old man joe
2010-01-17 11:14:44 UTC
manufacturing facts as needed brings to us this amazing word in the dialect of Atheism
called ' prehistoric, ' or ' prehistory ' ... a time before recorded history.
such a word is needed in the vocabulary of Atheism / Evolutionism because it shores up the
idea that man, since he came from monkeys, took tens of thousands of years to develop the
idea of writing things down.
without ever finding how life came to be out of elements that are not alive now nor were
alive so as to make itself come alive, here we have a ' science ' which does not need
proof to make the fantastic claims it does. it's logical in this scheme of things to
invent facts as needed to support claims which they can not prove.
words, then, become all the proof that is needed... just like fairy tales.
on such meaningless word used by the Atheist / Evolutionist types is the word
" prehistoric. "
to define this term via Atheism we have yet another voyage into the Twilight Zone of
invented ' facts ' defining impossible events. the universe no more Big Banged itself
into existence any more than the Atheist Catholic priest who concocted the Big Bang idea
came into being without living parents.
elements just don't come into being without the Living God, the Creator. the Atheist
knows this because God made Himself evident to them, leaving them without excuse.
( Ro. 1:18-21 ) in his being passed by by the Living God ( Ro.1:24 ) the Atheists /
Evolutionists are forced into Atheism and Evolution because unlike the monkey he wants to
be identified with, the Atheists / Evolutionists need something to believe in.
so here we have the idea of a time on earth when monkey-men didn't have the I.Q. to write
things down. at best he could point and grunt as he dragged his knuckles on the ground.
this idea goes right along with Evolution because one must be reduced to an animal before
he can properly comprehend his ancestry.
while the Atheists / Evolutionists go that route, the elect of God find that He teaches in
His Word the Bible that there is no such thing as ' prehistoric. ' God speaks all about
His affairs before He spoke the universe into being. one can find such wonderful
statements for example in Eph. chapter one.
Adam was made from the dust of the ground, the elements found in the ground, and God gave
him life because He is the Living God, Jer. 10:10 for example. God teaches truth with a
foundation unlike the Atheist / Evolutionist who have no foundation for how the elements
came to life.
Adam spoke with God... God made him in His own image and verbal as well as spiritual
conversation began immediately... man isn't the knuckle dragging pointing and grunting
idiot who's ancestors were monkey's. the first city to ever have been built took place in
the first few hundred years of earths existence... not the hundreds of thousands of years
as the Atheists hope.
Creation is the Living God having created and giving of His Life to living beings.
Evolution is dead elements giving themselves life... with the added feature of the Atheist
/ Evolutionist having to use Creation to define Evolution... dramatized by
called ' prehistoric, ' or ' prehistory ' ... a time before recorded history.
such a word is needed in the vocabulary of Atheism / Evolutionism because it shores up the
idea that man, since he came from monkeys, took tens of thousands of years to develop the
idea of writing things down.
without ever finding how life came to be out of elements that are not alive now nor were
alive so as to make itself come alive, here we have a ' science ' which does not need
proof to make the fantastic claims it does. it's logical in this scheme of things to
invent facts as needed to support claims which they can not prove.
words, then, become all the proof that is needed... just like fairy tales.
on such meaningless word used by the Atheist / Evolutionist types is the word
" prehistoric. "
to define this term via Atheism we have yet another voyage into the Twilight Zone of
invented ' facts ' defining impossible events. the universe no more Big Banged itself
into existence any more than the Atheist Catholic priest who concocted the Big Bang idea
came into being without living parents.
elements just don't come into being without the Living God, the Creator. the Atheist
knows this because God made Himself evident to them, leaving them without excuse.
( Ro. 1:18-21 ) in his being passed by by the Living God ( Ro.1:24 ) the Atheists /
Evolutionists are forced into Atheism and Evolution because unlike the monkey he wants to
be identified with, the Atheists / Evolutionists need something to believe in.
so here we have the idea of a time on earth when monkey-men didn't have the I.Q. to write
things down. at best he could point and grunt as he dragged his knuckles on the ground.
this idea goes right along with Evolution because one must be reduced to an animal before
he can properly comprehend his ancestry.
while the Atheists / Evolutionists go that route, the elect of God find that He teaches in
His Word the Bible that there is no such thing as ' prehistoric. ' God speaks all about
His affairs before He spoke the universe into being. one can find such wonderful
statements for example in Eph. chapter one.
Adam was made from the dust of the ground, the elements found in the ground, and God gave
him life because He is the Living God, Jer. 10:10 for example. God teaches truth with a
foundation unlike the Atheist / Evolutionist who have no foundation for how the elements
came to life.
Adam spoke with God... God made him in His own image and verbal as well as spiritual
conversation began immediately... man isn't the knuckle dragging pointing and grunting
idiot who's ancestors were monkey's. the first city to ever have been built took place in
the first few hundred years of earths existence... not the hundreds of thousands of years
as the Atheists hope.
Creation is the Living God having created and giving of His Life to living beings.
Evolution is dead elements giving themselves life... with the added feature of the Atheist
/ Evolutionist having to use Creation to define Evolution... dramatized by