Allan Svensson
2009-12-10 14:48:39 UTC
The restoration of the Assembly of God
after the great falling away
Since the word "church" has been used in the English Bible,
it feels difficult for English-speaking Christians to understand
that this is a wrong word for God's people, the Assembly of
God. Yet, we win nothing by compromising. The truth will
set us free. John 8:31-32. People must get the knowledge of
the TRUTH regarding the Assembly of God, the Body of
Christ. In the time of the apostles any church did not exist,
and therefore the word "church" does not occur in the Bible.
Everywhere in the Bible where you see the word "church" it
is a translation error, it ought to be "assembly". We have no
reason to use the word "church" for God's people.
In daily speaking and writing we use many words which do
not occur in the Bible. We use the words we need. A word
or a way of expressing does not need be wrong only because
it does not occur in the Bible. Yet, we must consider what
the words imply, and if they are suitable in the context in
which people usually use the words. It is important that we
use correct words and a correct way of expressing. We
cannot use the word "church" or "free church" when we
mean the Assembly of God, then it becomes wrong.
Please, consider what this expression "the Assembly of God"
in the reality implies. The Assembly of God must be the same
as the Greek word "ecclesia", and the Body of Christ. 1 Cor.
12:12-31. Then it is easy to understand that this has nothing
to do with the Pentecostal Movement, or other churches or
denominations. The Assembly of God has existed ever since
Jesus baptized his first disciples by the Holy Spirit. Acts 2nd
The churches came into existence as a result of the great
falling away. 2 Thess. 2:3. The entire Christendom was lead
astray by false shepherds and preachers, which preached false
doctrines. Since then, God's people have been slaves under
many churches and denominations. And the great falling
away is still today continuing. The great falling away is
NOW! The topical are now the restoration of the Assembly
of God from the great falling away. Revival is just this, all
God's people must be released from the great Babylon.
The biblical name of the church is the great whore and the
great Babylon. The church is drunken with the blood of the
saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Rev. 17:6.
Consider that the churches are mass-murderer. The free
churches are neither innocent. They have destroyed the
revival in which they once became established. Through to
split up the Christians in many churches and denominations,
the devil has hindered people to come to believe in Jesus.
Jesus prayed his Father that those who believe in him may
be one, so that the world may believe that God has sent him.
John 17:20-21.
When the Lord sends the sharp double-egged sword, which
is God's word, then many Christians become afraid and think
he will cut into pieces the Assembly. But he will only cut off
the devil's bonds, which hold the Christians bond, so that the
Assembly becomes free. That is nothing to be afraid of. It is
only to praise the Lord and feel happy.
Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against
spiritual powers of evil. Eph. 6:10-18. Not the members of
the churches and denominations we have to combat, but these
harlot-churches, which hold the Christians in religious slavery
and hinder them to understand God's word. Churches and
denominations are Satan's tools to hold control over the
Christians. The devil does not like Christians to roam freely.
The churches and denominations steal the attention from the
Assembly of God. People believe that the church is the
Assembly of God, but what they see are a false, and very bad
copy of the Assembly of God. They cannot see the difference
between the Assembly of God and Satan's churches and
The preachers are speaking about that Jesus can come anytime,
but they are entirely unprepared. They are thinking that the
revival shall come as a blessing of God so that they can get
more members in their churches. Instead of obeying the Lord
and leave the idols, they expect that God will bless their idols.
They have not even had a thought of to take up the fight
against Satan's churches and denominations.
They have been praying to God for revival. Yet, when the
answer to prayer comes, and someone begins to preach about
the Assembly of God, and tells what the churches and
denominations are, then they become angry. Both preacher
and other church members do apprehend it as an attack
against themselves. It is a misunderstanding.
Revival is just this, that the Christians get the knowledge
of the Assembly of God, and that the churches and
denominations become exposed. This is necessary for that
God's people shall be able to leave the great Babylon as the
Bible teaches. It is urgent that all Christians get the
knowledge of the Assembly of God.
Only people can become saved. Church systems and
religious organizations have no part in Jesus' propitiatory
sacrifice, and they cannot be saved. Satan's churches and
denominations cannot expect any grace of God. God will
avenge churches and denominations completely for all
their evil deeds.
Therefore, the Lord commands his people to come out of
churches and denominations, the great Babylon. Rev. 18:4.
2 Cor. 6:14-18. This must take place before Jesus comes.
This is the most powerful revival message in the Bible.
It has been readable all the time in the Bible. Why do not
the preachers preach this? Why have they not study what
the Bible teaches about the Body of Christ?
Both preachers and other members are spiritually put to
sleep and do not know in what situation they are. Their
meetings are so pleasant and they feel safe in their churches.
Yet, it is a deceitful and false safety. Their membership in
a free church or other church has nothing to do with the
Assembly of God. They do not struggle for the truths of
the Bible and have not taken up the fight against Satan's
church and the false priesthood. And the devil prefers to
see that the Christians are sleeping, then he has least
trouble with them.
Jesus says that we shall forgive and love each another,
but we do not need to forgive and love the devil, or
defend his false doctrine.
