, Ro.1:18-32.
* the personification of Nature, calling it ' Mother Nature ' is nothing more than Asherah
worship... the worship of a female deity... which is Gnosticism... worldly wisdom minus the wisdom
of the Living God.
alive... yet another black eye comes from his over-worthy opponent.. the Creationist.
such it is with the ' Harvest Moon.'
in the Northern Hemisphere between the end of September to the beginning of October the moon expel's
an extra ordinary amount of light which is in harmony with harvest time... the farmer has almost all
night to bring in his crops and this extra ordinary amount of light that lasts every night for
nearly a week.
the perfect harmony of the moon, at this time of year, to coincide with harvest time is to the
Evolutionist just another chance happening. the Catholic Big Bang idea produced a lot of perfect
harmonic chance happenings in what they call Nature *... Nature is the word they use which really
means " God is the First Cause " behind every happening.
the real fact in the case is not what the Evolutionist believes but what really is taking place...
God caused the night sky to be lit by an extra bright moon so that farmers could have more time to
bring in crops to feed the people of the earth.
similarly, the brighter moon occurs again at Spring... so farmers can have extra light and time to
plant crops that feed the people of the earth.
Evolutionism is just another form of Gnosticism... the knowing of all things without God just as Eve
wanted when she saw that the Tree of Knowledge was desirable to make one wise... so she took and
ate. Gen.3:6
the Evolutionist hates anything that gives God the glory for forming this perfectly harmonic cosmos
we live in as he eats from the table of the Lords providence. it's not that the Evolutionist will
not acknowledge God, it's that he can not acknowledge God since we are told in the plainest of terms
in Holy Scripture that the Evolutionist types are passed by, Ro.1:18-32.
* the personification of Nature, calling it ' Mother Nature ' is nothing more than Asherah
worship... the worship of a female deity... which is Gnosticism... worldly wisdom minus the wisdom
of the Living God.