Allan Svensson
If you have any questions after reading of this article
Please, visit my Web Site
A catastrophic course
Evil spirits in the churches
The most powerful revival message of the Lord
to his people in our time
after the great falling away
Since the word "church" has been used in the English Bible,
it feels difficult for English-speaking Christians to understand
that this is a wrong word for God's people, the Assembly of
God. Yet, we win nothing by compromising. The truth will
set us free. John 8:31-32. People must get the knowledge of
the TRUTH regarding the Assembly of God, the Body of
Christ. In the time of the apostles any church did not exist,
and therefore the word "church" does not occur in the Bible.
Everywhere in the Bible where you see the word "church" it
is a translation error, it ought to be "assembly". We have no
reason to use the word "church" for God's people.
In daily speaking and writing we use many words which do
not occur in the Bible. We use the words we need. A word
or a way of expressing does not need be wrong only because
it does not occur in the Bible. Yet, we must consider what
the words imply, and if they are suitable in the context in
which people usually use the words. It is important that we
use correct words and a correct way of expressing. We
cannot use the word "church" or "free church" when we
mean the Assembly of God, then it becomes wrong.
Please, consider what this expression "the Assembly of God"
in the reality implies. The Assembly of God must be the same
as the Greek word "ecclesia", and the Body of Christ. 1 Cor.
12:12-31. Then it is easy to understand that this has nothing
to do with the Pentecostal Movement, or other churches or
denominations. The Assembly of God has existed ever since
Jesus baptized his first disciples by the Holy Spirit. Acts 2nd
The churches came into existence as a result of the great
falling away. 2 Thess. 2:3. The entire Christendom was lead
astray by false shepherds and preachers, which preached false
doctrines. Since then, God's people have been slaves under
many churches and denominations. And the great falling
away is still today continuing. The great falling away is
NOW! The topical are now the restoration of the Assembly
of God from the great falling away. Revival is just this, all
God's people must be released from the great Babylon.
The biblical name of the church is the great whore and the
great Babylon. The church is drunken with the blood of the
saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Rev. 17:6.
Consider that the churches are mass-murderer. The free
churches are neither innocent. They have destroyed the
revival in which they once became established. Through to
split up the Christians in many churches and denominations,
the devil has hindered people to come to believe in Jesus.
Jesus prayed his Father that those who believe in him may
be one, so that the world may believe that God has sent him.
John 17:20-21.
When the Lord sends the sharp double-egged sword, which
is God's word, then many Christians become afraid and think
he will cut into pieces the Assembly. But he will only cut off
the devil's bonds, which hold the Christians bond, so that the
Assembly becomes free. That is nothing to be afraid of. It is
only to praise the Lord and feel happy.
Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against
spiritual powers of evil. Eph. 6:10-18. Not the members of
the churches and denominations we have to combat, but these
harlot-churches, which hold the Christians in religious slavery
and hinder them to understand God's word. Churches and
denominations are Satan's tools to hold control over the
Christians. The devil does not like Christians to roam freely.
The churches and denominations steal the attention from the
Assembly of God. People believe that the church is the
Assembly of God, but what they see are a false, and very bad
copy of the Assembly of God. They cannot see the difference
between the Assembly of God and Satan's churches and
The preachers are speaking about that Jesus can come anytime,
but they are entirely unprepared. They are thinking that the
revival shall come as a blessing of God so that they can get
more members in their churches. Instead of obeying the Lord
and leave the idols, they expect that God will bless their idols.
They have not even had a thought of to take up the fight
against Satan's churches and denominations.
They have been praying to God for revival. Yet, when the
answer to prayer comes, and someone begins to preach about
the Assembly of God, and tells what the churches and
denominations are, then they become angry. Both preacher
and other church members do apprehend it as an attack
against themselves. It is a misunderstanding.
Revival is just this, that the Christians get the knowledge
of the Assembly of God, and that the churches and
denominations become exposed. This is necessary for that
God's people shall be able to leave the great Babylon as the
Bible teaches. It is urgent that all Christians get the
knowledge of the Assembly of God.
Only people can become saved. Church systems and
religious organizations have no part in Jesus' propitiatory
sacrifice, and they cannot be saved. Satan's churches and
denominations cannot expect any grace of God. God will
avenge churches and denominations completely for all
their evil deeds.
Therefore, the Lord commands his people to come out of
churches and denominations, the great Babylon. Rev. 18:4.
2 Cor. 6:14-18. This must take place before Jesus comes.
This is the most powerful revival message in the Bible.
It has been readable all the time in the Bible. Why do not
the preachers preach this? Why have they not study what
the Bible teaches about the Body of Christ?
Both preachers and other members are spiritually put to
sleep and do not know in what situation they are. Their
meetings are so pleasant and they feel safe in their churches.
Yet, it is a deceitful and false safety. Their membership in
a free church or other church has nothing to do with the
Assembly of God. They do not struggle for the truths of
the Bible and have not taken up the fight against Satan's
church and the false priesthood. And the devil prefers to
see that the Christians are sleeping, then he has least
trouble with them.
Jesus says that we shall forgive and love each another,
but we do not need to forgive and love the devil, or
defend his false doctrine.
Allan Svensson
If you have any questions after reading of this article
Please, visit my Web Site
A catastrophic course
Evil spirits in the churches
The most powerful revival message of the Lord
to his people in our time